Chapter 234
Shen Mengqi looked up and saw Wang Momo, who had been watching her grow up, was standing on the other side of the bed, looking straight at her.

"Your Majesty~ It's getting late, you really should take a break and take care of your body."

"I will rest in another quarter of an hour, and give me the pen."

Wang Momo shook her head, "Your Majesty, if you are too fast, you will not be fast."

Imperial Physician Wang also saw the needles and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, your body should not be overworked now, you should rest earlier, it is also possible for the minister to wake you up early tomorrow to handle official duties."

"Your Majesty, Doctor Wang's words are reasonable, you should rest."

Shen Mengqi sighed, "I just want to mark it down, if I fall asleep now, I will have to watch it again tomorrow, and it will take more effort."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand and said, "Bring the pen."

Wang Momo couldn't help it, and finally handed the pen to Shen Mengqi, but she still couldn't help telling: "Your Majesty, you should go to bed early after marking."

Looking at the people surrounding her who were all nervously looking at her, Shen Mengqi chuckled lightly. After she drew a few strokes on the paper, she put down the pen, "Turn off the lights."

Immediately, Doctor Wang and the others showed joy. Even after turning off the palace lanterns, before Shen Mengqi could react, Jingtai Palace was already plunged into darkness.

Shen Mengqi didn't say a word, and lay down directly. In fact, even if they didn't mention it, she would have to rest.Shen Mengqi touched her stomach that was hurting a little and said in her heart, is this month's sunflower water coming, why is it hurting a little.

She hugged Mrs. Tang in the bed and covered her stomach, hoping that her body would be more resilient, and that the pain would not be too severe when the sunflower water came, and she must not lose the chain at this time.

Although she had already stayed up all day and night, her physical strength and energy had already been exhausted, but lying on the bed in Jingtai Palace, Shen Mengqi couldn't fall asleep for a long time. As long as she closed her eyes, she would see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of her eyes.

After all, she is only 16 years old, no matter how fierce she is in front of others, but at night, she will still fall into a nightmare.

It wasn't until the eve of dawn that Shen Mengqi felt a little drowsy, but she was called up by Wang Peng before she had slept for a long time.

"Your Majesty, it's almost time for you to get ready for the morning court."

Although Wang Peng's voice was soft, it woke Shen Mengqi up instantly.She got up a little violently, her head was still in a mess, and she almost fell back.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang, who had been standing by the side and did not return to the mansion, immediately stepped forward nervously, "Your Majesty, did you not rest last night, okay? Your complexion does not look very good."

Shen Mengqi pinched her brows and said, "Yes, there are some. Doctor Wang will prescribe some tranquilizing medicine for me."

"Boss Wang, ask the imperial dining room to cook a bowl of Cordyceps soup. I want to drink it."

Although this Cordyceps sinensis is a good tonic, it is the most bitter. Shen Mengqi has resisted this thing since she was a child. Before that, the emperor and the queen mother forced her to coax her with sugar cakes before she was willing to take such a small sip.

Now Shen Mengqi took the initiative to ask for it, which made Wang Peng a little worried. He went outside and asked Xiao Mazi to go to the imperial dining room to prepare soup, while winking at Imperial Physician Wang.

Imperial Physician Wang understood immediately, he walked in front of Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, I will ask you for a safe pulse."

Shen Mengqi had just finished changing her clothes and was continuing to gesticulate with the list that she had read halfway through last night. Without raising her head, she stretched out her hand to Imperial Physician Wang, "Physician Wang, give me a prescription that can delay sunflower water. .”

Physician Wang put all his attention on feeling the pulse of Shen Mengqi, he subconsciously replied: "Yes."

After answering, Doctor Wang's beard twitched a little. Could it be that he made a wrong diagnosis?

Physician Wang subconsciously put down Shen Mengqi's right hand and took Shen Mengqi's left hand to continue to feel the pulse. Although her movements were a bit presumptuous, Shen Mengqi didn't say anything, but continued to look at the list in her hand.

At this time, Xiao Mazi came in with a cup of soup. Shen Mengqi raised her eyes and took her hand out of Wang Taiyi's hand. Live wrinkled a bit.

Wang Peng immediately brought over the candied fruit that had been prepared a long time ago, and Shen Mengqi glanced at the candied fruit and couldn't help but feel a little tired.Obviously she was madly in love before, but now she feels a little nauseous just looking at it.

She hugged Tang and turned around and walked out, "Drove to the Xuanzheng Hall."

Wang Peng was a little worried looking at Shen Mengqi's untouched candied fruit, could he even eat the candied fruit?

When she was in a trance, she heard Shen Mengqi, who was holding the soup and sipping sips, said: "Go and prepare some sour plums, I feel a little tired, I need to refresh myself."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seeing that the Xuanzheng Palace was already in front of her eyes, and seeing that most of the soup was still in her hand, Shen Mengqi frowned, closed her eyes, and swallowed the soup in two mouthfuls.

