Chapter 240 The Eve of the Great War
The attendants who originally wanted to come and invite them were so frightened that they immediately ran back to their palace, fearing that they would be discovered by "Shen Mengqi" in the house if they were too late, and they would be arrested to "serve" her together .

In Jingtai Palace, Shiliu slowly climbed up from the ground with his waist that was almost broken, he grinned and said: "Why didn't you tell such a big thing in advance, if the prince knows, you and I But they are all dead!"

"Then don't let him know."

Looking at the determined Mu Qiancheng, Shiliu was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"Even if I let him know, what can be solved? It's just to distract him and lose the battle on the battlefield in Xihuang. Her Majesty has Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai by her side, so nothing will happen."

Mu Qiancheng bewitched, "If you don't talk about this matter and I don't talk about it, everything will be peaceful."

"Naive." Sixteen sneered and said, "Do you think that if you don't tell me, I won't know if I don't tell the prince?"

Mu Qiancheng said sharply: "How could the prince know, could it be that there is someone from the prince in this static palace?"

Now this Jingtai Palace is full of people trusted by Shen Mengqi, if there is someone from Lin Jihan among them, then...
Sixteen eyes flickered and said: "Of course the prince's people are not in the palace anymore."

He pointed to the roof vainly and said: "If someone raises his head three feet to listen, the people under the prince's command have a lot of supernatural powers."

But Mu Qiancheng had a look of disbelief. He looked at Wang Peng, Wang Momo, Luo Jiuqing and Wang Taiyi's apprentices in the hall, and said with a light smile, "If your Majesty finds out about this when he comes back, he must be very happy." Let's have fun."

"Master Shepherd!"

Sixteen was a little anxious, "It has been said that the Prince Regent is outside, so don't talk nonsense in front of Her Majesty the Queen, lest you hurt the relationship between the Prince Regent and Her Majesty the Queen."

Mu Qiancheng specially said: "As long as you don't 'talk nonsense' in front of the regent, then the prime minister will naturally be able to control his own mouth."

Sixteen thought for a moment after hearing the words, and then said, "Even if we don't say it, the matter of Her Majesty's personal conquest will be exposed to everyone sooner or later."

"Then let the regent know when it is exposed."

"So, Master Mu, you just want to make things difficult for us?"

Mu Qiancheng shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand, "If you insist on thinking this way, I can't do anything about it. I'm not someone who makes things difficult for others. Do you want to say that you choose yourself?"

After weighing the pros and cons, Shiliu gritted his teeth and replied, "Her Majesty has been recuperating in Jingtai Palace, and has never stepped out of the palace gate."

"The choice of the wise."

Mu Qiancheng looked at Eleven who was resigned to his fate, and he said silently in his heart, "My lord, I can only help you so far.

Outskirts of Linchuan City

Shen Mengqi sat in the carriage with Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai, Shen Mengqi raised a corner of the curtain and looked at the slightly empty houses and the charred tree trunks on both sides, she frowned slightly.

With this war, it is inevitable that the people will be homeless, displaced or even killed.

Boss Boss enlightened: "Your Majesty, whether it's a blessing or a disaster is fate, you don't need to worry about it, it's not your fault."

"The emperor is not benevolent, and the people are not easy." Shen Mengqi said soberly: "Linchuan City is ahead, tell the whole army to stop and rest, and tomorrow we will go all out to regain Linchuan."

"It's Her Majesty the Queen."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was sweating slightly on her temples, Luo Lingxiao said cleverly: "Your Majesty, I will bring Boss Bai down to get some food."

Shen Mengqi nodded slightly, and Luo Lingxiao immediately dragged Boss Bai out of the carriage.Doctor Wang, who looked like a soldier in armor, immediately climbed up, and he held Shen Mengqi's pulse with his hand.

After feeling the pulse for a while, he frowned and said: "Your Majesty, you have been worrying too much recently and have been turbulent. This fetus is very uncomfortable. If this continues, I'm afraid you will suffer."

Shen Mengqi has long been accustomed to living like a medicine jar, she said: "Just prescribe the medicine."

"It's not a solution for you to take medicine all the time."

Physician Wang felt a little anxious, but there was no other way.

"I won't take the medicine until you, the imperial physician, think of another way." Shen Mengqi leaned lazily on the carriage, with a little tiredness in her voice, "I will lie down for a while."

Imperial Physician Wang drew out the silver needle and said, "The old minister will give you acupuncture, so that you will feel more comfortable."

