Chapter 231 Tyranny and oppression
It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see the prosperous years of Tianyuan Kingdom again.

Meng Qi, the future can only depend on you.

On Shen Mengqi's left is the corpse of the empress dowager, and on the right is the corpse of the emperor.She sat among them with blood all over her face, like a human statue, lifeless.

The sound of fighting outside came in intermittently, but Shen Mengqi remained motionless. To her, this palace change had ended when the emperor and queen mother passed away.

I don't know how long it took, the sky gradually turned pale, the sound of fighting outside the palace had subsided, and the palace gate was opened from the outside.

Shen Mengqi looked up, only to see Shiqi and Shen Nanchen standing in front of her covered in blood.

"Ma'am, are you all right?"

"Mengqi, are you okay!"

The voices of the two sounded at the same time, Shen Mengqi raised her head and glanced at them, but said nothing.

She slowly turned sideways and took off the She Taisui that the Queen Mother had been playing with all the year round, and brought it to her own hand, and then picked up the jade seal beside her and put it in her arms.

She walked out silently, and when she was about to leave the Compassionate Ning Palace, she said: "Second Brother, bury the bodies of the Empress Dowager and the Emperor in the Xuanzheng Palace."

Shen Nanchen said directly: "Okay."

"Put the Minister of the Household Department and the Tai Tuo in the inner prison, and give them a death penalty. Before the execution is over, they must be guaranteed to be alive."

Before Shen Nanchen could open his mouth, Shi Qi hurriedly said, "I'm familiar with this matter, I'll handle it!"

Shen Mengqi didn't speak, but walked straight outside.

It wasn't until Shen Mengqi's figure completely disappeared that Shi Qi breathed a sigh of relief.If she didn't refuse, she agreed, at least he hadn't been completely excluded by Shen Mengqi.

But with so many things happening right now, he still needs to tell their lords quickly so that they can make up their minds.

Seventeen grabbed Hubu Shangshu and Tai Tuo who were lying on the ground and nailed to the pillar one by one, and said: "Prince Ping An, then I will deal with these two people first."

Shen Nanchen's eyes darkened, and he said meaningfully: "You can handle it well."

Seventeen immediately assured: "Don't worry."

After he got out of the palace gate, Shi Qi hurriedly blew the whistle that he had been carrying in his bosom all this time, and a carrier pigeon flew towards him immediately, and he hurriedly stuffed the note into the tube on the carrier pigeon's leg.

Silently read: "Pigeon, you can fly faster, tell the prince to read the things in this letter earlier and let him make a decision quickly."

It's just that Shi Qi didn't expect that Shen Qingning shot down the pigeon he had just released with a slingshot before it could fly a hundred meters away.

"Hmph, it's better for the pigeons in the capital to stay in the capital."

Shen Qingning walked slowly in front of the pigeon and untied the letterbox from the pigeon's leg. A sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth and she said, "Let my princess see what's wrong with my good sister. Seventeen used secret pigeons."

When she saw clearly what was recorded on the paper, Shen Qingning's eyes filled with tears instantly. She looked at the note with a hearty laugh and said, "Hahaha, they are dead, they are finally dead."

Smiling and laughing, she cried again, "Why did he die like this, ah!"

In the palace, Shen Mengqi walked slowly on the official road in the palace. The corpses all over the place last night had already been cleaned up, and the blood on the ground had been washed away. Go to the bloody smell.

Who would have thought that there were corpses strewn all over the palace last night, blood flowing like rivers.

On the way to the Xuanzheng Palace, Shen Mengqi met countless court ladies, eunuchs, and forbidden soldiers.

No one informed them of what happened in the Compassion Ning Palace, but they seemed to have known about it for a long time.

After seeing Shen Mengqi, one by one put down the things in their hands, and knelt down to worship, "See Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty."

That natural appearance is still the same as Shen Mengqi has been the empress for several years.

Shen Mengqi was still wearing the fiery red wedding dress that had not been replaced, and she walked into the Xuanzheng Hall with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

As soon as she opened the door of Xuanzheng Hall, she saw Wang Peng standing inside leading his apprentice Xiao Mazi and a few people who had served the emperor personally.

When Wang Peng saw Shen Mengqi coming, he burst into tears in an instant, "Finally, I finally waited for you, Your Majesty the Empress. Please wear a dragon robe!"

Looking at the gleaming golden clothes and crown, Shen Mengqi suffocated in her heart, "The clothes look so good."

Wang Peng wiped the tears from his face and smiled: "When you were 12 years old, the emperor and the queen mother made a dragon robe for you every year. It has been four years since you made the dragon robe. You are finally I can put it on."

