Chapter 239
Not waiting for Shen Mengqi to calm down, she heard someone rushing over and shouting, "Report! The Mobei army has swung north and broke Linchuan and is coming straight to Kyoto!"

"Your Majesty, Minister of War Luo Lingxiao and Minister of Household Luo Bufan are asking to see you."

Shen Mengqi "Come on in."

Looking at the two people who looked flustered, Shen Mengqi said directly: "Do you all know about Saibei?"

Luo Lingxiao nodded, "The Luo family's business is spread all over the world. Today, Feige hurriedly wrote in Linchuan that it was the Mobei army that swept Linchuan, and none of the people in the city survived."

"Tucheng." Shen Mengqi gritted her teeth and said, "This Mobei Kingdom is still the old school."

"Your Majesty, now that the Western Wilderness has won many victories and the Western Wilderness is about to be destroyed, it is better to withdraw the regent and ask him to repel the Mobei Kingdom first."

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said, "No, firstly, the regent doesn't understand Saibei, and secondly, if we withdraw our troops from Xihuang now, maybe Mobei and Xihuang will unite to fight back, and it will be even more difficult for us to suffer from the enemy."

"If you are a little careless, I am afraid that the country will be destroyed."

"Then let me go to Saibei." Luo Lingxiao took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "I will go with Boss Bai, and I will definitely recover the lost land for Your Majesty!"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "Although Boss Boss is skilled in martial arts, he is not as good at leading troops in battle as you are. This Mobei is coming in menacingly, and there is also the deputy general of the eldest brother who will respond to them internally. You can't handle it. Only I can solve it in person." ended the game."

"They tried their best to catch the living second brother, just to lure my relatives. Since they want to, I will do as they wish."


As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, everyone in the room refused in unison: "Your Majesty, your current body is not suitable for a personal conquest, and this capital also needs you to sit in person in person. Once the officials in the court find that you have left the capital, Then this is Kyoto”

"If I don't go, the game of chess will really be dead. No one can stop the Mobei army from going north. In less than three days, they will advance to the capital. In the end, it will be the people who will suffer."

"This is the capital." Shen Mengqi pulled Luo Jiuqing's hand and said, "Ah Jiu, come and watch for me, stay here in Jingtai Palace for me, and I will be able to come back within a month or so at most. As for political affairs, I will give orders Mu Qiancheng came to the palace to help you deal with it together."

"Her Majesty the Queen."

"Don't worry, I understand what I'm doing." Shen Mengqi touched her stomach and said, "I will definitely be careful, and I will never let anything happen to me."

Physician Wang said: "I also went with Her Majesty the Queen."

Shen Mengqi hesitated for a moment. In the past, Imperial Physician Wang was inseparable from her. If he followed her to Linchuan, the courtiers would probably see through her blindfold.

"Your Majesty, I can ask my apprentice to stay in this Jingtai Palace instead. As long as he doesn't go out, who knows if I will go or not?"

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was still a little hesitant, Imperial Physician Wang continued: "There must always be someone around you who is watching the Baotai Decoction. I am proficient in pharmacology, and can recuperate your body at any time by your side."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Empress," Luo Bufan also stepped forward to persuade, "Your body is the foundation of the Tianyuan Kingdom, and there must be no mistakes."

"Okay, then Imperial Physician Wang will go together." Shen Mengqi looked at Luo Jiuqing and the others and said, "I will leave the affairs of the capital to you."

"Her Majesty, rest assured."

Shen Mengqi took out her Tiger Talisman from her bosom and handed it to Wang Pengdao: "Assemble the [-] and Ming troops and we will set off for Linchuan tonight."

"Your Majesty, the leader of the team is..."

After Shen Mengqi thought for a while, just as she was about to speak, she saw Luo Lingxiao bowing to her and said, "Go, I have been taking care of food and grass in Xihuang earlier. Although I can't go to the battlefield, I can guarantee the supply of your majesty's food and grass."

"That's fine, then I'll report your name. But it's convenient for you to stay behind when you arrive in Linchuan, and you must not rush forward and hurt yourself."

Luo Lingxiao nodded and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Boss Bai and the others will go with the minister, and the minister will definitely not be injured."

Shen Mengqi nodded, "Then let's go."


When Shen Mengqi was ready to take Luo Lingxiao out, she happened to meet Xiao Mazi bringing Mu Qiancheng over. Shen Mengqi looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "The front court, the harem and Ah Jiuzhen will be handed over to you for the time being."

"Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty, the minister will fulfill his mission."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was tightly wrapped in ordinary armor, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, do you want to inform the regent about your royal conquest?"

"No, it won't solve anything if you talk to him, just do your own thing."


After leaving the palace gate, Shen Mengqi saw Boss Bai and others lazily waiting outside the palace gate. After seeing the people behind Luo Lingxiao clearly, Boss Bai's eyes froze, and he was about to speak Kneeling to salute was stopped by Shen Mengqi's gesture.

Obviously she didn't want others to recognize her appearance.

Boss Boss directly raised his hand to put on Luo Lingxiao's body and said, "What's going on here, didn't you say you led troops to go out?"

Luo Lingxiao turned around and looked at Shen Mengqi, who had been standing behind him like a guard, and after seeing that she had no intention of hiding anything, he whispered in Boss Bai's ear: "Your Majesty is going to conquest personally, but it's better not to make it public now." Timing, so let me take the title of leader first."

"Oh~ hey, then what should we call Her Majesty the Empress?"

"It's good to call him Fourth Master." Luo Lingxiao raised his hand and hooked Boss Bai's neck and said, "Okay, don't keep looking back, don't make Biren notice Her Majesty the Empress."


Hearing this, Boss Boss immediately obediently stopped looking back, but his steps were more or less in unison. After all, he understands everything, but whether he can do it is another matter.

In Jingtai Palace, Mu Qiancheng looked at Luo Jiuqing who was sitting in front of the bed, with countless thoughts in his eyes, he said quietly, "Jiuqing."

Luo Jiuqing looked at Mu Qiancheng expressionlessly and said, "Master Mu, I will trouble you to come here to work in the next few days. Apart from the arrangement of Her Majesty, we have nothing to do with each other. I hope you can understand."

When you said that you directly distanced his relationship with Luo Jiuqing, Mu Qiancheng felt a bit bitter in his mouth, she is now going further and further away from him after all.

"Jiuqing, we"

"Master Mu, it's getting late at night, I'll take a rest first, please go ahead."

Looking at Luo Jiuqing, who didn't want to talk to him at all, and lay directly on the couch in the house with his back to him, Mu Qiancheng's heart tightened, but when he thought that Shen Mengqi would not come back for more than a month, he and Luo Jiuqing had months After spending time with Yu, he gradually calmed down.

There are still many days in the future, there will always be a day when she can touch her heartstrings, there is no rush.

Thinking of this, Mu Qiancheng happily found a place to lie down on.

"Jiuqing, good night."

Hearing Mu Qiancheng's voice behind him, Luo Jiuqing didn't make any movement on the face, but in fact he stayed up all night.

On the second day, Shen Mengqi declared that she was ill and passed Chaoyueyu, and the news that Mu Qiancheng had been sent to Jingtai Palace spread throughout the capital, and the court exploded without any surprise.

The courtiers had different opinions on this matter, and felt that Shen Mengqi was not really a good monarch, but none of them dared to take the lead in questioning.

In the palace, a group of niche students who had just been selected into the palace also exploded. Everyone was full of anticipation, and their thoughts were also full of twists and turns.They all speculated, did Shen Mengqi want to pamper them all by saying that she would not go to court because she was sick?
Thinking of pampering the two of them, everyone couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. From ancient times to the present, women serve men, waiting for men's favor, but now they are upside down when they come to them. No matter how you think about it, it's a bit embarrassing.

None of them wanted to be the first person to be favored by Shen Mengqi, so they all took care of Wang Peng. They either fell into the water and caught the wind and cold, or they burned the lamps and stayed up all night. On the altar, a Bodhisattva Buddha was enshrined, and he looked like he was practicing on behalf of Fa, saying that he was praying for Shen Mengqi and telling her to recover soon.

What they did made everyone in Jingtai Palace breathe a sigh of relief.

But when she thought that Shen Mengqi would not go to court for no reason, and there was no explanation, it was somewhat unreasonable, so she called Shiliu to attend her bed.

Ever since he heard that Shen Mengqi was ill, Shiliu started wandering around Jingtai Palace wanting to inquire about the news. Hearing this, he was both happy and worried. He was happy that he would be able to explain something to the prince now, but worried that if Shen Mengqi was really favored. ' If you say what you say, I'm afraid he won't be able to see the sun of tomorrow.

Thinking of his possessive prince, Shiliu couldn't help shrinking his neck. If he was really 'sleeped' by Shen Mengqi, the prince would definitely tear him apart!
But if she would rather die than obey, Shen Mengqi would be furious, would she just slaughter her own nine clans?