Shen Mengqi didn't reply, but stretched out her arm directly. Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang quickly took out a silver needle and stuck it.Looking at Shen Mengqi's arm full of needle holes, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

When other people are pregnant, they are confessed by the husband's family like a baby, not to mention traveling a long distance, even to use the toilet, two people have to carry it, it is very delicate.

On the other hand, Her Majesty, the most honorable empress of their Tianyuan Kingdom, has not stopped for a moment since she was pregnant with a child, and she was stained with blood in the third month of her pregnancy. It was finally out of the third month, but she began to trek to the battlefield again.

The average pregnant woman would already show her pregnancy in four or five months, but Shen Mengqi was so tired that she didn't show her belly at all even in heavy armor, she really felt wronged.

Shen Mengqi seemed to have sensed Imperial Physician Wang's thoughts. Although she still closed her eyes, she said, "Physician Wang, I don't regret having this child, whether it's from the perspective of Tianyuan Kingdom or from the perspective of my own heart."

"I have been living smoothly since I was born. Now this setback is nothing. I don't take it to heart. I hope you don't take it to heart either."

"The old minister understands."

When Imperial Physician Wang took out the silver needle, Shen Mengqi raised her hand and sat up slightly and said, "It's hard for Imperial Physician Wang to work as hard as I do at this age, go down and rest, there is still a tough battle to fight tomorrow."

"I understand."

As soon as Imperial Physician Wang was about to get out of the carriage, he saw Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai were about to climb into the carriage. Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help but asked, "Master Luo, Boss Bai, what's the matter with you? I just Finish acupuncture for Her Majesty the Queen."

"We just want to bring good news to Her Majesty the Empress. Don't worry, it won't make Her Majesty uncomfortable."

After hearing this, Imperial Physician Wang felt a little relieved, he turned to the side, and let Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai get into the carriage.

As soon as he got into the carriage, Boss Boss handed over the grilled meat and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, who do you think we saw just now?"

Shen Mengqi took the barbecue and swallowed it while suppressing her nausea, "Who?"

"Martial arts supreme Li Sheng!"

Shen Mengqi's eyes flashed when she heard the name, but she didn't say anything.

Boss Boss was talking endlessly, "I didn't expect him to be very stubborn, saying that he was not involved in politics. I didn't expect him to come to Sichuan. Didn't you see the look in his eyes when he saw us just now? He changed his name and told us his name is Wang Sheng, hahaha."

Shen Mengqi's hands stopped, and she said, "Where are they now?"

"I heard them mean that they are going to attack Linchuan at night now, and they should go to Linchuan after they are ready to eat."

Shen Mengqi got up quickly when she heard the words, she said: "Take me to see them."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's serious face, Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai didn't dare to delay and rushed over with Shen Mengqi, but now there was only a pile of bonfires that had just burned out, proving that someone had stayed here before.

Boss Boss knelt down to check and said: "The bonfire went out not long ago, they shouldn't have gone far, Your Majesty we"

When Boss Boss turned around, he realized that Shen Mengqi had already grabbed the horse beside him and flew up, driving the horse towards Linchuan City.

Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai were shocked, and each of them got on a horse and chased after Shen Mengqi.

When Shen Mengqi hurriedly chased after two sticks of incense, she finally stopped Li Sheng and others before they were about to attack the city.

"You can't move tonight!"

Li Sheng looked at the people on the horseback and said in disbelief: "Your Majesty, you have come to Linchuan?"

"Isn't the martial arts supreme coming too?"

Li Sheng glanced at Shen Mengqi who was sitting on the horseback. He snorted coldly and turned his head to the other side. Although he had a bad attitude, he didn't go any further.

"I guess they must have set up an ambush in Linchuan City today, you can only go there and never return."

Li Sheng said firmly: "We are not afraid of death!"

"But you shouldn't die like this." Shen Mengqi sat upright on the horseback, she looked at Li Shengdao: "That's all I have to say, how you choose is up to you."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi no longer cared about Li Sheng and the others, and rode back on the horse.

The people following Li Sheng looked at Li Sheng worriedly and said, "My lord, shall we still go to Linchuan now?"

"Where are you going?" Li Sheng looked at them coldly and said, "You really want to give away the head? Go back!"

Although Li Sheng's tone was fierce, there was a little joy on his face.

Her Majesty the Queen actually took the lead to personally conquer Mobei at such a dangerous time, and she can be regarded as a person who understands righteousness.

