Chapter 238 Selected

Even though they were surrounded, the soldiers brought by Shen Nanchen did not intend to retreat or surrender. They firmly guarded Shen Nanchen, Nan Nan and Cheng Xingchen in the center, fighting hard while looking for a breakthrough for them .

Shen Nanchen's eyes were scarlet, and he didn't feel that he was overreaching until now. Shen Mengqi said that he could only talk about wars on paper, and there was nothing wrong with it. His martial arts skills are better than one or two, but facing this overwhelming crowd, He is also like a drop in the ocean, even self-protection is a problem.

After all, he still disappointed Shen Mengqi.

Shen Nanchen swung his sword to cut off the rain of arrows. At this moment, Cheng Xingchen's voice came from behind him, "My lord, there is a gap here, go!"

Nan Nan also pulled him and said, "You go first, and I'll cut your back."

Cheng Xingchen also pushed him forward.

As soon as they were about to escape from the encirclement, a cold arrow hit them from behind. Shen Nanchen immediately turned around to block the cold arrow, and then swung Nan Nan and Cheng Xingchen out like a hammer.

"My lord!"

Looking at Shen Nanchen who was completely surrounded again, Shen Mengqi and Nan Nan shouted loudly.

"Let's go! Tell Her Majesty what happened in Saibei, the eldest prince's lieutenant general has rebelled, and Saibei has fallen!"

Speaking of which, Shen Nanchen stood directly in front of the soldiers, holding a long sword in his hand, and with a little force, he directly pushed dozens of soldiers from Mobei to the ground.

At this time, the lieutenant who was hiding in the distance quietly raised his bow and shot the arrow at Shen Nanchen. Before Shen Nanchen could react, he was shot in the chest and fell down straight, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"My lord!!"

In Jingtai Palace, Shen Mengqi, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly woke up from her sleep. She sat up and wiped, her forehead was covered with sweat.

The people who had been guarding the house all woke up when they heard the slight movement, and they gathered around worriedly, "Your Majesty, are you having a nightmare?"

Shen Mengqi touched her heart that missed a beat and shook her head, she said uneasy, "I just feel uneasy all of a sudden."

She looked at the direction of Mobei from a distance and said in her heart, "Second Brother, you must be fine."

"Ah Jiu," Shen Mengqi stretched out her hand to hold Luo Jiuqing's hand and said, "You can sleep with me, I'm flustered."

"Okay." Luo Jiuqing lay down next to Shen Mengqi, carefully bypassing Shen Mengqi's stomach, she said softly: "The emperor should go to sleep, we have to choose someone to enter the palace tomorrow, and we must work hard."


Under Luo Jiuqing's soft voice, Shen Mengqi finally fell asleep, but this sleep was extremely restless. Although she had no dreams, she felt that her body was always falling, as if she had fallen into an invincible abyss generally.

This sleep was more tiring than not sleeping. Shen Mengqi leaned on the dragon chair with a sullen expression. Looking at the long queues of men inside and outside the hall, she felt a headache and dizziness.

Wang Peng and Luo Jiuqing were on the left and right, looking at Shen Mengqi who couldn't open her eyes, they were a little worried.

But he still stepped forward and asked, "Your Majesty, shall we begin?"

Shen Mengqi rubbed her temples with a headache and said, "Let's start."

Wang Peng stepped forward and said loudly: "The draft ceremony has officially begun~"

Xiao Mazi and Luo Jiuqing picked up a corner of the booklet and unfolded it to both sides. Shen Mengqi could see the names and family backgrounds on the booklet when she looked up.

Wang Peng looked at the booklet in his hand and read.

"Changshan Zhao's Zhao Wudi, eighteen years old."

He is only one year older than Shen Mengqi, and I heard that all the people from the Zhao family in Changshan are martial arts practitioners, and all of them are born with strong backs and waists, and they are all talents of generals.

She raised her head and saw that kneeling in the hall was a beautiful woman with a feminine appearance and a frail body. She looked a little weaker than Lin Daiyu, a sick beauty who could collapse in the wind.

"Do you know martial arts?"

Zhao Wudi raised his head and looked at the beautiful Shen Mengqi and said: "Returning to Your Majesty, the subject knows martial arts. The subject has learned martial arts from the Patriarch since he was a child, and he still has some accomplishments in this."

Shen Mengqi became interested when she heard the words, she pointed to the pillars in the Xuanzheng Hall and said, "Look at the pillars and punch them."


After Zhao Wudi saluted Shen Mengqi, he got up and walked to the side of the pillar. With only a slight circle, Shen Mengqi heard a slight click.

From the appearance, the pillar should have been punched with some tiny cracks.

