Chapter 236 Entering an Official Career

Her own responsibility should not be filled by them with all their possessions.

"I told you, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Luo Bufan kowtowed and said, "I hope Her Majesty the Queen will make it happen!"

Luo Lingxiao and Luo Jiuqing also kowtowed and said, "I hope Her Majesty the Queen will make it happen!"

Shen Mengqi knew that Luo Bufan's stubborn nature was difficult to explain, so she turned to look at Mu Qiancheng and said, "Mu Qiancheng, what do you think about Luo Jiuqing's entry into the palace?"

Mu Qiancheng knelt down, "Your Majesty, in fact, I have had a marriage contract with Luo Jiuqing since childhood, and I implore you not to let Luo Jiuqing enter the palace out of personal affection!"

Before Shen Mengqi could speak, Luo Jiuqing crawled over on her knees. She looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, this engagement has been annulled years ago, and you know it! Is it because you don't let criminals enter the palace?" Are you not prepared to forgive the Luo family in your heart?"

Luo Jiuqing looked at Shen Mengqi with a stubborn face and said, "The criminal should smash his head against this pillar and apologize with his death!"

As she said that, Luo Jiuqing rushed towards the pillar beside her. If Mu Qiancheng hadn't grabbed her with quick eyes and hands, she might have killed half of her.

And Luo Bufan and Luo Lingxiao on the side also looked like they would die if they didn't agree.

Shen Mengqi's eyes were red but she didn't let her tears fall, she gritted her teeth.

"Since you want to hand over the Luo family so much, then I will grant you all. From now on, all the property of the Luo family will be charged to the treasury, and Luo Jiuqing will enter the palace as an imperial maid from now on. There must be no mistakes!"

Luo Bufan, Luo Lingxiao, and Luo Jiuqing all knelt down and said: "The sinners thank the Lord Long En!"

Shen Mengqi closed her eyes tiredly, she said.

"Director Wang drafted an order for me. Jiangnan Luojia Luo Bufan is knowledgeable, loyal, and has dedicated himself to the Tianyuan Kingdom. From now on, he will be appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Households. Luo Lingxiao has contributed to the transport of military rations in Jiuyou Thirteen Counties. From now on, he will be appointed as the Ministry of War. Shangshu."

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words fell, before all the courtiers said anything, Luo Bufan took the lead in refusing, "Your Majesty, the criminals have never entered the court and fear that they will be ashamed of His Majesty's trust. Please take back your order."


Wang Peng looked at Shen Mengqi.

"Let's go up here today."

Shen Mengqi turned Taisui She in her hand and said: "Boss Wang, you should take Luo Jiuqing to the harem to resettle. Luo Bufan and Luo Lingxiao stay here for a while."

The courtiers all went out one after another, the gate of the Xuanzheng Hall was closed from the outside, and the inside of the hall suddenly became dark.

Luo Bufan spoke first, "Your Majesty the Empress."

Shen Mengqi interrupted him first and said, "Can you stop calling yourself a criminal?"

"Your Majesty, if the grassroots enter the court as an official now, your reputation and prestige will be damaged. They will definitely say that you are nepotism, Your Majesty, or slander you by confiscating our Luo family property. You openly traded officials , to encourage the unhealthy trend in the court!"

He is willing to spend all his family wealth to fill the void in the treasury and granary for Tianyuan Kingdom, and also refuses to become an official in the court because of her current reputation. The only one who can do this is Luo Bufan.

Luo Lingxiao also stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Caomin still has many friends in the Jianghu. With their help, even if we lose our wealth, we will not live in a bad way."

"I don't care what they say. Compared with my massacres in the past few days, what are these gossips?"

"It is because of what you did a while ago, Your Majesty, that you have to pay more attention to your words and deeds now, so as not to be criticized by future generations!"

"I don't care." Shen Mengqi said: "Brother Luo, I am really tired, can you come to the court to help me?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was looking at him with tired eyes and pleading, Luo Bufan swallowed the words that had come to his lips, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "If Her Majesty needs it, Caomin is willing to serve as an official in the court."

After hearing that Luo Bufan agreed, Shen Mengqi was relieved. She looked at Luo Bufan and said, "You and Luo Lingxiao are still fully responsible for the Luo family's property and don't have to go into the national treasury. Just try to help provide food and grass."

"This Luo family property is the result of the hard work of several generations of your ancestors. There is no reason for it to be taken over by me. You have helped me enough."

"The grass people understand."

Jiuyou Thirteen Counties

Lin Jihan had just led the Lin family army back to Jiuyou Thirteen Commanderies, and he is recuperating right now. When he was looking at the sand table in the camp, he secretly walked in, "My lord, Princess Qingning has come with reinforcements and imperial edicts."


