Chapter 241
Boss Boss applauded from the side, "It's just a little bastard, what kind of trouble can it cause, fourth master, why don't you tell me to lead someone to rush in and get the head of this bastard, let's forget it, our time is not good It was wasted on this little brat."

"Who do you think is the young man? This general is the Prince Yuan who was appointed by Mo Bei himself!"

"Prince Yuan?" Boss Bai rolled his eyes and said, "The simple translation is the prince of Tianyuan Kingdom, and if you expand the explanation, it is the prince set up for Tianyuan Kingdom. If the war with Tianyuan Kingdom is won, he will It’s Qiaotu’s dead dog cooking, if the battle is lost, then he is the culprit.”

"Hey~" Boss Bai seemed to have realized something, she said: "There will be no losses here or outside Mobei, their calculation is really good."

The face of the eldest prince's lieutenant general became darker and darker, he gritted his teeth and said stiffly: "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Luo Lingxiao was also puzzled, he followed Bai Lao and said, "Ao ~ Mobei originally came up with this idea."

"It's nonsense, after the general captures you, he will cut off all your tongues!"

"This general?" Boss Bai said sarcastically: "You have been named a prince and you still call yourself this general, which means that Mobei hasn't formally named you king yet?"

"You!" the First Prince's lieutenant said angrily, "I will kill you now! Open the city gate and go out to fight!"

No one in Mobei moved after hearing this.

Luo Lingxiao laughed even more when he saw this, "It looks like he's still a general with no real power, he can't even dispatch his own soldiers, isn't this just for display? Heh~"

Luo Lingxiao's contemptuous sneer completely irritated the eldest prince's lieutenant general, and he said angrily, "I said open the city gates to fight!"

The soldiers in Mobei saw that he was already a bit mad, so they directly raised their hands to support him, and were about to drag him down. Seeing this, Shen Mengqi directly stretched out her hand to one side.

After Boss Bai looked at Shen Mengqi's murderous eyes, he knowingly handed the bow and arrow hanging beside his horse's back to Shen Mengqi's hand.

Shen Mengqi directly filled the bow and arrows, and before the people from Mobei pulled down the first prince's deputy general, she directly shot the arrow towards the first prince's deputy general.

The arrow pierced through the wind and hit him directly between the eyebrows. The First Prince's lieutenant fell straight backwards before he even had time to close his eyes.

"This is the end of the traitor." Shen Mengqi threw the bow and arrow back to Boss Bai, and then said to the Mobei soldiers on the city wall: "Aren't you going out of the city to fight?"

Everyone in Mobei looked at Shen Mengqi vigilantly and said, "You have the ability to come in."

The suffocated Tianyuan dialect was extremely ear-piercing.

Shen Mengqi did not give the order to attack, but told the people behind her: "There must be an ambush in Linchuan City, let's set up camp and rest."

Seeing that the eldest prince's lieutenant general was dead, General Zhang looked at the bones of the soldiers still hanging on the city wall, but the anger in his heart gradually calmed down, and he saluted Shen Mengqi: "Yes, fourth master."

The fourth master said this because he admired her shooting the traitor with one arrow, and he obeyed because he realized that there was a deceit in it.

Li Sheng, who had been following the Ming army all the time, looked at Shen Mengqi's arrow with shock in his eyes, "This arrow is as strong as the arm."

The humanity behind him said: "Looking at the entire martial arts world, there are not many people who can do it. In terms of pure arm strength, I am afraid that only the second leader in Xiaomeng Pavilion can match it. After all, the second leader also nails the pillar with a hundred steps. His deep internal strength is well-known in the world."

Li Sheng didn't speak, but looked at Shen Mengqi without blinking, wanting to know what she would do next.In the end, the heroic fight he expected did not show up, and they set up camp directly in place.

When they were still wondering what kind of medicine Shen Mengqi bought in this gourd, they saw Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai riding towards them slowly on horseback.

"Li Sheng Zhizun, Your Majesty the Empress invites you to go and have a talk."

"We in Jianghu do not interfere in government affairs."

Although Li Sheng wanted to go in his heart, he still said stubbornly: "Didn't Her Majesty know about it?"

Just as Luo Lingxiao was about to go forward to persuade him, Boss Bai stopped him directly. Boss Bai walked up slowly and said, "If you didn't want to have any contact with the imperial court, you wouldn't be standing here now."

"Her Majesty will be resting at Xushi, it's up to you if you want to come or not."

