Chapter 237 Election Harem

Shen Nanchen knelt heavily to Shen Mengqi and said, "I will not disgrace my mission!"

Looking at the worried Shen Mengqi, Luo Jiuqing said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have already told Yuan Bao to go to Saibei with King Pingan, and you can rest assured that he will protect you."

"Ah Jiu," looking at Shen Nanchen's gradually disappearing figure, Shen Mengqi felt a little lonely, "Aren't I very useless, sitting on this dragon chair but doing nothing at all, I have to rely on you to fill in all the loopholes."

"Internally, the leakage of the national treasury depends on your Luo family's property. The government needs your elder brother and second elder brother to help control it. Even I need your care. Externally, I rely on the regent and his wife for the war in the Western Wilderness, and I rely on my husband and wife in the northern part of the country. three older brothers."

"Written ministers write about the country, military generals hold swords to protect borders, but I can only sit on a high platform like a waste, playing with people's hearts like a villain."

Luo Jiuqing said distressedly: "Your Majesty, you can't think that way, people's hearts are exchanged for people's hearts. Because it is you, the Luo family is willing to give up everything, the regent is willing to serve Tianyuan Kingdom, and King Pingan and the others are willing to go to the north of the Great Wall All this is because you are the one sitting on the dragon chair."

"The court can hurt people more than the battlefield, and the sweet sword of civil servants is more terrifying than the sharp blade in the general's hand. You have taken on the name of killing for the royal family and slaughtered Xihuangan's minions in Kyoto. You have replaced the regent and King Ping an Only when they guard the rear can they charge forward and kill the enemy with peace of mind, you are more important than anyone else!"

"There is no such thing as a skin, and a country can have a family. You guard the court in Kyoto, and accept my eldest brother and second brother as officials with the burden of infamy. This is to eliminate internal troubles. Sending out good generals is to eliminate foreign troubles. Don't feel guilty. You gave more than we did."

"Heh, what I bear is only infamy, and it is indeed your wealth and life."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand to stop Luo Jiuqing, who was about to persuade her, and said: "I understand what you want to say, I'm fine, I just feel guilty."

Shen Mengqi touched her flat stomach and said: "Tomorrow, let's start preparing to select some young talents to enter the palace."

It's time to arrange a father for the fetus in the womb, but if she doesn't go to that point, she doesn't really want Lin Jihan to know that the child is his.

Wang Peng said worriedly: "But if you do this, you may be charged with another crime."

"Is this even worse for me? Killing the emperor, usurping the throne, murdering courtiers indiscriminately, nepotism, openly prostitution, lust."

Shen Mengqi stared at her flat belly and said: "The more absurd I am now, the more cruel and weird my personality is, the less chaotic my courtiers and common people will be and dare not be. I don't want any reputation, I just want the common people to live and work in peace and contentment, and the prosperity of Tianyuan and the country Luck is long."

"The old slave understands, the old slave will make arrangements now, and start selecting people to enter the palace tomorrow."

"Choose more handsome people with clean family backgrounds." Luo Jiuqing interrupted their conversation and said, "Since the charges have been taken, then we can't be wronged. Three thousand handsome men in the harem, just think about it. It’s a wonderful picture, enjoy it~”

Looking at the picture of Luo Jiuqing becoming self-indulgent while talking, Shen Mengqi couldn't help laughing, "You~"

This was the first time Shen Mengqi laughed from the bottom of her heart since she took the throne, and the people around her couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

These days, Shen Mengqi has been pressing herself too tightly like a tight string, and they are afraid that she will break her string sometime.

On the second day at the court, after Wang Peng announced that Shen Mengqi was going to choose someone to enter the palace, there was indeed a great uproar among the courtiers. Except for Luo Bufan and Luo Lingxiao, everyone else was dumbfounded.

After guessing left and right, he couldn't figure out what Shen Mengqi's intentions were, so Yi Bai resisted to ask.

But Mu Qiancheng couldn't help it anymore, "Your Majesty, when the court is employing people, we have never held imperial examinations to select courtiers, but now you have to work hard to select people to enrich the harem, isn't it a bit inappropriate."

If Lin Jihan knew that he was working desperately for Shen Mengqi on the front line, but Shen Mengqi had already started to choose the harem, and was ready to seek pleasure, let Lin Jihan know that the Tianyuan Kingdom might not die from foreign enemies but be destroyed by his own prince first.

"Royal heirs can only prosper if the country's fortune lasts. As for the imperial examination, now that Luo Qing has entered the court, the government affairs of the court and China can be turned around, so let's postpone it."


When Mu Qiancheng wanted to say something, Shen Mengqi raised her hand to stop him directly, "Mu Qing doesn't need to say more, I've made up my mind, let's do it like this."

