Chapter 232

As soon as Lin Shi and Shen Qingning came in, they knelt down on the ground with a plop, Lin Shi held up the iron coupon of the Danshu in his hand and said to Shen Mengqi: "Your Majesty, I beg you to release the Grand Tutor."

"Lin, from what standpoint do you stand to say this?" Shen Mengqi gently turned She Taisui in her hand, her eyes flickered by the tassels hanging from the crown, making it hard to see clearly her expression.

"I don't remember the relationship between your Lin family or the Prince Regent's Palace and the Taifu." Shen Mengqi changed the subject and asked sharply: "Or, what relationship do you have with the Taifu?"

Lin was speechless when asked by Shen Mengqi, she simply lay down on the ground of the Xuanzheng Hall and began to cry loudly, making the Xuanzheng Hall as lively as the vegetable market.

Even so, the courtiers who had just seen Shen Mengqi's thunderous methods only dared to watch from afar, and did not dare to approach Lin, or plead for her.

At this time, Shen Qingning, who came with her, said, "Your Majesty, you are overthinking. Mother just cherishes her talents and doesn't think about anything else."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was sitting far away on the dragon chair, Shen Qingning's eyes shimmered, and she sneered and said, "Or is it that Her Majesty taboos women from interfering in politics, for fear of disturbing your plans?"

Hearing Shen Qingning's words, all the courtiers couldn't help but give a thumbs up. She is indeed the brave Shen Qingning who has stood up to Shen Mengqi since she was a child. She is so brave.

"Wearing the imperial uniform obtained by the old regent, holding the iron certificate of the alchemy book from the regent's mansion, pleading for mercy for a Xihuang proton, are you sure this is just pity?"

Shen Mengqi quickly threw the question back, "You are using the entire Prince Regent's Palace to put pressure on me."

There was still a little crying in Lin's voice, she choked up and said: "My wife, my wife didn't, I just wanted to tell Her Majesty the Queen not to be impulsive, after all, the Tai Tuo has assisted two generations of emperors, and taught the third Brother, how could they be from Xihuang, I'm afraid you made a mistake."

Lin's words did not mention that the Grand Tutor was the proton sent by Xihuang back then, but every sentence tried to clarify the relationship between the Grand Tutor and the Xihuang Proton.

"Yes, he assisted two generations of emperors, and made Tianyuan Kingdom go from prosperity to extinction, and turned my third brother into a useless person who only knows how to play with birds and has an empty head."

With that said, Shen Mengqi chuckled lightly.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank the Tai Tuo. If he hadn't focused his attention on my elder brothers, I would not have been taught both civil and military skills, let alone be appointed by the emperor's uncle. Successor to the throne."

"Lin, you dare to come here today, are you sure that no one knows about you and the Taifu?"

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, Lin's face instantly turned livid.

She tried her best not to tremble, and said bravely: "First of all, Your Majesty, you can't conclude that the Taifu is from Xihuang just because he didn't teach well. Secondly, the minister's wife did have a relationship with the Taifu back then. But when the minister's wife marries into the regent's palace, we will be broken."

Shen Mengqi looked calmly at Lin, who was already a little unsteady on his knees.

She said: "Are you sure you broke up and not the old regent who married to monitor the regent's mansion for him? When I was in the regent's mansion, why did I always see something on the night of the full moon?"

Lin's face turned from green to white when he heard the words "Night of the Full Moon", and his eyes trembled, obviously unable to hold back.

Shen Qingning hurriedly whispered in her ear: "Mother, don't be afraid if she has no evidence. Those people will not believe what she says without evidence. But if you shrink back now, wait until Her political power is stable, but she will never be able to save the Grand Tutor again!"

Thinking of the Taifu whose life and death were unknown in Shen Mengqi's hands, Lin's expression, who was afraid of dying at first, became firm again in an instant, and she knelt down and said straight.

"Your Majesty, you can eat food indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. The relationship between the minister's wife and the Taifu is light and white! You can't accuse the minister's wife's chastity just based on empty words without any evidence! "


Hearing the word chastity, Shen Mengqi sneered as if she had heard some joke.

"I don't have time here to watch you erect a memorial archway for yourself. What you want is to release the Taifu. I can tell you clearly that it is impossible."

Seeing Lin Shi who was almost collapsed on the ground and supported by Shen Qingning the whole time so as not to make a fool of herself in public, Shen Mengqi leaned forward slightly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

"By the way, I am punishing him with a thousand swords, but don't worry, I will never let him die before the punishment is completed. When he finishes the punishment, I will let him go." He is also my kindness."