This person looks feminine and weak, but his strength is really not small, he is really a person who cannot be judged by his appearance.

"Not bad, keep it."

Wang Peng heard the words and said: "Changshan Zhao family Zhao Wudi, keep it."

Zhao Wudi's brows and eyes lit up, he forgot to kneel and salute for a moment, and directly clasped his fists together and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Empress."

It was only after he finished fisting that he felt that something was wrong with him, he hurriedly knelt down and said, "I also ask Your Majesty the Queen to forgive me, this subject has performed the wrong etiquette for a while."

Shen Mengqi didn't take it seriously, she gave Zhao Wudi the same quack ceremony, and she said: "It's okay, I also like quack ceremony, next one."

Zhao Wudi looked at Shen Mengqi, who was lazily sitting on the ninth-five-ranking seat, with a little surprise in his eyes. Her Majesty looked so tolerant, and she was not at all as cruel and inhumane as rumored outside.

The days of entering the palace must not be very sad.

Wang Peng continued: "The son of the Jingzhou government office, Li Huaian is sixteen years old."

Shen Mengqi raised her eyes and looked at the roster. It was marked on it that although Jingzhou is a small place, it produces talented people, and the government of Jingzhou is also a man of temperament.

Looking at Li Huai'an and Shen Mengqi, who was kneeling in front of the hall with a still childish face but looking at her with hatred, she said with a smile: "A young man should have a youthful spirit, yes, keep it."

As soon as Shen Mengqi said that she would keep her, Li Huai'an's face darkened several times in an instant, but thinking of his father's family far away in Jingzhou, he still gritted his teeth and said, "I obey the order."

When he turned his head and went out, he just let his tears fall, stubborn and cute, so malleable.

"The [-]th year of Yi An, the son of the prefect of Jinzhou."

After Wang Peng had informed Yi An, Yi An immediately knelt down, "My subject, Yi An, pays his respects to Her Majesty the Empress, and wishes her Majesty a long and boundless life."

That mouth seemed to have been smeared with honey, and what he said was very pleasant.

Shen Mengqi casually picked up a piece of sugar cake beside her and put it in her mouth. She asked Yi An, "I heard that you are a well-known blue-faced confidant in ten miles and eight towns of Jinzhou, whether you are an 80-year-old woman or a three-year-old You can mingle with them even if you're a kid."

"Hehe, that's all their exaggeration. In fact, Her Majesty is not very familiar with the subjects, the 80-year-old woman and the three-year-old child."

He neither admits nor denies that his family background is innocent, and his roots are still close to the Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies, so he is a good seedling.

Shen Mengqi waved her hand and said, "Keep it."

After that, there were not many people who could interest Shen Mengqi, but most of the time she was retained and recruited into the harem.

The number of people inside and outside the hall decreased little by little, and the sun was setting to the west. After more than half an hour, there was only one person named Shen Mengqi, who was very familiar, kneeling in the hall.

Wang Peng also had some trouble looking at the roster. He glanced sideways at Shen Mengqi, and seeing that Shen Mengqi had no intention of stopping him, he bit his head and shouted, "The secret guard 16 under the regent of Jiuyou Thirteen Counties Year fifteen."

Shen Mengqi, who had been lazily leaning on the dragon chair, immediately stood up straight after hearing this name, looking at Shiliu who was really kneeling on the ground, Shen Mengqi's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

He knows, is sending someone here to monitor or let go?

I have to admit that no matter how clean she pretends to be, and no matter how clearly she thinks in her heart, once someone or something related to Lin Jihan appears, Shen Mengqi will still feel nervous and worried involuntarily.

She took a fixed look at the well-behaved Shiliu who had been kneeling in the hall, and said slowly, "Keep it."

No matter what reason Lin Jihan sent Shiliu into her harem, she had to accept it.

After a draft, basically [-]% of those who came were selected into the harem, and only a very small number of disloyal ministers sent them back.

Among the people selected by Shen Mengqi to enter the palace, some are good-looking, some are mediocre or even ugly, some have a strong personality, some are mild-tempered, and are good at smooth talk.

Looking at the past, it's hard to figure out what kind of person Shen Mengqi really likes, or maybe she's just planning to share the rain and dew.

The ministers couldn't help shivering when they thought that there were a few people with too casual looks among them. If they wanted to talk about it or not, their Majesty the Empress was really not picky about food.

After selecting the candidates, this is not over yet. After returning to the harem, Wang Peng took out the tall and thick booklet and showed it to Shen Mengqi, "Your Majesty, it's time for you to assign residences and positions to these people who have just entered the palace."

"By the way, it's a precedent for this man to enter the palace. You still have to decide on their names."

Shen Mengqi pinched the bridge of her nose and said, "Let's define it as the son, the prince, the side king, the servant king, the servant king and the emperor's husband."