Shen Mengqi didn't give any courtiers a chance to speak, and said directly: "I'm tired, so let's stop here today and retire from court."

Mu Qiancheng wanted to say something else, "But Your Majesty the Empress."

Shen Mengqi glanced over, instantly overwhelming Mu Qiancheng speechless.

Knowing that Shen Mengqi had made up her mind, Mu Qiancheng didn't stay too long after leaving the court, but went straight back to his mansion. He hurried to the study to write the matter on a letter paper, and casually brought a carrier pigeon .

"My lord, I'm afraid you're going green. I hope you can make a decision after reading this letter."

After Mu Qiancheng put the letter in the envelope of the carrier pigeon, he hesitated when he was about to release the carrier pigeon.

He could see how much Lin Jihan attached importance to Shen Mengqi. If he knew that Shen Mengqi wanted to pick newcomers into the palace, he might just kill her back.

He... can't retreat!

Thinking of this, Mu Qiancheng took out the written letter, and put in a letter asking about the war.

Looking at the pigeons flying away, Mu Qiancheng said in his heart: Brother Wang Ye, I hope you know that when Her Majesty the Empress wants to choose a harem, don't blame me for not telling you, the current Tianyuan Kingdom cannot afford the risk of your withdrawal.

He was a minister first, then a son of man, and finally Lin Jihan's friend.As a minister, no matter how precious the brotherhood is, it must not override the country.

Inside the Shengxian Villa in the suburbs of Beijing

Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai laughed and knocked on the door of Shengxian Villa, "Knock, knock, knock."

After three breaths, a young student who was more than half a Daoist boy came out from the door, and he asked crisply, "Who is here?"

"Jiangnan Luo family, Luo Lingxiao."

"Bai Yibai."

"Later, you two."

The little door boy went back into the door, and he came out after a while, and said to Luo Lingxiao and Bai Yibai: "You two, please go back, our Patriarch said that there are rules in the world, and martial arts people Don't get involved in secular politics, and don't interact with people who have entanglements with the same court."

After finishing speaking, the little door boy was about to turn around and go back. At this time, a beautiful female voice came from the sedan chair behind Luo Lingxiao, "Could it be the king's land in the whole world? Since it is at the feet of the emperor, how can it be said that it is not involved in ordinary politics?"

The little door boy frowned upon hearing the words, "Dare to ask Heren?"

The door curtain of the carriage was gently lifted, and Shen Mengqi's face was revealed in front of everyone, the little doorman gasped in fright.

It turned out that even though Nan Nan and Cheng Xingchen accompanied Shen Nanchen to Saibei, Shen Mengqi still felt guilty.For this reason, she took a day off, pretended to leave the palace after going to court, and followed Luo Lingxiao and Boss Boss to the supreme place of martial arts.

The little gate boy screamed and fell back inside the mountain gate. After a while, the gate of Shengxian Villa was completely opened. Two teams of disciples wearing white Taoist robes stood outside the gate. hurried over.

"Grassman Li Sheng sees Her Majesty the Empress, long live the Empress!"

"Li Shengzhizun doesn't need to be too polite, let's be flat."

With Luo Jiuqing's support, Shen Mengqi got out of the carriage. She looked at Li Shengdao and said, "I have something to discuss with you today, can I take a step to talk?"

Li Sheng nodded, "Your Majesty, please."

He invited Shen Mengqi to his study all the way, and personally served a glass of Yuqian Longjing for Shen Mengqi to taste. This superficial effort was extremely good.

Shen Mengqi took a sip vainly, "I won't go around in circles with you, Li Shengzhizun, I came here today because I want you to call people from all walks of life to help Saibei."

Li Sheng looked at Shen Mengqi with a smile, and he said with a needle in his eyes: "Your Majesty, we are all rough people who have never been on the battlefield. Wouldn't it add trouble if we went to Xihuang? Now that the country is in danger, we How can you be such a shit-stirring stick?"

"From now on, I will be nailed to the pillar of shame!"

Luo Jiuqing frowned when she heard the words, but Shen Mengqi raised her hand to stop her when she was about to speak.

She looked at Li Shengdao: "Shame? Is this a shame in Li Shengzhi's eyes?"

Li Sheng asked with a sneer: "What do you think is shame, Your Majesty the Empress?"

"It is a shame that the mountains and rivers are broken, and it is a disgrace for the people to live without a living. I don't care how future generations will evaluate me in a hundred years. I only want the country to be peaceful and the people safe, the people can have enough food, and the mountains and rivers will not be trampled by others!"