Shen Mengqi's eyes turned red when she heard the words. It turned out that they had made the determination to die early in the morning, and they had been waiting for her to grow up to be independent.

Decades of grand chess games have cost three generations of the royal family, in order to clear up the Western Wilderness and leave her a chance to create a peaceful and prosperous world.

How could she, Shen Mengqi, have any virtue?
Wang Peng looked at Shen Mengqi who had tears in his eyes, and he said with some hesitation: "Your Majesty, you can't cry like this in front of others, the emperor must be so happy and angry."

Both the emperor and the empress dowager have mentioned this sentence hundreds of times, but the price of understanding these words is indeed costing their lives.

Shen Mengqi wiped her eye sockets lightly, she opened her arms and said, "Changing clothes for me."

With a sound of zhen, she has inherited the country entrusted to her by the emperor and the queen mother, and she has completely transformed from a minister and wife into a emperor.

Wang Peng's hands were trembling with excitement, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Hey, this old slave will change your clothes for you."

The red wedding dress was scattered at Shen Mengqi's feet like a ball of rags. The yellow robe was added to her body, and wearing the crown that seemed to weigh a thousand catties made Shen Mengqi's aura even more fierce.

The long tassels that flowed from the crown covered Shen Mengqi's cold moon-like eyes, making it impossible to see what she was thinking.

She walked to the dragon chair step by step and sat down, "Director Wang, let them go to court."

She didn't stop the court for three days because of the death of the emperor and empress dowager, and she didn't look back on the pain of losing her husband and relatives. She just sat high on the throne like that, facing the coming storm head-on.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

It wasn't until sitting on the supreme throne that Shen Mengqi felt what it means to be overwhelmed by a high place.

Sitting on this supreme seat with no one to rely on around, no wonder people call him a loner.

Wang Peng came back after looking around from outside the Xuanzheng Hall and said, "Your Majesty, the ministers have almost arrived, and the old slave announced that he is going to court."

"Announce it."

Hearing this, Wang Peng winked at Xiao Mazi, and Xiao Mazi immediately pushed open the door of Xuanzheng Hall together with the other eunuchs.

Wang Peng shouted: "Go to court!"

The sun penetrated in with the opening of the Xuanzheng Hall's gate, illuminating Shen Mengqi's eyes with discomfort and anxiety, but she did not close them, but stared straight at the sun.

The courtiers lined up in order and walked to the Xuanzheng Hall one by one. They knelt down and said: "Your servants will see the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Everyone loves to be flat."

Hearing the crisp female voice from the hall, all the courtiers raised their heads instantly, and when they saw clearly who was sitting on the dragon chair, they were in an uproar.

"His Royal Highness? Why are you sitting in that position, where is the emperor?"

"Hey, why is it Her Royal Highness?"

"What about the emperor?"

"His Royal Highness is not usurping the throne, is it?"

Shen Mengqi glanced at Wang Peng, and Wang Peng immediately said: "Everyone be quiet."

Hearing Wang Peng speak, the courtiers gradually calmed down, and they all looked at Wang Peng.

I only heard Wang Peng say: "Last night, the Minister of the Household Department and the Taifu jointly launched a palace coup. Unfortunately, the emperor and the queen mother died. When they were dying, the throne was passed on to Princess Anshun. From now on, she will be our queen."

Hearing this, Dali Temple Minister jumped out first and said: "Absurd! There is no precedent for a woman to be the emperor in our Tianyuan country. Even if the throne is passed on, it should be passed on to the third prince. I suspect that she killed the emperor and the queen mother to conspire. A usurper!"

The servant of Hubu also followed suit and said: "That is, although our Hubu Shangshu has some minor problems, but he is loyal to Tianyuan Kingdom, how could he launch the palace change? What did he launch the palace change?" ah."

The Shaoqing of Dali Temple also jumped out and said: "That's right, among other things, the Taifu family is a veteran of three dynasties. He has tutored two emperors and the third prince. How could he be against him?"

All the courtiers looked at Shen Mengqi strangely when they heard the words, and the voices of resistance became more and more intense.

Shen Mengqi didn't mention the will, but quietly watched the courtiers pointing at her.

After they got tired of talking, Shen Mengqi opened her mouth, "Even if it was a palace change initiated by me, what can you do to me?"


Wang Peng was shocked when he heard this, "Your Majesty the Empress!"