Shen Mengqi glanced at the courtiers in the hall, and knocked at them.

"I assure you that the lackeys that Xihuang placed in my court will not end up much better than the Tai Tuo in the end. As for the ministers of the humerus of Tianyuan Kingdom, don't be afraid, do your duty well, don't worry. If you have a crooked mind, I won't move you."

Shen Mengqi said very straightforwardly, "I am not the emperor's uncle, there is no kindness at all, those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish."

Lin's body passed out after hearing the news, Shen Qingning straightened her back, she looked at Shen Mengqi on the dragon chair and said: "Your Majesty, the truth is that those who have attained the Dao will be helped more, and those who have lost the Dao will be less helped Don't you understand?"

"After all, I am a woman, and I will always be used by my emotions, so I understand, but I don't need it. After all, those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say that I want nothing more."

Shen Mengqi blocked Shen Qingning's words with one sentence.

Seeing this, many of the courtiers couldn't stay still any longer, they directly took off all the black gauze hats on their heads and put them on the ground.

They said angrily: "Chen Hanchuang has studied hard for more than ten years, and he didn't come to act according to his emotions. Her Majesty the Empress doesn't abide by the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom this day. She only acts on her emotions. Then, can our Tianyuan Kingdom be saved?"

"Rather than watching the Tianyuan Kingdom fall while we are powerless, why don't we resign now!"


Shen Mengqi was not threatened at all, she raised her hand to support her chin, tilted her head to look at those people, and gave instructions to Wang Peng beside her as if she was talking about what to eat tonight.

"Director Wang, except for the servant of the Ministry of Rites, all the other people who shouted to leave just now were pulled out and killed."

Wang Peng frowned when he heard this, this group of people already exceeded half of the people in the hall, if they were to be killed like this.
"Director Wang, did I not make it clear?"

"Your Majesty, there are dozens of people here, you"

"The lackeys in Xihuang don't kill, do you want me to let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Shen Mengqi said the most ruthless words in the calmest tone, "Not only do they want to kill, but they also have to kill the nine clans. To cut grass, you have to get rid of the roots."

As Shen Mengqi said, she tightly clenched She Taisui in her hands. She will never forget those words that the Empress Dowager yelled to her before she died, and she will never do it again!

Seeing Shen Mengqi's firm face, Manager Wang immediately lowered his head and said, "I understand."

When it is broken, it will be subject to chaos. Tianyuan Kingdom is already seriously ill, and the long flow of water can only make these forces infiltrated by Xihuang slowly settle down, hibernate, and wait for a spring rain to recover again.

She must not give them this chance. If they want to eradicate them, they must scrape their bones to heal their wounds. She must not let the efforts of two generations of emperors be ruined!
The group of courtiers who were clamoring for resignation just now panicked when they were suppressed by the forbidden army. They looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, why do you just label us as people from the Western Wilderness?" , why should we punish our nine clans!"

"Just because I am the emperor now."

Shen Mengqi looked at the courtiers struggling crazily and said, "Don't worry, it's the funeral period for the emperor's uncle and grandmother, and I still want to accumulate virtue. After sending your family and children on the road, I will ask someone to collect all your ashes." Transported back to the Western Wilderness."

"I assure you that not a single ashes will be missed."

She wants their entire clan to have no bones left!

Those courtiers who were detained completely panicked. They looked at Shen Mengqi incoherently and said: "Your Majesty, please spare my life, please spare us."

Some courtiers were so frightened that they urinated directly. He broke down and shouted: "Your Majesty, I confess, I confess, I beg you to let me go!"

He was clearly a nine-foot strong man, but he was crying like a giant baby, with snot and tears streaming down his face, "Please let my family members go, I am willing to explain everything!"

Looking at the courtiers crying into a ball in the hall, Shen Mengqi's eyes didn't change, "Drag them out for execution, don't dirty the ground of the Xuanzheng Hall."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Wang Peng waved his hand, and the imperial guards immediately dragged them towards the outside of the hall.They didn't even make it to the execution ground, and were beheaded right outside the Xuanzheng Hall.

The strong smell of blood spread from the outside of the Xuanzheng Hall to the inside of the hall, making the rest of the courtiers shudder.

But their nightmare is much more than that.

Shen Mengqi played with She Taisui with both hands, and said seemingly casually: "There are people from Xihuang among you, do you take the initiative to stand up, or do you want me to drag you out?"

