Chapter 242 Fetal Movement
"Knowing the dream of the world is the original intention of me and Ah Jiu to create Xiaomeng Pavilion. Li Shengzhizun, I have never been in the rivers and lakes, but it does not mean that I don't know how to rule the rivers and lakes. Li Shengzhizun has been in the rivers and lakes for several years. The Supreme Martial Saint in people's hearts, I hope you will always be."

Li Sheng bowed to Shen Mengqi and said: "Your Majesty's meaning, I understand, and I will do what you ordered."

Shen Mengqi smiled, "Then I will hand over the Jianghu Zhen of Tianyuan Kingdom to you."

Li Sheng didn't come back to his senses until he left and returned to his place after Ming army garrison. Thinking of what Shen Mengqi said to him, Li Sheng couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

If I had made a slight mistake in answering a sentence just now, I am afraid that he would not be able to get out of the camp of the Ming army. No wonder she shot through the eldest prince's lieutenant general, Xiaomeng Pavilion's second leader, who can lift a thousand ounces, just a mere Naturally, it is no problem to walk through Yang with a hundred steps.

He looked at the territory under his feet, if she had been in power all this time, sooner or later there would be only Tianyuan left in this world.

After seeing off Li Sheng, Luo Lingxiao walked over with General Zhang, "Fourth Lord, General Zhang please see me."

At this time, Shen Mengqi was not wearing armor or a mask, and when he turned around, General Zhang took a good look at her appearance, "Prince, Your Majesty the Empress!"

General Zhang obviously didn't expect that the fourth master they were talking about was actually Shen Mengqi, so he quickly knelt down, "Your Majesty, my minister Zhang Kaiyuan will see Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

"General Zhang, is there something you want to see me for?"

After Shen Mengqi treated Kaiyuan like this, he had already forgotten why he came here this time, and he said dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Luo Lingxiao hurriedly pushed General Zhang, "Say it!"

Zhang Kaiyuan was taken aback, "What?"

Luo Lingxiao couldn't help becoming anxious, "What are you looking for Her Majesty the Empress for?"

"Oh!" Zhang Kaiyuan finally came to his senses. He looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, we have been camping here for almost two days. Are we still going to attack?"

"Act tomorrow at [-] o'clock, and ask your men to gather up all the fire oil in the general camp for future use."

Zhang Kaiyuan didn't ask any more questions, but saluted and said: "Yes, the general will understand!"

"By the way, I don't want people to know my existence yet."

"I understand, fourth master."

Although this Kaiyuan is a military general with the blood of a general, he also has the spirit of a literati, so it is very useful.

"Your Majesty, will you still be on the battlefield tomorrow?"

Looking at the worried Wang Taiyi, Shen Mengqi said lightly: "If Zhang Kaiyuan didn't come today, I don't have to sit in the town in person, but if he comes today, I have to go. If I am here, I will feel at ease, and my morale will be at ease." Sheng."

Imperial Physician Wang said mercilessly: "I think you are sure that Zhang Kaiyuan will come today, but you just want to expose your identity so that I can't persuade you not to go to the battlefield in person."

Shen Mengqi did not deny it, she looked at the vast starry sky and said: "Doctor Wang, I am destined to play with people's hearts on that dragon chair all my life. This may be the last time I will go to the battlefield. I want to take my brother home personally. I want the soldiers of the Ming army to come safely and return safely."

"At least try to let as many people go back safely."

Shen Mengqi's words caused Wang Taiyi to remain silent for a long time, and after a long silence, Wang Taiyi turned his head and left.

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi asked, "Where is Doctor Wang going?"

"Where are you going? Where else can I go?" Imperial Physician Wang said with a sullen face, "I'll dispense the medicine and go to me!"

In the end, Imperial Physician Wang still couldn't hold back, he turned his head and told Shen Mengqi: "Go to bed early, you are not alone now, if you have any troubles, the whole Tianyuan Kingdom can't afford it."

"I'll take care of myself."

After Shen Mengqi finished speaking, she turned around and plunged back into the tent. Even though she didn't feel sleepy right now, she forced herself to close her eyes.

Before dawn on the second day, Luo Lingxiao and Boss Bai had already waited outside the tent, but no one said a word and neither went in. They were anxious that it was almost time for Shen Mengqi to attack, and wanted Shen Mengqi to rest more.

Seeing that the time was getting closer, Boss Bai couldn't help but was about to go in, when the curtain of the tent was pulled open from the inside.

At this time, Shen Mengqi had already put on her armor and mask, and she was holding a curved bow in her hand.