Shen Mengqi raised her hand to stop Wang Peng. She stood up and walked step by step in front of Dali Siqing and the others, saying, "Winner is king and loser. Now that I am king, do you understand what I say?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi's knife-like sharp eyes, Dali Siqing couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and his mouth seemed to be covered with thick paste, and he couldn't open it or speak at all.

Shen Mengqi quietly shuttled among the officials, who were so frightened that they didn't even dare to move.

She said indifferently: "As the saying goes, there is an emperor and a courtier, and I only want obedient people. Dissidents will be killed without mercy."

Dingyuan Hou Wenyan stood up and pointed at Shen Mengqi's nose and cursed angrily: "Even if you grab this supreme position, but with your tyranny and innocence, how long do you think you can sit in this position?"

"You talk to me like this, how long do you think you can live?"

Shen Mengqi's undisguised murderous intent made all the courtiers feel cold. This is the emperor's own uncle, and he can be regarded as a relative of the emperor.She can be so ruthless, what about them?

Marquis Dingyuan was raised by Shen Mengqi's words, his face turned red, he pointed at Shen Mengqi angrily and said, "I'd rather hit the pillar and die now than to be tortured to death by you at that time!"

As he said that, Marquis Dingyuan ran towards the pillar, and the courtiers at the side immediately grabbed him, "Marquis Dingyuan, don't be impulsive!"

But Shen Mengqi said: "Let go, tell him to bump."

Everyone didn't move, Shen Mengqi walked up to them slowly, "I said let go."

Her powerful momentum made them breathless, and the courtiers subconsciously let go of their hands.

Shen Mengqi looked at Dingyuan Hou and said, "The pillar is there, you can go."

"Ben Hou. Ben Hou"

When it was about to collide, Marquis Dingyuan stood still and didn't dare to move anymore.

However, Shen Mengqi directly dragged him by the collar of his back coat and dragged him to the pillar, then grabbed Ding Yuanhou's hair with her hands and slammed him against the pillar.

After a loud bang, Hou Dingyuan's head was knocked out with a huge cut, and blood flowed directly from Marquis Dingyuan's forehead.

The piercing pain made Dingyuanhou bleat like a pig, and he said in a broken voice, "I won't hit you, don't hit me anymore, let me go!"

Shen Mengqi turned a deaf ear to it, and still slammed his head against the pillar in front of her.

If you hadn't been the first to collude with Xihuang, how could Uncle Huang's New Deal not be carried out, and how could he endure humiliation and dormant for decades, wasting his talents for nothing, being called the Bird Emperor, and dying a worthless death.

Thinking of the emperor's appearance before his death, Shen Mengqi felt like a madman, she couldn't help going crazy.

When he came back to his senses, Marquis Dingyuan had already passed away.

The courtiers were so frightened that they silenced a long time ago, and hid aside one by one, not daring to take a breath, and they no longer had the cold-eyed aura they had before.

Shen Mengqi raised her hand to take the handkerchief Wang Peng handed over, and gently wiped the blood on her hand.

"Although Marquis Dingyuan colluded with Xihuang, he is still a member of the royal family. The emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother have just passed away, and the world should be amnesty to accumulate blessings for them. He will only take back all his land property and house deeds, etc. The slaves and family members do not need to be enslaved gone."

After hearing Shen Mengqi's words, none of the ministers dared to respond, only Wang Peng said: "Yes, Your Majesty the Empress."

"By the way, give them another sling of money and ask them to bury Dingyuan Hou."

Shen Mengqi pointed at the servant of the household department with her bloody finger and said: "The servant of the household department."

The servant of the Ministry of Finance was so frightened that his legs went limp in an instant, and he knelt down on the ground directly. He said submissively: "Your Majesty the Empress."

"Isn't he and you in the same group? Then you will pay for this pocket to bury him." Shen Mengqi turned around and walked slowly back to the dragon chair to sit down, "You play the book, and I will review it."

Hubu Shangshu was so frightened that he had lost his mind for a long time, and could only silently nod like a fool and answer yes.

Shen Mengqi sat on the dragon chair and looked at the courtiers, "Is there anything else you love?"

These things happened so suddenly that all the courtiers were not prepared at all. In addition, Shen Mengqi was too domineering and brutal. The courtiers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to speak again.

Shen Mengqi supported her forehead, and said with a tired look: "I'm tired, if there's nothing else, I'll retreat."

At this time, a shout came from outside the door, "My wife has something to say!"

Shen Mengqi looked up and saw Mrs. Lin wearing imperial uniform, kneeling outside the hall with the support of Shen Qingning.

Shen Mengqi hooked her hands at the two of them and said, "Come in and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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