Chapter 235
Seeing Doctor Wang's serious expression, Shen Mengqi didn't insist any longer, and obediently stepped forward.

After returning to Jingtai Palace, Shen Mengqi directly turned away the people around her, leaving only Wang Peng and Wang Momo.

"Tell me, how is my body?"

Doctor Wang said: "Your Majesty, although your current body has been treated by Andrographis Nine Yangs, it is still a little empty. The most important thing is that you are pregnant."

"What did you say?"

"Your Majesty, you are pregnant now. Judging from the pulse, it has been more than two months. However, I do not recommend you to keep him, because your body is too weak now and is not suitable for conception."

It was more than two months, that was the night when Lin Jihan forced himself, it was really ironic that this child came.

"Ha ha."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was smiling lightly with tears in her eyes, everyone was extremely worried, "Your Majesty the Empress."

"It's a good kid." Shen Mengqi raised her hand and caressed her belly, which was not bulging at all, and said, "It's true that Shangcang is on my side."

"Doctor Wang."

Doctor Wang's heart skipped a beat when he was suddenly named, and he said, "Your Majesty is here."

"No matter what the price is, I want you to help me keep this child."

Doctor Wang's heart tightened, "Your Majesty, you have been working so hard these days and you have faintly slipped a tire, and your current body is too weak to conceive. If you forcefully keep this child, I'm afraid it will be you."

Shen Mengqi put her hands on her stomach, "This child is the last reliance of Tianyuan Kingdom. As long as he is here, no matter whether he is male or female, the regent will never have the heart of disobedience, so even if I use my life as the price, I must accept it." Save this child!"

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Physician Wang was very distressed.

Shen Mengqi smiled calmly, "I can actually feel my body to some extent. Don't worry, I will never fall down until the internal and external troubles are resolved."

Shen Mengqi looked at her unpregnant belly and smiled, telling her with dignity that this child could not be kept, but in the face of national conditions, this child became her last straw.

The emperor's uncle and the emperor's grandmother humiliated Tianyuan Kingdom for decades, and they would rather die in exchange for awakening her. Now, for the future of Tianyuan Kingdom, why can't she live up to the expectations of her emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother? A child destined not to be accepted by his father.

"Doctor Wang, I and this child's wealth and life are all in your hands. If the day comes when you have to make a choice, you must choose to keep this child, understand!"

Doctor Wang's eyes were scarlet. Looking at Shen Mengqi who was sitting on the bed, he knelt down heavily, "Old minister obeys the order!"

Wang Momo gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and she stepped forward to help Shen Mengqi lie down, "Your Majesty, you are a healthy person now, so please rest as much as possible, this old slave is here to guard you."

Shen Mengqi didn't refuse, she lay on the bed and looked at Imperial Physician Wang and finally said, "Don't take the miscarriage medicine from the imperial dining room in the palace, you go to Ah Jiu and ask Ah Jiu to prepare it."

"The old minister understands."

Seeing that Doctor Wang was not about to leave yet, Shen Mengqi said: "You are not young anymore, you guarded me last night, if you continue to stay like this tonight, you may leave earlier than me, go down and rest .”

Physician Wang shook his head, and he smiled and said, "The old minister's training for decades is not in vain. This body is still strong. I will always be by your side, so I can't rest assured."

Seeing that she couldn't be persuaded, Shen Mengqi had no choice but to say to Wang Peng, who was also guarding her all the time: "Tomorrow, ask someone to carry a few slouches for you to lie down and rest. I'm not that delicate, so you don't have to stare so closely."

Knowing that Shen Mengqi was feeling sorry for them, Wang Momo and the others bowed their heads and said, "Yes, thank you, Your Majesty."

It was rare for Shen Mengqi to sleep soundly that night, and she slept until dawn.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Imperial Physician Wang came over with a bowl of pitch-black soup. Shen Mengqi picked up the bowl without saying anything, and poured all the soup into her mouth.

Shen Mengqi's tongue was numb due to the bitterness of the medicine. Upon seeing this, Wang Taiyi immediately brought over the prepared candied fruit. Looking at the sweet and greasy candied fruit, Shen Mengqi frowned slightly, "I want to eat sour plums."

"Your Majesty, eating sour ones will take away the medicinal properties of this soup, so it's better for you to eat some sweet ones to relieve the pain."

Looking at the candied fruit wrapped in icing sugar, Shen Mengqi felt tired for a while, she picked up a side of tea and rinsed out the bitterness in her mouth, "No need."

Even though she felt nauseous after drinking the soup and medicine, Shen Mengqi still resisted and ate some breakfast. After all, she is not alone now, and she has no right to be willful.