"For the time being, don't choose someone for the position of emperor's husband. For the rest, let's confer them according to the previous system of imperial uncle canonization. The palace allocation is the same."

"That's right." Shen Mengqi seemed to have suddenly remembered something, she raised her hand and said, "Arrange Zhao Wudi from the Changshan Zhao family, Yi'an, the prefect of Jinzhou, and Li Huai'an, the son of the Jingzhou government, to live in a palace. Also arranged to be closer to me."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Wang Peng asked again: "Your Majesty has one more matter. How will you distribute the people you recruited this time who are still in collusion with Xihuang? Do you want the old slave to send people to watch more?"

Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui, her eyes were full of calculations, "Assign to the most corner of the palace or the place where it is easiest to communicate with the outside world and not easy to be noticed. You don't need to send someone to watch, I will arrange it myself .”

"Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

Luo Jiuqing reminded: "But it might be a little risky to put it somewhere, don't let them have another spring breeze."

"I know it." Shen Mengqi looked into the distance, her voice was a bit ethereal, "How can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den?"

"Director Wang, after the court tomorrow, you ask Yi Bai and Mu Qiancheng to come to the palace."

"Yes." After finishing speaking, Director Wang asked again: "By the way, Your Majesty, what are the arrangements for the person sent by the Regent?"

"Arrange him next to the Punishment Division. Seventeen is there. They should have a lot to say."

Although Wang Peng didn't understand why Shen Mengqi made such an arrangement, he still followed suit, "Yes, this old slave understands."

Looking at Shen Mengqi with starry eyes, Luo Jiuqing said: "Your Majesty the Empress wants to cultivate the future generals of Tianyuan Kingdom in the harem."

Shen Mengqi didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either, "The feng shui in the harem of the capital supports people, I hope that these people will only be loyal to Tianyuan Kingdom behind their backs in the future."

Luo Jiuqing's heart was empty, and for some reason, she always felt that everything Shen Mengqi was dealing with was as if she was explaining the funeral, which made her feel very tense.

"Your Majesty, you."

Before Luo Jiuqing could ask, he was interrupted by the imperial doctor Wang who came with the soup, "Your Majesty, it's time for you to drink the medicine."

After several doses of medicine, Shen Mengqi had already become numb, and every time she just took a bowl and gulped it down into her stomach.

But this time the medicine was extremely bitter, but after thinking that if she shouted bitterness, she would definitely be served with sugar cakes, so she forcibly endured it.

At this time, Imperial Physician Wang took out a plate of sour plums from behind and gave it to Shen Mengqi.

"Your Majesty, try some sour plums."

Shen Mengqi looked at the green sour plum with sour water rising from her mouth, but she still didn't move a step, "Doctor Wang, didn't you say that sour plum will cure the medicinal properties of Zhen Baotai Decoction?"

"That stage is over, and your body is gradually improving, so you can eat it. This new soup is much more bitter than the previous one. How can you not eat sour plums?"

After hearing this, Shen Mengqi carefully took out a sour plum from the plate and put it in her mouth. The sour plum was so sour that Shen Mengqi's teeth were about to fall out, but she felt extremely satisfied, as if her whole heart had been crushed. People fill up the general.

She couldn't help but picked up another one and put it in her mouth to taste it carefully.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was so rare and comfortable, Luo Jiuqing was reluctant to ask her own words to spoil the current atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, no matter how delicious sour plums are, you should restrain yourself, otherwise your teeth will be sour and you won't be able to use other meals."

Shen Mengqi withdrew her hand reluctantly when she heard the words, "I know."

"Speaking of which, the second brother and the others logically say that they should have arrived in Saibei. Why hasn't there been any news yet?"

Shen Mengqi said: "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry. The second prince may be busy looking for the eldest prince and the third prince, and at the same time recover the lost land, so it was delayed. No news right now is the best news."

Yes, no news is the best news.

Shen Mengqi's heart relaxed a little, she was just about to take today's courtiers' memorial and start reviewing, when the familiar sound of bugles resounded throughout the capital.

This time it was the soldier who had followed Shen Nanchen to Saibei. He stood in front of Shen Mengqi covered in blood, "Your Majesty, the lieutenant general of the Great Prince of Saibei rebelled. We were killed by the soldiers of Mobei as soon as we arrived in Saibei City." Surrounded, Cheng Xingchen and Lord Nan Nan were sent out by His Royal Highness the Second Prince, who was taken away by the Saibei people after being shot by an arrow!"


Shen Mengqi's hand holding the writing brush trembled, and the pen holder fell directly on the table, and a large swath of ink directly stained the entire memorial.

(End of this chapter)

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