Sixteen instantly fell into sorrow.

When he was full of distress, he saw that Wang Peng had brought a group of maids to carry a vat full of hot water and walked over.

Shiliu was startled, "Boss Wang, what are you doing!"

Looking at Shiliu whose voice was so frightened that his voice broke, Manager Wang smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, servant, the emperor has told you that you are going to bed tonight, and I want this old servant to clean you up and dress you up so you can move there."

Shiliu almost bit off his tongue when he heard the words, "Wash what? I don't!"

"Sixteen servants, are you going to disobey Her Majesty the Empress?" Wang Peng looked at him sharply and said, "Your Majesty has said that you can fry it in a pan without washing it.

Shiliu was so frightened that his heart trembled, it seemed that he was destined to have this calamity, he was going to die anyway, so then; let's have a good time!
In desperation, he stripped himself naked, and then jumped into the bucket, "Then burn me to death."

Seeing Shiliu who was so heroic, Wang Peng chuckled lightly and said, "Your servant, this old hydrographer, is considered a good one. Don't be afraid, you won't be able to die."

Shiliu resigned himself to his fate and spread it out in the bucket, allowing the maids to rub him over and over like it was a pancake.

Suddenly, a court lady rubbed Shiliu's waist crazily, as if she would not give up until she rubbed off a layer of skin, Shiliu couldn't stand the pain and then roared: "That's on my waist. Mozi are not mud!"

The little maid stopped her hands when she heard the words. She looked at Shiliu and knelt down in horror and said, "I'm sorry Shiliu Shijun, this servant thought it was mud. If it hurts Shiliu, please punish him!"

Looking at the red eyes of the little court lady, Shiliu didn't have the nerve to reprimand her, he waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, I didn't say what I want from you."

The little maid's eyes lit up when she heard the words and smiled, "Thank you, Shijun, thank you, Shijun!"

After washing for about half an hour, Shiliu was finally lifted out of the bucket.When he stood up in a daze to get dressed, Wang Peng stopped him.

I saw two eunuchs stepping forward to take the quilt and roll him up.

Shiliu suddenly woke up, "Director Wang, what are you doing!"

"Don't be afraid, servant, this is just the normal process of serving His Majesty." Manager Wang said with a smile: "This is also for convenience, so you have to take off your clothes when you arrive at Jingtai Palace, Your Majesty has no patience for that. "

Sixteen couldn't take it anymore, he raised his head and roared angrily, "Ah! I'm dead!!"

Although the palace where he lived was next to the Department of Punishment, the location was not very remote, so his yelling directly spread to every corner of the palace.

The people who were already in a state of panic hugged into a ball in an instant. Is it so scary to serve the bed?The fierce generals under Lin Jihan's command were actually wailing in such despair, so would they still be alive when the time came?They're only in their teens, but they don't want to die yet!

When he was carried to Jingtai Palace, Shiliu was already numb. He stared blankly at the roof of the palace and asked in a daze, "Your Majesty, I'm a little scared~"

"With so many people watching, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing Mu Qiancheng's voice ringing in his ears, Shiliu slowly came back to his senses. He looked around and saw Wang Peng, Wang Momo, Mu Qiancheng and Luo Jiuqing. They formed a circle directly, looking at him with great interest.

Sixteen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it was fine, there was no Her Majesty the Queen.

Shiliu bounced up suddenly, but thinking that he was completely naked, he immediately wrapped up the quilt again. He looked at Mu Qiancheng and asked, "Where is Your Majesty the Empress?"

Mu Qiancheng took a piece of dim sum and threw it into his mouth, saying: "Yu Jia went to conscript himself, otherwise why do you think you were called to serve the bed?"

Mu Qiancheng sized Shiliu up and down, and he snorted coldly, "You're just as pretty as you are."

Although Mu Qiancheng's words were not finished, they were far more lethal than what he said.

And Shiliu was overjoyed when he heard that he didn't have to go to bed, "Oh, that's good."

"No, you just said that Her Majesty the Queen has gone to the conquest?"

"Ang has gone."

Shiliu was suffocated when he heard the words, he raised his hand to cover his chest, panted heavily, and asked with a little pleading in his eyes: "Are you going to Xihuang?"

Mu Qiancheng shook his head, and broke his fantasy by speaking directly: "I went to Linchuan, I went to resist the army of Mobei."


With a scream of grief, Shiliu fell to the side, "My waist~!"

Suppressing the servants who were afraid of quietly coming outside the gate of Jingtai Palace to eavesdrop, "."

(End of this chapter)

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