Her light words seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and the remaining officials in the court trembled in fright.What's more, they were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, not daring to move.

Shen Mengqi pointed at those limp ones and said, "Drag them out, cut them off."

There is not even a word of explanation, which makes people feel even more terrifying.

In the entire court, except for Yi Bai and Mu Qiancheng, everyone else was obviously terrified, with cold sweat on their foreheads, for fear that they would become the next target of Shen Mengqi.


Xu Shi killed too many people, and the smell of blood became stronger and stronger. Shen Mengqi sighed softly with some discomfort, and raised her hand.

The remaining courtiers buried their heads lower in an instant, for fear that if they were one point higher, their brains and necks would be separated.

Shen Mengqi rubbed her temples, looking tired, "Let's stop here today, and continue tomorrow."

All the courtiers tensed up immediately after hearing this, what does it mean to continue tomorrow?Do you want to kill tomorrow?

All the courtiers bent down and looked at each other. At this moment, there were only a dozen people standing in the court hall. Was she willing to kill them all?
All the courtiers couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. They are afraid that there is no way for them to end well.

After hearing Wang Peng's sharp voice shouting to withdraw from the court, all the courtiers knelt down numbly, "Send off to Your Majesty the Empress."

After finishing speaking, all the courtiers seemed to lose their minds, one by one mechanically walked towards the outside of the Xuanzheng Hall.

The corpses of those courtiers had long been gone outside the Xuanzheng Hall, but the blood had gathered into a small stream, which was flowing down the steps outside the Xuanzheng Hall little by little.

Some timid courtiers just sat down on the pool of blood, then screamed strangely, and ran out without caring about their manners.

After rubbing her temples, when Shen Mengqi opened her eyes again, besides the fainted Lin and Shen Qingning who supported her, Yi Bai and Mu Qiancheng stayed in the hall and did not leave.

Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui and looked at them and said, "Do you all have something to tell me?"

"Girls first, Mu Qing and Yi Qing go out first."

Yi Bai and Mu Qiancheng didn't say anything when they heard the words, they bowed slightly to Shen Mengqi and then backed out.

Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Qingning and said, "What advice does Princess Qingning have?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Qingning stopped pretending, she stood up slowly and walked towards Shen Mengqi.

She stood in front of Shen Mengqi and looked down at Shen Mengqi with a smile, "Shen Mengqi, how do you feel sitting in the seat of the Ninth Five Lord?"

Shen Qingning is so presumptuous, but Shen Mengqi remains motionless, her expression is even more unchanged, her eyes are like a pool of stagnant water, "It's just a change from playing with you to being in charge of everyone's life and death."

"You know, they told you?"

Shen Mengqi nodded and shook her head again, "I guessed it myself, from the beginning to the end, the emperor's uncle and the emperor's grandmother have been raising Gu, telling us to test and fight each other, in order to raise a Gu that can save Tianyuan Kingdom."

"Yeah, you're lucky to have been chosen, otherwise"

"Otherwise I wouldn't grow up to be so big at all, and I would have died in the hands of the eldest princess." Shen Mengqi took the words calmly, "Even if Shen Qingning is like this, it is impossible for you and me to reconcile."

Shen Qingning looked straight at Shen Mengqi on the dragon chair and said, "I never thought that I would reconcile with you."

We used to be enemies, and in the future we will also be monarchs and ministers who check and balance each other, and we will never be friends.

"Go to Xihuang to assist the regent, I hope that the name Xihuang will no longer appear in the history and territory of the future."

"There is a price to be paid if the minister is dispatched."

Shen Mengqi turned Taisui She's hand for a moment, and then she said: "Princess Ding'an, the Princess Regent obeys the orders, and I order you to go to the border immediately tomorrow to assist the Prince Regent in completely destroying Xihuang. There must be no mistakes."

"Sure enough, the most ruthless emperor's family, the emperor really can choose."

Shen Qingning smiled lightly and said, "My wife obeys."

Shen Mengqi felt a dull pain in her heart when she was stabbed by a courtier's wife. In the future, she and him will be limited to the monarch and his ministers.

Shen Mengqi closed her eyes and said: "Go out, Lin Shizhen will make her lover get married in the end."

"The courtier's wife will leave."

Before walking out of the palace gate, Shen Qingning turned her head and reminded intentionally or unintentionally: "We have enough troops to attack Xihuang, but the matter of food and grass should be carefully considered by the emperor, after all, you know the current situation of our treasury and granaries best. "

(End of this chapter)

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