219 Chapter 3 Crowded Part [-]
Just as Lin Jihan wanted to say something more, Mu Qiancheng stopped him.

"My lord!"

Lin Jihan turned his head, only to see Mu Qiancheng shaking his head at him.

When Lin Jihan was in a trance, the emperor directly urged: "Director Wang, take Princess Anshun down!"

Seeing this, although Wang Peng was worried about Shen Mengqi, he had no choice but to walk in front of Shen Mengqi.

He said he would keep it, but he was still respectful to Shen Mengqi: "Your Highness, please."

After Shen Mengqi was taken away by Manager Wang, the Minister of the Household Department came back to his senses, and he asked in disbelief, "Your Majesty, is this the end?"

With the support of the third prince, the emperor slowly sat on the dragon chair. He looked at the unwilling Hubu Shangshu and said, "Otherwise? What else does Hubu Shangshu want? Above the law?"

"I don't mean that." The Minister of the Household Department bent down and saluted, "That's right, Her Royal Highness is troubled by more than that. She also finds someone to take the blame and interferes in the process of handling the case. Don't you care about everything? Yet?"

The emperor looked at Hubu Shangshu coldly and said, "Do you have evidence?"


"Do you have any evidence that Princess Anshun did these things?"

Hubu Shangshu gritted his teeth, he really didn't, he thought that the man was just a gangster, he would be able to confess under heavy punishment, but he was as hard as copper and iron, his bones were smashed, and he refused I think it was Her Royal Highness who asked him to come to help to make amends.

"But there are indications that."

"If you can be convicted only by signs, then can I also convict you of treason?"

Hubu Shangshu's heart sank, he looked at the unpredictable emperor on the dragon chair, had he been discovered?
The next second, the emperor smiled, "Shangshu Hubu, don't be nervous, I was just joking, the new year is coming soon, I want the queen mother to have a good year, so let's stop here first. "

The Minister of the Household Department did not dare to say any more, he said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Even though the emperor looked the same as before, brainless and useless, he always felt that something had changed.


The emperor seemed to have remembered something, and he said: "Princess Anshun is obviously no longer suitable to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials in the court. The imperial examination has only been held now, and it is not appropriate to hold it again. The position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is concurrently held by the Minister of the Ministry of Households. Bar."

The emperor's words did not make Hubu Shangshu feel happy, but made him a little panicked.I always felt that it was a little strange to kick Shen Mengqi out of the court so easily.

But for a while, he didn't know what was wrong.It seems that I will meet the Lord again soon.

The emperor was not in the mood to see the different thoughts of the courtiers here. After dealing with Shen Mengqi's matter, he got up, "I still feel a little uncomfortable, let the third prince continue to deal with the rest. Back to the harem."

"Yes, my son respectfully sent off my father."

All the ministers also knelt down, "The ministers will send you off to the emperor respectfully."

On the other side, after Wang Peng sent Shen Mengqi to Jingtai Palace, he did not leave immediately, but carefully stood by her side, carefully observing her state.

"Your Highness, are you alright?"

"Boss King Lao is worried," Shen Mengqi said, "It's all happened a few years ago, and my princess won't be affected long ago."

"It's rare for me to be free. Mr. Wang is in charge, and this princess wants to embroider something."

Wang Peng understood immediately, he set up his whisk, trotted to the closet in Jingtai Palace, opened the closet, took out the bottom small box and handed it to Shen Mengqi.

"The old slave remembers the preferences of Her Royal Highness. I didn't throw away any of the previous items. You use them first. If there is anything missing, I will tell the old slave. The old slave will send it to you immediately."

Looking at those familiar objects, Shen Mengqi's eyes softened a little, "That's enough, Mr. Wang, you go to the emperor's side and wait, this princess wants to be alone for a while."

Director Wang raised his head and saw that the sun was still high, so he said: "Then this old servant will go to the emperor to have a look."

Shen Mengqi nodded perfunctorily, she lowered her head and fiddled with the gadgets in her hands.

Before leaving, Director Wang was still a little worried, and he asked: "Your Highness, although it is claustrophobic, the emperor has withdrawn all the maids and eunuchs from Jingtai Palace, but there are people guarding the door all the time. Just give me orders."

"But if there is any negligence, you can tell the old slave, and the old slave will deal with them."

After Manager Wang left, Shen Mengqi put down the things in her hands. She slowly slipped her shoes and climbed onto the bed, opened the window beside the bed, and looked at the withered yellow plant in her yard. Gu Shu became dazed in a daze.

After going around and around, she returned to this place, the place that had brought her countless nightmares.But when she came back, she didn't seem so uncomfortable anymore.Even when she saw those silver needles that had pierced her body, she could still treat them calmly.

Finally let it go.

After looking at the dead tree for a while, Shen Mengqi slowly lay down on the bed and wanted to catch up on sleep. After all, she had been tossed all night last night, and after going through such a thing today, she really didn't have much energy.

It is estimated that the emperor and the empress dowager will come over in the evening, and she has to adjust her state as soon as possible.

As soon as she lay down, before she fell asleep, Shen Mengqi heard Lin Jihan's roar coming from outside the hall. At first she thought it was her dream, but it was not until she was awakened by the violent knock on the door that she finally came back to her senses.

"The claustrophobia returns to the claustrophobia. I can't visit my wife anymore?"

Hearing Lin Jihan's angry voice, Shen Mengqi sighed, he finally came.

Shen Mengqi walked to the entrance of the hall, and said through the door: "I'm fine, my lord, please go back."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's voice, Lin Jihan, who was still furious, instantly calmed down. After he calmed down for a moment, he said to Shen Mengqi who was inside the door: "Ma'am, I want to see you."

"Didn't we meet in the Xuanzheng Palace?" Shen Mengqi didn't intend to open the door at all, she said through the door: "It's almost Chinese New Year, the prince should go to the palace and the wife to see what needs to be done and prepared."

When it comes to the New Year, Lin Jihan's heart hurts like a needle prick. In the end, he still couldn't spend this year with her.

Lin Jihan said bitterly: "Ma'am, this is our first year together. If you are not here, how can it be considered Chinese New Year?"

Yes, this is a year they have lived, how can they live like this?
"Ma'am, I'm really worried about you, so just let me see you and talk to you, okay?"

Shen Mengqi also felt uncomfortable, staying in this palace that was once full of nightmares, she had to admit that she missed him very much.

Just as Shen Mengqi was about to open the door, the emperor's voice came from outside the door: "Prince Regent, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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