Hearing that it was Shen Qingning who came, Lin Jihan's eyes dimmed obviously, he threw the small flag in his hand and walked out slowly.

Looking at Shen Qingning who was still riding on the tall horse, Lin Jihan asked indifferently: "Do you want me to kneel down to receive the order?"

Shen Qingning shook her head with a smile and said, "This is all from my own family, there are not so many red tapes, you should read the edict of your husband for yourself."

Mu Qiancheng frowned when he called her husband, "This is not what you should call."

Shen Qingning smiled lightly and said, "Shouldn't my husband know just by reading the imperial decree?"

Lin Jihan was too lazy to correct Shen Qingning, he directly took the imperial decree from Shen Qingning's hand, and saw that the imperial decree said it.

"By God's blessing, the emperor ordered that the owner of Qingning County is virtuous and virtuous, and has guarded the Nine You and Thirteen Counties for Tianyuan Kingdom for more than ten years. His meritorious deeds are in the present. From now on, the owner of Qingning County will be promoted to be a princess, given the title of Ding'an, and will be regent. The side concubine of the king has been promoted to be the regent princess. From now on, I will lead the army to go out and go to Jiuyou Thirteen Counties immediately to help the regent. There is no mistake, I respect you!"

The handwriting on the imperial decree was the same as Shen Mengqi's, Lin Jihan was fascinated by the word Linguang on the seal.

Seeing this, Shen Qingning stepped forward and said: "By the way, husband, you don't know yet, there was a coup in the palace, the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother were assassinated and killed, and the throne was passed on to Princess Anshun, and now she is Her Majesty the Empress Linguang .”

Lin Jihan repeated blankly: "Your Majesty, Empress Linguang?"

Shen Qingning nodded, and she continued: "Your Majesty the Empress also said that we should completely wipe out Xihuang as quickly as possible."

"Then what did she tell the king?"

"Her Majesty said that our husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits can cut through gold. She is waiting for the good news of our triumph in the capital."

She actually wished him the same heart and mind with other women.

Lin Jihan felt a little sad in his heart, why did he come to this point now? She had promised herself before leaving Beijing that she would marry him again after Nine Nether Thirteen Counties regained him and returned to Beijing.

How did you come to this point?No, he has to go back to Beijing to ask this matter clearly!
After Lin Jihan put away the imperial decree, he walked directly into the tent angrily.

Shen Qingning was startled, she hurriedly followed, "Husband, where are you going?"

Lin Jihan pointed at Shen Qingning and said, "Don't call me my husband, or be careful that I dig your tongue out!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan left, took out his saber from his tent, and said to An An beside him: "Go, call everyone to gather, and attack the border city of Xihuang at night!"

Looking at the blood in Lin Jihan's eyes soaring to the sky, An Yi couldn't help but tremble all over, the killing god from back then has finally returned!

In the capital

When Shen Mengqi came out of the Xuanzheng Hall, she saw Mu Qiancheng who had been waiting by the side. She turned the hand on her back to her back, "Why hasn't Prime Minister Mu left yet? Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Discuss?"

Mu Qiancheng bowed to Shen Mengqi and said: "Your Majesty, I am here for Luo Jiuqing's affairs, I beg you"

Shen Mengqi raised her hand to stop what Mu Qiancheng was going to say later, she looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "I won't leave her in the palace to be an old lady for the rest of my life, you can rest assured."

"Right now, there are dark waves of forces from all sides in the capital. Compared to her living outside, it's safer inside the palace."

"Her Majesty is thinking about it, I admire you."

Shen Mengqi looked at Mu Qiancheng and asked, "Master Mu is waiting here just to ask me about this matter?"

"One more thing, I hope that Her Majesty the Queen will consider King Ping'an's proposal. Judging from the current situation, he is indeed the most suitable candidate to go to Saibei. After all, the army in Saibei has always been under the control of the royal family. Only when he goes can he be suppressed. Can live in people's hearts."

How can she not see through what Mu Qiancheng can see through?
"I have my own decision on this matter, just keep an eye on the movement of the capital."

Mu Qiancheng knew that Shen Mengqi had listened to his words, so he bowed to Shen Mengqi and said: "Yes, then I will leave first."

After sending Mu Qiancheng away, Shen Mengqi couldn't hold herself back against the pillar beside her. She raised her hand and weakly supported her waist and said, "Boss Wang passed on a step and went straight back to Jingtai Palace."

Looking at the sweat on Shen Mengqi's forehead, Wang Peng looked worried, and said: "Yes, this old servant will arrange it now."