Sitting on the step, a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the originally clear sky to cover the dazzling sun. Shen Mengqi couldn't help but feel her heart tense, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Shen Mengqi turned around and handed the law of Tianyuan Kingdom that Yi Baixin annotated in her hand to Wang Peng who was behind her and said, "What day is it today?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Peng said: "It's almost the first seven days between the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager."

"Is there any news from Xihuang?"

"I heard that the regent princess has joined the regent king, and the regent king has taken back the Nine Nether Thirteen Counties with his usual heroism."

Speaking of this, Wang Peng added in a low voice, "Your Majesty, King Ping'an sent a letter saying that the treasury and granary are a bit stretched. Now that Jiuyou and Thirteen Counties have taken it back, should we suspend our actions against Xihuang?"

"No." Shen Mengqi said: "Xihuang must not stay any longer, secretly contact Princess Ding'an, and ask her to push the regent to recover Xihuang as soon as possible."

"Old slave understands."

"By the way, how is Saibei doing recently?"

Wang Peng was dumbfounded, and he said: "Recently, the attention has been on the side of Xihuang, and there is no investigation of the matter in Saibei, and the eldest prince has not sent any letter back."

Thinking of her elder brother, Shen Mengqi became even more flustered, she said, "Does elder brother know about the changes in the capital?"

Wang Peng nodded and said: "The Supreme Emperor has written to the First Prince before he passed away, and the First Prince only replied three words, I understand."

"Brother, don't you mean to go back to the capital?"

Wang Peng shook his head and said: "The First Prince said earlier that Saibei is the Queen Mother's home, and he wants to stay there, guarding the place where his mother grew up."

When mentioning the empress dowager, the first empress of the emperor's uncle, Shen Mengqi's heart tightened with pain.

The eldest prince said that he was guarding the place where his mother grew up, but in fact it was just to guard the northern gate of Tianyuan Kingdom. He didn't come back to offer condolences, just to prevent Saibei from causing chaos and let her guard the capital with peace of mind.

Shen Mengqi looked up at the sky, everyone was guarding her in their own way, she was really incompetent as an emperor.

Xuanzheng Hall
After Shen Mengqi's massacre in the past few days, there were very few courtiers in the court. Except for Yi Bai and Mu Qiancheng who looked normal, the rest of the courtiers looked at Shen Mengqi tremblingly, fearing that they would be the next one to die.

Looking at the trembling courtiers, Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui to look at them and said: "Today, don't you have anything to say to me?"

All the courtiers bowed their heads one after another, only Mu Qiancheng came out and said to Shen Mengqi: "I report to Your Majesty the Empress, I have a book to play."

"At present, except for the Minister of Rites and the Minister of War in the six departments of the imperial court, there are almost no people in the other four departments. I think that the imperial examination should be re-opened to select some available people to share the worries of the Holy One."

"This person is naturally to be chosen, but not now."

She will never let people flow into the court until the remnants of the Western Wilderness are wiped out, and the current treasury can barely support the war in the Western Wilderness, and it can no longer afford the funds for large-scale scientific research.

This was also one of the reasons why Shen Mengqi refused to hold the succession ceremony until now.

Yi Bai, who didn't know much about the state treasury's current situation, also stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I hope you don't want to be a mousetrap."

"I understand your proposal, and I will consider it. What about other lovers, do you have anything you want to tell me?"

The courtiers did not dare to speak, Shen Mengqi raised her hand and tapped lightly on the back of the dragon chair, the crisp sound made people's hearts tremble.

The other courtiers knelt down slowly and said, "Is the minister waiting?"

"Hu Qing, don't you want to tell me?"

Hu Zou, Minister of the Ministry of War who was named, was shocked, and he said in fear: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of War will definitely fully support the regent's expedition to Xihuang!"

"That's not what I want to hear, so think about it again."


Looking at the minister of the Ministry of War who was already a little limp from fright, Shen Mengqi changed her posture and leaned on the dragon chair, "I will reward you if you take the initiative to confess."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Mengqi heard a sharp and rapid whistle resounding throughout the capital, it was a warning post!
Shen Mengqi sat up straight involuntarily, clasping She Taisui tightly with her hands.


This time the messenger came from Saibei, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but panic.

"Your Majesty, the Mobei Kingdom suddenly launched a large-scale attack on the northern border of Great Wall, and most of the cities and towns in northern Great Wall fell!"

Shen Mengqi clenched her hands, and almost tore off She Taisui in her hands. She suppressed her panic and asked calmly, "Where is King Hanbei? How is he?"

"King Hanbei has been leading the army to resist the army of Mobei, and disappeared in the last battle."


Shen Mengqi couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up and said, "To be alive is to be alive, to be captured is to be captured, what is missing?"