Boss Boss left with Luo Lingxiao after finishing speaking, and an angry Li Sheng said angrily, "I tell you, with your attitude, if you kneel down three times and knock six times to ask me to go, I won't go!"

Boss Bai roared angrily, but neither Luo Lingxiao nor Boss Bai paid any attention to him.

The followers behind him looked at him cautiously and said, "Are you really not going?"

Li Sheng blew his beard and stared: "No! With this attitude, are they worthy of inviting me?"


Physician Wang had just given Shen Mengqi the injection, staring at her as she drank the medicine, turned around and saw Li Sheng standing behind him with a dark face. Physician Wang screamed, and was almost scared to death on the spot.

"Yes!!" Assassin!
As soon as Imperial Physician Wang yelled a word, Li Sheng covered his mouth tightly, "What are you shouting for?"

"You're here." Shen Mengqi sat sideways, she looked at Li Shengdao: "Li Sheng Zhizun let Wang Taiyi go, he won't shout anymore."

Thinking of what they said earlier that Shen Mengqichen had to take a rest, and then looking at the imperial physician she brought with her at all times, Li Sheng couldn't help but muttered: "It's really hypocritical, and the imperial physician is required to go to the expedition casually, so don't come if you are afraid of death. "

"What did you say!"

Physician Wang was angry, "Our Majesty the Empress is currently weak, and it is time to recuperate!"

If you are weak, you can shoot and kill the enemy's head against the wind a hundred steps away. If you are not weak, wouldn't you have to pull out the weeping willows?

Shen Mengqi looked at Li Shengdao indifferently: "Li Sheng Zhizun, I invite you here today because I want you to do me a small favor."

"What are you busy with?"

"I heard that Li Shengzhi's smug fame has moved the world. I would like to invite you to visit the city of Linchuan and see what kind of ambush they have arranged in the city."

"Hmph," Li Sheng snorted coldly, "If you are a little careless, you will die."

"Yes," Shen Mengqi looked straight at Li Shengdao: "So it's not mandatory, it's just a request, it's up to you whether you want to help or not."

"Then I won't help."

"Okay, I got it." Shen Mengqi didn't have a word to persuade Li Sheng, she said directly: "Li Sheng, please come back, I'm the one who bothered you today."

Without the angry shouting at Shengxian Manor back then, and without the sincere persuasion back then, Shen Mengqi now seems to be a pool of stagnant water, no matter how you attack, it can no longer cause the slightest waves.

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Li Sheng was too late to open his mouth, and the imperial doctor Wang who had been standing aside stood up and chased them away, "Please go back, Her Majesty's rest time has come."


Now they are fighting hand to hand, why does Her Majesty still have so much sleep to sleep? Is she out of her mind or is she just a show when she comes to the border?

Seeing Shen Mengqi obediently lying down with her eyes closed, Li Sheng snorted immediately, and got up and left by herself without the need for Doctor Wang to hurry.

After Li Sheng left, Shen Mengqi said: "Doctor Wang, tell Luo Lingxiao when you go out later, tell him to prepare a second plan just in case."

"It's Her Majesty the Queen."

On the second day, the sky was still gray, and Shen Mengqi woke up from the cold air. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the quilt had been removed from her body, and there was still a letter beside her pillow.

Shen Mengqi opened the letter and saw that the internal layout of Linchuan City and the ambush were all carefully marked in it.

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi couldn't help laughing, this Li Shengzhizun was even more awkward than her.

I really didn't expect that Mobei wanted to imitate the way she used fire to retreat in Xihuang to deal with them in Xihuang. They wanted to invite Jun into the urn and then come to a fire company.

Shen Mengqi clutched the letter tightly, since they wanted to play with fire, she would accompany them to the end.Her ability to observe the sky at night can be inherited from the former Qin Tianjian Wencang, and she has never lost to anyone in terms of divination.

After Luo Lingxiao saw Shen Mengqi coming out of the tent, he immediately followed up and said, "Your Majesty, General Zhang and the others came again to ask when we will launch an attack, and they can't wait any longer."

"Small intolerance can lead to big plans," Shen Mengqi said, "The competition now is who will be the first to lose patience."

"I understand, I will do it now."

Another day passed, and the Ming army did not advance, and the Mobei army did not go out of the city to fight.The two parties froze outside Linchuan City.

At night, looking at Shen Mengqi who was standing outside the tent and looking at the sky, the imperial doctor persuaded with some headache: "Your Majesty, it's time, you should take a rest and take care of yourself."