"Is everything ready?" Shen Mengqi calmly put her bow behind her back, "Then let's go."

Even though she was almost five months pregnant, Shen Mengqi still kept her back straight, sitting on the tall horse and walking at the forefront of the team.

Zhang Kaiyuan, who had been far away from her before, has been walking close to Shen Mengqi, instead of walking with her, but has always been in a position where he can catch Shen Mengqi as soon as there is danger approaching.

"General Zhang."

Shen Mengqi called Zhang Kaiyuan's name suddenly, his back tightened, and he immediately said loudly: "Fourth Master, I'm here!"

The loud voice was heard by most of the people, Boss Bai took the lead and said: "General Zhang, are you trying to expose our whereabouts?"

Zhang Kaiyuan immediately lowered his voice and said, "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be so close, your soldiers are watching."

Zhang Kaiyuan followed Shen Mengqi's line of sight, and saw many soldiers standing in the front staring at them with different and probing eyes.

"You can do whatever you want before, don't be so nervous."

"Yes, fourth master."

Zhang Kaiyuan stopped slightly to distance himself from Shen Mengqi, but he kept staring at Shen Mengqi closely from the corner of his eye.

The soldiers of Mobei had been waiting at the gate of the city early in the morning. After seeing them coming, they opened the gate deliberately, as if they wanted to welcome them into the city.

Seeing that they were about to reach the bottom of the city gate, Shen Mengqi stopped, and so did Zhang Kaiyuan and the others.

Shen Mengqi took a bunch of catkins floating from behind, she chuckled, "It's windy, it should be over."

"Zhang Kaiyuan asked the archers to come forward and set fire to the city gate. The sky is dry, so don't be careful with the candles."

Zhang Kaiyuan said hesitantly: "Fourth Master, if this is lit, what will the people in Linchuan City do?"

"Do you think there are still people from Tianyuan Kingdom in Linchuan City?"

Shen Mengqi's words made Zhang Kaiyuan's heart fall to the bottom.

"I sent people to Linchuan City early in the morning to see that there are no other living things in the city except for kerosene and thousands of soldiers from Mobei." Shen Mengqi suppressed her emotions and said, "Isn't the end of the country broken? Is this, isn’t Mobei’s way of doing things a thing of the past?”

"This is also why my eldest brother has guarded Saibei for decades and never returned to Beijing, because he knows that Tianyuan Kingdom has no one to use. If the city wall is not to fall, there must be royal people here to support it. If I were born so many years earlier. "

Shen Mengqi didn't say anything further, but fortunately she was still wearing a mask, so no one could see the drunkenness under her eyes.

"Okay, let's call someone to attack. This Mobei is nothing more than trying to take advantage of the wind and fire to bruise most of us, but it's a pity that the wind won't help them today."

"Yes, fourth master."

Zhang Kaiyuan raised his hand and said, "Archers step forward!"

Holding a bow in her hand, Shen Mengqi took the lead and shot a rocket. Her target was not the people and the kerosene covered in the city, but the corpses hanging on the city wall.

The fire surged up with the help of the wind, and after one corpse was ignited, the sporadic fire seeds also fell on the other corpses one after another. Shen Mengqi watched there quietly.

For Tianyuan Kingdom and Linchuan City, these soldiers would rather die than retreat. After death, they were hung on the city wall and could not be buried in the ground.Then she will burn all these shackles, so that their souls can return to their homeland, and their bodies will stay in Linchuan City, watching how they will protect every inch of Tianyuan Kingdom in the future.

Rockets were shot into the gate of the city by them, and the fire fell on the kerosene accumulated in the city. With the help of the north wind, the entire Linchuan city was directly sent into the sea of ​​flames.

All the soldiers of Mobei who were still arrogant and invincible were all involved in the flames, and the screams resounded throughout the sky of Linchuan City.

Zhang Kaiyuan looked at Linchuan City, which gradually collapsed into ruins, and said with some regret: "This city is gone."

"As long as people are alive, the city can be rebuilt. If people are gone, there will be nothing left."

"It's still the fourth master who thinks clearly, I understand."

Looking at Linchuan City, where there were only broken walls and ruins left, Shen Mengqi suddenly felt that someone had kicked her stomach hard from the inside.

Shen Mengqi's heart skipped a beat, she couldn't help but let go of the hand holding the rein, and then pretended to inadvertently touch her stomach.

Again and again, it's fetal movement.

This was the first time for Shen Mengqi to truly feel the existence of the child. She felt a little throbbing in her heart. She raised her hand to cover her stomach, as if she wanted to cover its eyes.