The soldier who came to communicate lowered his head, not daring to say anything.

Wang Peng, who was standing next to Shen Mengqi, immediately coughed twice to signal her not to lose her composure.

Shen Mengqi stood for a long time before suppressing the urgency in her heart. She slowly sat back on the dragon chair sideways and said, "I see, you go down first."


The Secretary of the Ministry of War who had been standing aside immediately stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I would like to take my crimes and meritorious deeds and lead the troops to Xihuang to support Hanbei King, and I ask the emperor to do it!"

"Are you sure you committed crimes and meritorious deeds, rather than taking the opportunity to abscond?"

Seeing that his mind was exposed, Minister of the Ministry of War's expression changed in an instant, but when he thought that there were no generals available in the court now, he couldn't help straightening his back.

"Your Majesty, my minister's loyalty can be learned from the sun and the moon, please fulfill it!"


She would never let this hidden danger leave the capital alive!

Minister of the Ministry of War lowered his head, and said bravely: "Now that Saibei is in an emergency, and King Hanbei is nowhere to be found, why don't you allow your ministers to go? Dare I ask Your Majesty, do you want to abandon your brother and the land of Saibei! "

Wang Peng was angry, he pointed at the Minister of War and said: "You are presumptuous!"

"I'm just stating the facts. May I ask, besides the minister, who else in the court can go to war for Her Majesty the Queen, or in other words, Your Majesty, do you want to go to war in person?"

"And this king!"

A sonorous and powerful voice came from outside the door, and Shen Nanchen walked into the palace door wearing a suit of armor.

He knelt down straight beside the Minister of the Ministry of War, and bowed to Shen Mengqi again and again, "Your Majesty, I petition to lead the army to the north of Saibei to help King Hanbei!"


Shen Nanchen looked straight at Shen Mengqi and said, "Why?"

Shen Mengqi calmed down and said: "Going into battle is not like talking on paper. You have no experience, so you can't deal with the situation in Mobei."

"Her Majesty knows that I have excellent martial arts skills, and I am familiar with the art of war. Even if I go to the battlefield, I still have a chance of winning."

Looking at Shen Nanchen with a firm face, Shen Mengqi shook her head and said, "No."

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

"Let me think about this matter. Going into battle and killing the enemy is not a child's play. King Pingan, you should retreat first."

Seeing Shen Nanchen not moving for a long time, Shen Mengqi said harsh words to him for the first time, "I tell you to back down!"

In this anger, Shen Mengqi felt her belly ache. She quietly covered her belly with her left hand, and then slowly sat down on the dragon chair.

As soon as Shen Nanchen left the palace gate, Xiao Mazi hurried in, "Your Majesty, Jiangnan Luojia Luo Bufan, Luo Lingxiao, Luo Jiuqing, please see me."

Shen Mengqi's eyes darkened when she heard the words, and after thinking for a moment, she hesitated and said, "Let them in."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Xiao Mazi walked in with Luo Bufan and others not long after he left.

Luo Bufan, Luo Lingxiao and Luo Jiuqing knelt down together, this time Shen Mengqi couldn't help them.

"Criminal Luo Bufan, see Her Majesty the Empress!"

"Criminal Luo Lingxiao, see Her Majesty the Empress!"

"Criminal Luo Jiuqing, see Her Majesty the Empress!"

"What crime is not guilty, flat life."

Luo Bufan and the others knelt on the ground without moving.

Shen Mengqi's heart tightened, "What are you guys doing?"

Luo Bufan opened the mouth and said: "The third brother Luo Ping'an of the criminal family colluded with Xihuang, causing most of the treasury and granary to be transported to Xihuang by using Luojia water. , but the crime of the brother of the sinner is still unforgivable."

Luo Bufan called himself Shen Mengqi's heart ached, "Luo Ping'an's crime has nothing to do with you, you are not criminals, you have done enough, and you have made up for it if you can. I won't pursue it any further."

"The strength of character of the Luo family in the south of the Yangtze River, I admire." Shen Mengqi seemed to be afraid that Luo Bufan would say something that should not be said, she said: "I still have some important matters to discuss with the courtiers, you should step down first."

Luo Bufan didn't move, Luo Lingxiao and Luo Jiuqing also knelt behind him, their humble appearance made Shen Mengqi's heart ache.

They will probably never go back to the way they were before.

"Your Majesty, if I don't teach you, my brother's fault, although Luo Ping'an is dead, his crimes should be borne by the criminals. The criminals are willing to put all the property of the Luo family into the treasury! At the same time, send Luo Jiuqing to the palace Serving Her Majesty the Empress as a court lady."

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "No way!"

(End of this chapter)

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