When they arrived at Jingtai Palace, Shen Mengqi saw a figure kneeling at the entrance of the hall from a long distance away, and when she took a closer look, that person was Shen Nanchen, and Shen Mengqi felt her lower abdomen hurt even more.

Shen Nanchen saw Shen Mengqi come back sitting and walking, he immediately knelt down and said: "I petition to lead the troops to go out to help Saibei, and please Your Majesty the Queen to do it!"

"Go back first, let me think about it."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi stopped looking at Shen Nanchen, and hurriedly walked into Jingtai Palace.

Seeing this, Shen Nanchen immediately kowtowed to the gate of Jingtai Palace, "I'm waiting here for Her Majesty's consent!"

Shen Mengqi didn't call him back.

After arriving in Jingtai Palace, she rushed towards the bed in a hurry, "Doctor Wang, my stomach hurts."

Physician Wang was shocked when he heard the words, and hurried forward to diagnose Shen Mengqi's pulse.

He said urgently: "Nurse Wang gave her hands to make Her Majesty lie down calmly."

"it is good."

After laying Shen Mengqi flat, Imperial Physician Wang quickly took out the silver needle and began to prick Shen Mengqi. It wasn't until half an hour later that he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "It's almost stabilized, and the old minister will prescribe another anti-birth medicine for you." A prescription for invigorating Qi."

He warned: "Your Majesty, you must remember not to get angry these days, or you will be in danger."

The needle-like pain slowly dissipated, and Shen Mengqi's head also broke out in a lot of cold sweat. She responded softly, "I see."

At this time, there was the sound of forbearance sobbing from the side.

Shen Mengqi looked sideways, and saw Luo Jiuqing standing not far away in a court lady's attire, looking at her with distressed expression.

Shen Mengqi forced a smile and said: "Look, you still don't believe me when I say you can't be a court lady. You're not used to wearing this palace maid dress, you should go out of the palace tomorrow."

Luo Jiuqing wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "I'm used to it, I'm used to it very much, I'll stay here and watch over you!"

"How can you, who used Shu brocade and silk to make clothes since childhood, be used to the clothes of court ladies? I'm fine, you can go out of the palace."

Luo Jiuqing shook his head.

"I'll feel more at ease when I'm with you." Luo Jiuqing knelt down and looked at Shen Mengqi, she took Shen Mengqi's hand and said, "From today on, I will learn how to serve people and how to take care of others. with me."

Shen Mengqi's heart warmed up, "Ah Jiu."

"I had you before, and now you have me. Don't worry, no matter what you do, even if the whole world is against you, I will stand by your side and fight against the world with you."


"I learn it from you."

Shen Mengqi and Luo Jiuqing looked at each other and smiled, as if they were back in their childhood.

With Luo Jiuqing accompanying Shen Mengqi, her mood improved a little. She looked outside the palace gate and said, "Is King Pingan still kneeling?"

Wang Peng nodded and said: "Kneeling, the old slave went to ask him to go back, but he refused, saying that if you don't nod, she won't get up."

Seeing Wang Peng's faltering appearance, Shen Mengqi said, "What else happened?"



Seeing Shen Mengqi's insistence, Wang Peng sighed, and he handed the envelope in his arms to Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, just now when you were doing acupuncture, you came to report from San Age Palace, but San Age disappeared, so I only left an envelope for you. you."

Shen Mengqi panicked, she frowned and said: "Give it to me!"

I saw on the envelope that Mengqi's sister had personally signed it.

Shen Mengqi took out the letter and saw that it said: "Sister Mengqi, I know you are embarrassing about Saibei, and I, the son, should bear the consequences of my concubine's crimes. The last bit of use for the prince of Tianyuan Kingdom is over, goodbye."

Shen Mengqi put down the envelope, feeling empty in her heart. "Third Brother, he's gone."

"Your Majesty, do you need to chase him back?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "I can't chase him back. If he really wants to leave, the palace won't be able to keep him."

She raised her hand and said, "Nurse Wang, help me up."

"Your Majesty, you should not move now."

"Then invite King Pingan in."


After Shen Nanchen came in, he looked at Shen Mengqi who was lying on the bed with needles on her arms, and he looked worried, "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Mengqi didn't speak, but asked instead: "Are you determined to go to Saibei?"

Shen Nanchen nodded and said: "At the moment, I am the only one who is most suitable to go to Saibei. You know, my dream since I was a child was to be able to fight the enemy and become a majestic general. Now I have finally got this opportunity. I will definitely not give up. .”

"Then go."

Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Nanchen and said: "Third brother also went to Saibei, the emperor's uncle has only a few heirs, and there are only three princes of you, second brother, the only blood relatives I have right now are you and the three elder brothers, please take me with you." Let them return safely."

(End of this chapter)

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