The battlefield is dangerous, and I don't know how he is doing now.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was in a daze, Boss Bai drove the horse over and whispered: "Your Majesty, the fire is almost ready to burn. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to be distracted at this time."

I don't know if it was because of the baby's fetal movement, but now that the situation is under control, she became a little emotional, "Boss Boss, do you think the battlefield in Xihuang will be more dangerous?"

Boss Bai stared at Shen Mengqi and glanced up and down, and seeing her hands resting on his stomach in a way that no one could see her in front of her, he knew what was going on.

"Although Xihuang's national power is weaker than Mobei's, but he has more thoughts. Who do you think gave them the news today?" Boss Bai analyzed: "Xihuang is using Mobei's hand to repay you. Burned the enemies of their entire army in Xihuang."

"The battlefield in Mobei is just one word, and it's over. Xihuang is different. They like to play tricks. In addition to the oil, water and recuperation they have earned from Tianyuan Kingdom in the past few years, the conspiracy has strengthened their troops. Do you think Xihuang will be more dangerous? ?”

Lin Jihan.
Shen Mengqi's stomach moved again, and her heart was unavoidably a little confused.

At this moment, Luo Lingxiao also realized that something was wrong here. He rode to the other side of Shen Mengqi. After seeing Shen Mengqi's hand attached to his stomach, his heart sank, and he asked cautiously: "Fourth Master , are you okay?"

Shen Mengqi woke up suddenly, she withdrew her hand and said: "It's nothing, the fire is gone, let's go in."


Boss Bai looked at Shen Mengqi, who was pretending to be calm, and said, "Fourth Lord, although the regent king has a deterrent effect on Xihuang and is also known as the God of War, he is still a mortal body. You ordered a strong attack, and the rabbit is in a hurry. Bite that."

Shen Mengqi clenched the reins, she sneered, "Boss Boss, are you originally from Mobei? I'm so distracted, do you want to encircle Wei and save Zhao?"

The smile on the corner of Boss Bai's mouth gradually faded, his eyes darkened, "No."

After seeing this, Shen Mengqi didn't say anything more. She rode forward and said intentionally or unintentionally when passing Boss Bai: "The past is the past, people only look at the future."

After entering Linchuan City, Zhang Kaiyuan slowly let go of his heart. As Shen Mengqi said, there was not even a living thing in the city, and only some houses and trees were burned.

But then my heart became tense again, Mobei's behavior was really too insane, if one day they invaded the capital of Mobei...
"Even if you invade the capital of Mobei, you won't slaughter all the people, just let them atone for their sins as slaves."

How does she know what's on her mind?
Zhang Kaiyuan suddenly raised his head, only to find that Shen Mengqi didn't even look back.

"Pass this Linchuan and go one thousand meters further to Saibei. Please inform the whole army to speed up."

Zhang Kaiyuan said: "Yes."

Imperial Physician Wang who had been following by the side frowned, "Fourth Lord."

"After Linbei City, I will change it into a sedan chair."

"Hey?" Shen Mengqi took the initiative to sit in the sedan chair, causing Wang Taiyi to be stunned for a long time before she finally recovered, "Hey! Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to prepare the sedan chair now!"

The three good words that Doctor Wang said can tell how happy he is.

"The time of bloody storm is coming, but fourth master, you are going to retreat to the back?"

"I need to rest and recuperate. Only when I have enough energy can I have the energy to fight them."

Luo Lingxiao found out that Shen Mengqi seemed to say a few extra words to Boss Shangbai, and they hadn't known each other for a long time, so how could they have so much to talk about?
Sensing Luo Lingxiao's eyes on him, Boss Bai's heart tightened, "What are you looking at me for?"

"Is there anything in common between you and fourth master?"

Boss Bai's heart tightened, did he see something?

"What do you have in common? What can I, a big man, have in common with her? Luo Lingxiao, are you sick?"

Boss Bai's sudden outburst made Shen Mengqi stunned. Seeing Luo Lingxiao who was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, Shen Mengqi smiled lightly and said, "There is no 300 taels of silver here, and Wang Er next door never stole it."

After Shen Mengqi left these words, she never looked at the two of them again, and got off the horse, turned around and sat in the carriage prepared by Doctor Wang.

The calming incense in the carriage rose slowly, and Shen Mengqi's mood gradually calmed down. Her mind was slowly emptied, and she fell into a deep sleep after a while.

It's just that in the depths of her sleep, she couldn't help murmuring the name of the person she kept hidden in her heart, "Lin Jihan"

(End of this chapter)

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