Chapter 220

Shen Mengqi woke up immediately, she said to Lin Jihan who was outside the door: "My lord, there is nothing to see between you and me, please go back."

Shen Mengqi refused to open the door, and the emperor kept staring at him. Lin Jihan knew that he would never see Shen Mengqi again today.

He took a deep look at the gate of Jingtai Palace, "The king is waiting for his wife to come home in the mansion."

After returning home, Shen Mengqi stretched out her hand to touch the palace door, can she still go back?

Lin Jihan didn't say a word to the emperor from the beginning to the end, but just glanced at the emperor threateningly.

Manager Wang frowned. This was a blatant contempt for the imperial power. He was about to step forward to stop Lin Jihan when he was stopped by the emperor.

The emperor looked at him and shook his head, "Don't worry about it."


The emperor knocked on the door of Jingtai Palace, "Meng Qi, it's Zhen."

Hearing the emperor's voice, Shen Mengqi wiped the corners of her eyes, opened the door and bowed to the emperor: "Mengqi sees the emperor."

The emperor withdrew his entourage, and entered the hall with Shen Mengqi alone.

"If you go back to Jingtai Palace again, will you still have nightmares?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "Thank you Uncle Huang for your concern, no."

The emperor looked around Jingtai Palace, and then said to Shen Mengqi: "I haven't played chess with you for a long time, how about a game?"

"it is good."

The chessboard was spread out, the emperor and Shen Mengqi were black and white, each holding a piece.

The emperor looked at Shen Mengqi's swollen face worriedly and said, "Did I beat you too hard?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "If it's not serious, how can they believe it."

"I don't regret putting everything on myself." The emperor put the sunspot in his hand in the center of the chessboard, and looked at Shen Mengqi with eyes like sharp swords.

"Speaking of which, this is your first year with the Prince Regent."

Shen Mengqi's eyes trembled slightly, she picked up the white pieces in the chess box and placed them next to the emperor's black pieces, she said flatly: "This marriage is originally for the Tianyuan Kingdom, he and I are destined to have no fate."

"Uncle Emperor, Grandmother and you have taught me since I was a child that Tianyuan Kingdom should be the most important thing in everything. If I can change the safety of Tianyuan Kingdom's good generals and loyal officials, why not do it? After all, this is not the first This time I took care of myself."

Shen Mengqi spoke calmly, and in a few sentences she cleared up all the grievances and resentments between herself and Lin Jihan.

"But I see that the regent has a heart for you. As long as you encounter something, he will arrive at the first time. I have never seen him care so much for others."

The emperor comforted Shen Mengqi and said: "You still have a long way to go in the future, I hope you can have someone to walk with you all the way."

"Uncle Emperor." Shen Mengqi looked up at the Emperor, with endless loneliness in her eyes, "There was none before, but now, he has another person who will make him fall in love."

"We have already made him sacrifice too much for Tianyuan Kingdom, we should not obliterate his last happiness because of my selfish interests."

As Shen Mengqi said, she placed the white piece in her hand directly on the upper right, directly placing the black piece in a losing position.

Looking at the tight chess game, the emperor's expression was as calm as water. He casually put the chess piece on the board and said, "Do you really think so in your heart?"

Shen Mengqi bit her lips, "Yes."

"Mengqi, do you know that whenever you lie, you will subconsciously bite your lips. Since you were young, you haven't gotten rid of this problem. It's not good."

The emperor admonished: "Happiness and anger are invisible, so that people can't detect the truth in your words, only then can you be a qualified emperor and princess!"

"Uncle Huang's lesson is that Meng Qi has been taught."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was unwilling to continue the previous topic, the emperor interrupted the chessboard directly, and made a ball of black and white pieces.

"I can tell that the Regent is in love with you, but that girl Qing Ning is not bad either. You give them such a long time alone, but I don't know if he will really fall in love with that girl Qing Ning."

The emperor patted Shen Mengqi on the shoulder and said.

"It's not an easy thing to win the hearts of one person and be happy with them. I hope you don't cherish the Tao when you gain it, and feel lost when you lose it. Before the Chinese New Year, you have the opportunity to regret it. It is to continue your own Carry it, or go to him, you choose."

"Are the two in love?"

Shen Mengqi muttered to herself, "But, what do you like?"

Looking at the confused Shen Mengqi, the emperor couldn't help feeling a little distressed.Over the years, in order for Shen Mengqi to grow into what they wanted, the Queen Mother has never allowed anyone to mention love in front of Shen Mengqi, so that until now, she does not understand, nor does she know what love is.

"I like it because if something happens to him, you will worry and feel distressed. You have a strong desire to possess him. You don't like him getting too close to women other than you. You can't bear him being close to others. If something happens, you want to take care of it yourself. It is possible to prevent him from being affected."

The emperor pointedly said: "To be clear, you risked disobedience to me and the queen mother and refused to allow Shen Qingning to enter the mansion. If you don't enter the door, it's called jealousy for love."

After finishing speaking, the emperor patted Shen Mengqi, who was absent-minded and silently in a daze, and said: "Think about it, Yu Lin Jihan, are you using surveillance, or are you really in love."

After the emperor left for a long time, Shen Mengqi came back to her senses. Looking at the mess of chess pieces, her heart felt like a mess.

Recalling all the past, her heart ached like a knife.

Lin Jihan, I found that I seem to like you.I like the way you call me Mrs., the little surprise you prepared, and the way you stand by my side unconditionally.

But it seems a bit late to repent.

Shen Mengqi lifted her clothes, looked at the marks on her body that hadn't dissipated, and thought about what Lin Jihan had done to Shen Qingning in the past few days, tears flowed down from Shen Mengqi's eyes involuntarily.

Perhaps the most painful thing in this world is that when he loved her, she didn't know how to love. When his love was separated, she realized that she had loved him terribly.

Everything is too late.

Inside the Regent's Palace

Lin Jihan came out of the palace in a daze, and as soon as he returned to the palace, he heard the Taifu's heart-piercing voice directly knocking down the roof of the palace.

"The pigeons and crows that I have carefully cultivated for decades, who is it! Who did this!"

After Lin Jihan walked into the Taifu's courtyard, he saw that the corpses of pigeons and crows were everywhere in the Taifu's courtyard. Every crow and pigeon had their heads cut off to death.

Judging from this method, it was obviously a deliberate killing.

The Taifu knelt in the middle of the yard, holding the dead body of his own bird, and crying loudly, "Ah, ah, ah, the old man is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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