After Shen Mengqi returned to the carriage, several thick layers of quilts were added to the carriage at some point. She sat on it, as soft as if she was sitting among a bunch of sponges, which made her feel less tired. .

Looking at Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai who followed, Shen Mengqi said, "Who prepared this?"

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you and shook your head, "I don't know, there was only one floor limp when I left just now, does Her Majesty need my servant to check?"

Shen Mengqi glanced sideways, and happened to see the imprint engraved on the corner of the carriage, she opened her mouth and said, "No need, it's late at night, let's all rest, there won't be a hard fight tomorrow."

Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai looked at each other, and they were about to go down, "Then I will rest below, if you have any orders, call me immediately."

Shen Mengqi said: "Boss Boss left it for me to use as a pillow."

Hearing this, Luo Lingxiao glanced sideways at Boss Bai beside him, but in the end he didn't ask any further questions, "The minister will leave."

For a while, there were only Shen Mengqi and Boss Boss left in the carriage. Shen Mengqi was lying on the side of the carriage, and she had no intention of using Boss Boss as a cushion at all.

She said, "Go and sleep over there."

Boss Bo's heart warmed up, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Actually, I've long been used to sleeping in the open, sleeping on the hard floor, there's absolutely no need for you to do this."

"Take it as I want to do good deeds temporarily, and take care of you. Moreover, if an assassin comes, I will be safer if you are in the carriage."

This reason is more acceptable to Boss Boss, although he knew early on that there were two people around Shen Mengqi who were protecting her in the dark.

Although tonight was the last night of rest before going to the battlefield, Shen Mengqi slept soundly, and slept until dawn in a rare sleep.

Shen Mengqi didn't get up, Luo Lingxiao stood still, and no one in the Ming army dared to act rashly.

She slept until it was three poles in the sun, and everyone waited until it was three poles in the sun.

Shen Mengqi looked up at the sky and said, "It's almost time, get ready to go."

Hearing this, Luo Lingxiao immediately said, "Let's go!"

Shen Mengqi and others came to the foot of Linchuan City in a mighty manner, and saw several people wearing Tianyuan Army armor hanging on the top of the city. They were covered in blood, and they looked like they were tortured to death.

Looking at the corpses of all the soldiers hanging on the city gate, and the Ming army's eyes turned red instantly, Shen Mengqi also clenched her fists tightly, because Mobei and the gang were nothing more than murderers.

"Master Luo, shall we rush?"

And the general of the Ming army, General Zhang, couldn't help but said: "Master Luo, let's go!"

Luo Lingxiao remained silent, but turned to look at Shen Mengqi who was at the side.

At this time, the figure of the first prince's deputy general appeared on the city wall. He looked down at Shen Mengqi and the others with a smile and said, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time, and you are finally here."

As the deputy general spoke, he raised his whip and lashed at the corpses on the city wall, saying: "The speed of Tianyuan Kingdom's marching and fighting is really getting slower and slower, but it just so happens that I'm tired of playing with these people, and you guys are just right here." when."

General Zhang trembled with anger, "Fuyu, are you still a human being? These are brothers who were born and died with you!"

"What about the brothers? Can they be eaten?" The deputy general sat on the city wall slantingly, looking like a king, "Old Zhang, if you don't want your brothers under your hands to die, just listen to my advice. Surrender obediently and hand over Luo Lingxiao to me, I promise, whatever my status in Mobei is, you will be in Mobei."

To openly instigate rebellion against the generals of the Tianyuan Kingdom in front of everyone, this behavior is really extremely arrogant, and everyone's expressions became more and more cold.

General Zhang blushed even more with anger. He swung his Fang Tian painting halberd and was about to charge forward, but was directly restrained by Boss Bai, "General Zhang, why are you so angry? Master Luo can't help you!" Didn't say anything!"

General Zhang was annoyed, "Lord Luo!"

Luo Lingxiao remained silent, just looked at Shen Mengqi, waiting for her to speak.

Shen Mengqi looked at the self-satisfied lieutenant general and said, "What is your status? Are you a guardian dog? If you don't want to be a good person, you must be a dog and no one will stop you, but is it appropriate for you to drag others into the water to be a dog?"

The eldest prince's lieutenant was instantly exposed, "Who do you call a dog?"

"The dog will come out and bark twice, but you will only hide in the city and howl, so it seems that you are not as good as a dog, at best you are a bastard."

The lieutenant pointed at Shen Mengqi angrily and cursed, "You're courting death!"

"Fourth Master said it well!!"

(End of this chapter)

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