The bitter taste in her mouth made Shen Mengqi want to spit it out in the next second. Fortunately, Xiao Mazi had the eyesight to hand over the mouthwash in time and told Shen Mengqi to rinse her mouth, so that Shen Mengqi didn't make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

Shen Mengqi sat on the dragon chair with She Taisui in her hand and glanced at the officials in the hall, but Yi Bai didn't come.

Seeing Shen Qingning in military uniform in front of the palace, Shen Mengqi said to Wang Peng, "Proclaim the decree."

Wang Peng immediately took the imperial decree written by Shen Mengqi yesterday and walked to the center of the hall, and all the officials immediately knelt down.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered that the owner of Qingning County is virtuous and virtuous, and has guarded the Nine You and Thirteen Counties for Tianyuan Kingdom for more than ten years. His meritorious deeds are in the present. From now on, the owner of Qingning County will be promoted to be a princess, given the title of Ding'an, and will be regent. The side concubine of the king has been promoted to be the regent princess. From now on, I will lead the army to go out and go to Jiuyou Thirteen Counties immediately to help the regent. There is no mistake, I respect you!"

Shen Qingning looked at Shen Mengqi on the dragon chair with a smug smile on her face, "Shen Qingning accepts the order!"

When Wang Peng handed the imperial decree to Shen Qingning with his own hands, he also secretly stuffed Shen Qingning with something. Shen Qingning was so shocked that he almost let go.

Wang Peng lowered his voice and said, "This is the meaning of Her Majesty, Princess Ding'an, I wish you all the best."

Shen Qingning looked at the expressionless Shen Mengqi who was sitting on the dragon chair, her eyes turned red involuntarily.

She stuffed the imperial decree and that thing into her bosom, and then bowed heavily to Shen Mengqi, "I thank the emperor, Shen Qingning, and wish Your Majesty the Queen a long life."

Shen Mengqi said lightly: "Let's go."

Because of the crown stream, no one noticed the flash of water in Shen Mengqi's eyes.

She didn't know if it was because she had been sitting on the cold dragon chair for a long time, but she felt her lower abdomen hurt even more.

Shen Mengqi calmly put the hand she was holding She Taisui on her lower abdomen, and then pretended to be indifferent and looked at the courtiers.

"Do you want to talk to me?"

Except for Mu Qiancheng, the courtiers who were still standing in the hall lowered their heads.

Seeing that no one spoke, Shen Mengqi took the lead and said, "Master of the Household Department, have you finished what I told you?"

The Hubu servant who had been stunned by Shen Mengqi mechanically raised his head and said, "It's over."

"It's fine when it's done, and I can rest assured that you can go on the road."

Shen Mengqi said as if saying that the weather is fine, and I miss you very much: "Director Wang, please invite him to reunite with the Minister of the Household Department, after all, the whole family must be tidy."

The household servant who had been stared at all night and had a nervous breakdown collapsed on the ground, "Your Majesty, I know I was wrong, please give me a chance, please."

Seeing the Hubu servant lying on the ground pleading, the corners of Shen Mengqi's lips curled up slightly, "It's not that you know you're wrong, but you're just afraid because you realize that no matter how much money Xihuang gave you, it won't be able to buy your life in the end."

Shen Mengqi, who can see through herself at a glance, cried out at the top of her lungs: "Your Majesty, I am willing to pay, and I am willing to take out all the money that Xihuang gave me. I really know that I am wrong." I beg you to spare my life."

"If I let you go, what about those ministers who died because of you? Did you ever think about letting them go when you attacked them?" Shen Mengqi said seemingly casually: "You are also responsible for the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment." Handwriting."

Thinking of what Shen Mengqi did for the Minister of the Ministry of Justice before, she was completely desperate.

He limp on the ground, allowing the imperial guards to drag him out.

"Come here for today."

Shen Mengqi was about to call out to retreat, when the eunuch outside the palace came to report, "Your Majesty, the Minister of Rites is here."

Shen Mengqi loosened She Taisui's hand, and she said, "Xuan."

Yi Bai's official uniform and hair are fairly neat, but his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes, and the cyan in front of his eyes is darker than his hair, and seeing him makes him sleepless all night.

He raised the law of Tianyuan Kingdom that Shen Mengqi had copied countless times over his head like offering a treasure, and said: "Your Majesty, this is the law of Tianyuan Kingdom that I have compiled overnight, and unreasonable ones have been deleted. The law has expanded some laws that need to be implemented at the moment, please take a look."

Wang Peng walked over and took the law of Tianyuan Kingdom from Yi Bai's hand and handed it to Shen Mengqi. Shen Mengqi turned over two pages seemingly indifferently, and then put it aside.