"Wait a little longer, I'll watch the sky before going to bed."

"Why sleep?" Li Sheng, who had sneaked into the barracks again, walked over angrily. He raised his hand to cover the mouth of the imperial physician, then looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I have already given the layout of Linchuan City to Your Majesty. , It’s been a day, are you still not attacking?”

Looking at Li Sheng who was roaring at her, Shen Mengqi looked up at the endless starry sky and said: "God is not on our side for the time being, hard attack can win, but it will also cause heavy damage. Our goal is to take back Saibei. It consumes too much."

"And if I have the inside information of Linchuan City that Li Shengzhizun personally investigated and suffered heavy losses, then I'm sorry for you risking your life to sneak into Linchuan."

Li Sheng's heart warmed up when he heard the words, but his mouth was still hard. He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Then when do you think God will stand by our side?"

"Don't be afraid to fight yourself, so Hu Zou made an excuse. The corpses in Linchuan City will be safe if they don't go to the ground for a day, and the Ming army will be more suspicious and ruthless towards you. You should I want to understand."

"One day, God should be on our side." Shen Mengqi looked at the slightly flickering Ren Fengxing with a slight smile, "There is still a chance to resolve hatred and suspicion, but if they are told to die in vain But there is no way to bring them back to life again."

"Besides," Shen Mengqi twisted her neck, which was a little sore from looking at the sky, "I have a bad reputation, do you still care about this?"

Shen Mengqi's words were impossible to refute. Indeed, compared with her widespread infamy in the capital, this was really nothing.

Li Sheng snorted and said, "Let's go."

"Li Sheng Zhizun, take your people back to the capital, and I will take care of the rest."

Li Sheng frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The rivers and lakes really shouldn't be involved in politics."

Shen Mengqi directly used Li Sheng's original words to block him, and she used the trick of killing the donkey to the extreme.


"Blood will be seen in one day. Two fists are no match for four hands. No matter how high your martial arts are, it is difficult to retreat from the crowd. You shouldn't sacrifice here. Go back."

"Oh, as expected of Her Majesty, we must come if you ask us to come, and we must leave if you ask us to leave. When we are used, the world will be involved in politics. When we are used up, the world will be separated from the government!"

"It's my problem. The battlefield is different from the rivers and lakes. My second brother practiced martial arts with me. I thought he could protect himself, so I sent him to Mobei, and it turned out."

Shen Mengqi said with a choked voice, "He is now in the hands of the Mobei people, and his life or death is uncertain."

"People in the rivers and lakes always think that they are just soldiers who have not practiced martial arts. How could they hurt you, but this kind of pride often makes you trapped. I don't want to see the tragedy of my brothers again. "

"Is there anyone in Jianghu who is afraid of death?" Li Sheng looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Do you know Jianghu?"

"I know that none of you are afraid of death, but you must always think about your family. You are half buried in the soil, but what about those under your hands? I don't think they are big, don't you think about yourself or them? ?”

Li Sheng was silent when he heard the words.

"Go back and live a good life. If you feel that you have nothing to do when you go back," Shen Mengqi pulled out a note from her sleeve and said, "Then go rob the rich and help the poor."

"I have a list here. The homes of these officials have hidden a lot of treasures. Now that the country is in crisis, it's time for a thief to be born. The money intercepted will be given to the victims. It can be regarded as reducing the expenditure of the court."

Li Sheng's face gradually eased, and he took the list from Shen Mengqi's hand and said: "Her Majesty's thunder method, the blood on the steps in front of the Xuanzheng Palace has not been dried since she took office, and the smell of blood has drifted to the suburbs of Beijing Why do you still keep these people?"

"What I'm dealing with right now is only those who have colluded with Xihuang. These fat and oily moths are enough to be squeezed out when the country is in crisis. Once they are relaxed, there will be a steady stream of oil and water. come out."

"After all, it's Her Majesty the Empress, the abacus is sound." Li Sheng stuffed the envelope into his clothes, "Do you not care how much you squeeze out?"

"Now I can only focus on the battlefield in Mobei."

"Then what if I don't want to help the victims after it's squeezed out? A grand thief can only be called a hero, and the wealth he robbed is really his own."

"It's good to have a clear conscience. Since I gave you this note, I gave you the right to deal with it."

"And," Shen Mengqi turned to look at Li Shengdao: "Since I can rest assured to give you this thing, I have a way to take it back."

"Xiaomeng Pavilion."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's last three words, Li Sheng's eyes widened instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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