"The rivers and lakes shouldn't be involved in politics, but at this moment, the country is about to disappear, do you think the rivers and lakes can still hold on?" Shen Mengqi asked: "Or does it mean that the rivers and lakes have long wanted to change their country? "

Li Sheng's emotions also rose, "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about who caused this situation? If the former emperor was still there, how could these things happen? The most important thing in the world is friendship, but we don't want to do it for this. court effect."

"What do you know, just talking nonsense here!"

Li Sheng looked at Luo Jiuqing, who was arguing for Shen Mengqi, and said: "I, Li Sheng, are not as close as the Luo family and His Majesty the Empress since childhood, and I will never be a lackey who kills violent people!"

Shen Mengqi slapped Li Sheng backhanded, so fast that everyone present didn't even react.


Although Li Sheng was angry, he didn't dare to resist, he could only cover his face.

"You can condemn me from the moral high ground, but you can't insult the Luo family who have dedicated themselves to the country." Shen Mengqi looked at Li Sheng coldly and said, "This is the mind of the martial arts supreme in the world, heh~"

She got up and didn't look at Li Sheng again, "Let's just pretend I've never been here today, Ah Jiu, let's go."

Luo Jiuqing, Luo Lingxiao and the others hesitated a bit. Are you leaving now?

Shen Mengqi didn't pause at all, she didn't look back until she left the Shengxian Villa.

Sitting on the carriage back to the palace, Shen Mengqi confessed: "Ah Jiu, post a hero post in the name of Xiaomeng Pavilion, and sincerely invite people from all corners of the world to help Saibei."


When Shen Nanchen came to Saibei with Cheng Xingchen and Nan Nan, Saibei was already in chaos, there was not a single person in the city, and the northern army flags of Mobei Kingdom were everywhere.

The person who came to greet them was the First Prince's lieutenant general.

He looked at Shen Nanchen and said, "Prince Ping An, you are here!"

"What's the situation in the city now, what about the eldest prince and Erhuangzi?"

Deputy General Jiang Bian shook his head and said: "The people in the city were all killed by the Mobei people. The eldest prince is still alive and dead, and we haven't seen the second prince. Now the army is in chaos. Waiting for you to preside over the overall situation!"

The lieutenant-general was crying and telling the truth.

Seeing the hostility in his inadvertently raised eyes, Cheng Xingchen couldn't help frowning, she moved to Shen Nanchen's side and whispered: "There is something wrong with this person."

Hearing the words, Shen Nanchen pressed the tiger's mouth to the hilt of his sword. He looked warily at the First Prince's lieutenant general and said, "How many of our people are left? Why is the whole city full of Mobei flags?"

Ai Ai, the deputy general, mourned and said: "Our [-] Yubei Army now has less than [-] left. This city was originally captured by the Mobei Army. They killed all the women and children and planted flags before withdrawing to Mobei. , we haven't had time to unplug it yet."

Shen Nanchen asked again, "Why did they retreat, leaving no guards behind?"

The lieutenant general shook his head and said, "No, we don't know the reason for their retreat."

He is lying.

Shen Nanchen, Nan Nan and Cheng Xingchen formed a circle in an instant. When he raised his hand, the soldiers behind him also put on a defensive posture.

Shen Nanchen raised his hand to grab the co-general, but the co-general was already prepared and jumped to a very far place, so that they couldn't even touch him.

"The third prince is not as stupid as the information said, but you can't escape anymore."

The deputy general raised his hand, and in an instant, many soldiers wearing Tianyuan Kingdom armor poured out from all directions, directly surrounding them three layers inside and three layers outside.

The deputy general stood lazily outside the circle and licked his ears: "All those who are sensible should surrender. It will save you trouble, and I will save trouble, and you will not see blood. How good it is."

Shen Nanchen said with red eyes: "You actually betrayed Tianyuan Kingdom!"


The lieutenant general pointed to the sky and said with a smile: "The third prince was joking. I am called a person who goes to a higher place. Mobei and Xihuang have already joined hands. How could Tianyuan Kingdom be their opponent? Although there is a regent, but He can only take care of the east, not the west."

"This Tianyuan Kingdom has already lost its strength. I advise you to surrender too. It just happened to be reunited with the First Prince and the others."

Seeing the lieutenant general speak so frankly about treason, Shen Nanchen gritted his teeth and said, "Scumbag!"

"Thank you for the compliment." The lieutenant smiled ferociously, and he said, "Since you don't eat or drink fine wine after toasting, don't blame the general."

Seeing that Shen Nanchen didn't intend to bow his head in the slightest, the deputy general stopped talking nonsense and raised his hand directly: "Take them all down, Shen Nanchen wants to catch them alive, and the others don't matter whether they live or die, and none of them will be let go!"


(End of this chapter)

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