"Well, I understand. Do you have anything else to tell me? If you don't have anything else, you can retreat."

Yi Bai's eyes darkened when he heard this, but he didn't say anything more, but walked directly to the queue of civil servants and stood behind Mu Qiancheng.

Seeing that the courtiers were speechless, Wang Peng said, "Retire~"

Yi Bai walked out in a daze, and he was stopped by Xiao Mazi who was waiting outside when he left the Xuanzheng Hall, "Master Yi!"

Looking at Xiao Mazi, Yi Bai was still a little downcast, "What advice, Father-in-law?"

Xiao Mazi led Yi Bai to a dark place, and he took out a brocade box from his sleeve and handed it to Yi Bai, "Your Majesty the Empress gave an order this morning, as long as you come, I will deliver this to you."

Yi Bai was taken aback when he heard the words, he opened the brocade box and saw that there was only a note in the brocade box, "The mainstay."

The childish handwriting on the note was exactly the same as the first-class handwriting on his examination paper.

Tears welled up in Yi Bai's eyes.

It turned out that she was the one who knew you well, and she was the one who gave advice.Yi Bai rudely wiped away the remaining tears in the corner of his eyes, and then bowed in the direction of the palace.

After the court, Shen Mengqi went straight to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Doctor Wang immediately followed after seeing this, but was stopped by Wang Peng before he entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Imperial Physician Wang said anxiously: "Director Wang, I have an urgent matter with Her Majesty the Empress!"

"Right now, King Ping'an is inside, so let's talk about it when King Ping'an comes out."

"This is a matter of life and death for me!"

"Which one is not a major matter of human life now? Right now, Her Majesty is feeling very uncomfortable, and she will only feel more comfortable after seeing King Pingan. Don't make trouble at this time."

Doctor Wang originally wanted to say something, but thinking about Shen Mengqi's state, he still held back, that's all, this matter is not in a hurry, the most important thing right now is to make Shen Mengqi feel less depressed.

Inside the imperial study
Shen Mengqi lowered her head while reviewing the memorial, while listening to Shen Nanchen's words.

"I heard that Your Majesty, you were crazy about killing in the previous court, and the third prince was also frightened by you."

Shen Mengqi stopped writing the memorial, she raised her eyes to look at Shen Nanchen, "Does the second brother also blame me?"

Shen Nanchen shook his head. He looked at Shen Mengqi with worried eyes and said, "Your Majesty, are you okay? You haven't had any nightmares recently."

Hearing Shen Nanchen's caring voice, Shen Mengqi's heart shivered, "I will be fine."

"You are not suitable for slaughter, I can help Her Majesty the Queen."

Shen Nanchen subconsciously wanted to stand in front of Shen Mengqi to resist the storm for her just like when he was a child.

"Sitting in this position, I will always have to face the slaughter. Second brother is fine."

Shen Mengqi forced a smile, looking at Shen Nanchen with distress.

"As long as the second brother helps me deal with the Taifu and the others, it will be considered as a great help to me."

"Don't worry, Shi Qi and I are looking at this piece, so it won't bother you." Knowing that Shen Mengqi didn't want to have too many killings on his hands, he still couldn't help adding, "How much do you stuff?" Man, we can all take it."

"I know second brother."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who didn't even have time to talk to him, Shen Nanchen felt even more distressed, and he said: "Then, your Majesty, please be busy, I'm leaving."


Shen Mengqi didn't say anything to persuade her to stay, but she shouted to Wang Peng outside the door: "Boss Wang, go ask the Imperial Dining Room to prepare some rice balls for King Pingan."


After Shen Nanchen left, Shen Mengqi locked the door of the imperial study from the inside, not allowing anyone to enter and disturb her.Until midnight, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't sit still.

He slapped the door of the imperial study room fiercely and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Wang Peng and Wang Momo didn't stop her when they saw her, and even wanted to knock her twice. After all, it was so late, and they were worried that she would not be able to bear it.

After Wang Taiji knocked for a stick of incense, Shen Mengqi opened the door from the inside. She looked at him weakly and said, "What is Wang Taiji doing?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi's cheeks that were as white as arsenic, Imperial Physician Wang worriedly grabbed her hand and felt her pulse, "Boss Wang asked someone to prepare ginseng soup. Your Majesty needs a lot of tonic."

Upon hearing this, Wang Momo immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, it's getting late, let's go back and rest."

"I still want to"

Before Shen Mengqi could finish speaking, Imperial Physician Wang interrupted her, boldly said: "Hurry up and get ready, Her Majesty the Empress is going back to Jingtai Palace."

"Doctor Wang!"

Doctor Wang said firmly: "Your Majesty, I have something to say about your body."

(End of this chapter)

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