Chapter 218 In Prison 2
Shen Mengqi did not go in after arriving at the Xuanzheng Hall, but stood silently outside, listening to the accusations made by the Shaoqing of Dali Temple in the hall.

The third prince was still sitting in the hall today. He stood under the dragon chair and said, "I never expected that the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials was actually killed by Princess Anshun. Don't worry, my lords, even if she is the royal family's favorite princess, she will not be killed by her." The prince will definitely give you an explanation!"

The third prince spoke impassionedly, with a look of righteous indignation, "Come here, go and bring Princess Anshun to this prince for questioning!"

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi walked slowly to the door of Xuanzheng Hall, "The third prince has summoned you, please open the door."

The guard guarding the gate looked at Shen Mengqi, thought for a moment, then turned and pushed open the gate of Xuanzheng Hall behind him.

Inside the Xuanzheng Hall, the courtiers who were still impassioned about Shen Mengqi's various crimes saw Shen Mengqi appearing at the entrance of the Xuanzheng Hall, and they all froze in place as if they had been tapped.

The third prince obviously didn't expect Shen Mengqi to come so soon. He looked at Shen Mengqi standing under His Highness with a candid face, and his heart tightened.

The third prince who has been restrained by Shen Mengqi has already formed unconscious behavior. Although he is sitting on the high hall and standing on the moral high ground, facing Shen Mengqi, he is still subconsciously guilty.

Shen Mengqi asked: "Third prince, what crime do you want to ask about this princess?"

"The Prince"

Looking at Shen Mengqi's eyes that were as cold as water, he didn't know how to speak for a moment.

It was still the Minister of the Ministry of Households who reminded softly: "The third prince, it is the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials being killed."

Only then did the third prince regain some sanity, "Yes, the minister of Dali Temple has already found out that you killed the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials! What excuse do you have for this?"

It was originally agreed to ask the crime, but after Shen Mengqi actually stood in front of him, he no longer had the aura of killing relatives righteously, and his tone was not to mention fierce, there was even a trace of questioning in it.


The frank and frank words made all the ministers in the court thump in their hearts, and the Secretary of the Household Department tightened his grip even more. It is not clear what Shen Mengqi is planning.

Shen Mengqi walked slowly to the side of the Hubu Shangshu under the surprised eyes of all the officials, she looked at the third prince and said: "Wang Chongming, as the official secretary, colluded with Xihuang, and attracted countless people from Xihuang by virtue of his position." If a moth enters the court, he deserves to die."

"Back then, the princess didn't say the reason because she was afraid of the turmoil in the court, but now she dares to say it. Why do you say?"

Shen Mengqi approached the third prince step by step, and the third prince took a few steps back in fear.But Shen Mengqi didn't overstep too much, she just stood at the front of all the officials, with her hands behind her back.

Looking around with a half-smile, he finally locked his eyes on Shangshu Hubu, "Shangshu Hubu, do you know why?"

Hubu Shangshu and Shen Mengqi looked at each other across the air, and he said: "I'm not from Xihuang, how do I know?"

"That's right, the clear ones are clear, and the turbid ones are turbid. This princess doesn't need to ask."

Shen Mengqi was full of momentum, looked at the courtiers and said: "If you are the patriotic and loyal ministers of Tianyuan Kingdom, this princess will protect you for the rest of your life, if you are moths sent by Xihuang to Tianyuan Kingdom, then..."

Shen Mengqi directly raised her hand, and a silver needle that was exactly the same as the one who killed the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials appeared directly between Shen Mengqi's fingers.

She flicked it lightly, and the silver needle flew towards the Hubu Shangshu's position in an instant, pierced through Hubu Shangshu's two hairs, and settled on the big pillar in the hall.

"This princess will definitely be killed!"

Listening to Shen Mengqi's stern threats, and looking at the three-pointed silver needle, the three souls of the courtiers lost two souls, and they broke out in a cold sweat.

Hubu Shangshu almost collapsed on the ground, and it took him a long time to react.

"You dare to commit murder in front of the palace!" The Minister of the Household Department yelled at the third prince: "Third prince, now that the stolen goods have been obtained together, why don't you take her down?"

Only then did the third prince come back to his senses, he looked at Shen Mengqi standing in front of the palace and said: "Come here, take Princess Anshun down."

Shen Mengqi didn't have the slightest sign of rebellion, but Lin Jihan, who stood at the top of the military general, held back first, and he stood up and said, "I see who dares!"

"I dare!"

All the ministers turned their heads and looked at the emperor who was helped in by Xiao Mazi, they immediately knelt down, "See the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Everyone loves to be flat."

The third prince also rushed up to greet him, "Father, why are you here?"

The emperor didn't reply, but walked up to Shen Mengqi, and slapped Shen Mengqi hard.

The crisp sound echoed throughout the hall, and the officials didn't react for a while.

"You really disappoint me!"

The emperor looked at the redness and swelling on Shen Mengqi's face, and said indifferently: "After copying the law for so many days, you should know what crime it is to kill the Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

"If civilians kill Shangshu, they will die with their lives. If children of the royal family kill Shangshu, if there is a reason, they will be confined for three months, fined for three years, and their hair will be shaved."

When Shen Mengqi said the last one, all the officials couldn't help but widen their eyes.Shaved hair. What a shame it must be for a woman.

After all, the emperor was still reluctant to let Shen Mengqi go, he said: "Wang Chongming deserves to be punished for his crime, let's just shave his hair, and cut off a few strands of black hair, let's treat it as a shave."

Shen Mengqi was clearly prepared, she pulled out a strand of black hair, cut it off and put it aside.

"Director Wang."

"The old slave is here."

"Take the princess into Jingtai Palace for three months."

Upon hearing the words Jingtai Palace, Imperial Physician Wang's eyes obviously changed, "Your Majesty, do you really want to be claustrophobic in Jingtai Palace? If it's Your Royal Highness."

What should I do if I fell into a daze again?
The emperor glanced at Shen Mengqi, and said in a cold voice: "If you don't fall into hell, how can you understand the sufferings of all beings? If you are punished, you must have the attitude of being punished."

Lin Ji raised his eyebrows coldly, and he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess has already married this king, so even if you want to be claustrophobic, you should be claustrophobic in the palace."

"That's right, I forgot, Princess Anshun is already married." He looked at Shen Mengqi, "It's up to you to decide where you want to be claustrophobic."

Shen Mengqi didn't look at Lin Jihan, she bowed to the emperor and said: "I petition to be claustrophobic in Jingtai Palace."

Lin Jihan gritted his teeth, and he fought for it: "The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, is the emperor wanting my royal family not to be reunited?"

The emperor asked back: "The family of the regent king is also the family of me and the queen mother, so is the regent willing to keep my family and the queen mother from being reunited during the Chinese New Year?"

(End of this chapter)

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