Chapter 243 Surrounding Wei and Rescue Zhao
Within the Imperial City
Luo Jiuqing, Shiliu and Mu Qiancheng have been staying in Jingtai Palace for more than half a month. At first, the courtiers were quite peaceful. Even if Shen Mengqi did not go to court, no one dared to make any trouble.

But as Shen Mengqi didn't show up all the time, those courtiers who were active in their thoughts couldn't stay idle anymore, and gathered at the gate of Jingtai Palace one by one.

Those other people who were just brought into the palace by Shen Mengqi also gradually couldn't sit still, and one by one they gathered behind those courtiers, watching the excitement from a distance.

The calculation was nothing more than to see if something happened to Shen Mengqi, and if they could be released from the palace.

Jingtai Palace
Looking at the courtiers who were kneeling and clapping together outside the hall, Luo Jiuqing couldn't help but wrinkled his brows, "But this group of people won't be able to sit still after half a month? The blood in Xuanzheng Hall hasn't dried yet. "

"It's not that the blood is dry, it's that new blood needs to be poured to pay homage." Mu Qiancheng's eyes turned fierce, "Her Majesty's heart is still too soft, and she still keeps these rats. Look, she doesn't suppress it." Then, the group of people started jumping around again."

"The key is that Her Majesty the Queen is not here now."

At this time, Ji Kailai's voice came from outside the door, "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites has made preparations for worshiping the Ancestral Temple this year, please take a look."

The servant of the official department also said: "Your Majesty, the list of officials you ordered to be sorted out has all been prepared, please have a look."

Mu Qiancheng whispered in the hall: "I have been urging these things before, but this group of people procrastinated and refused to give them, saying that there is not enough manpower at the moment, and they can't prepare anything, but now they have all brought them out. It's really a good idea. "

"What's the use of complaining about this now? The important thing right now is how to drive them away. We must not let them know that Her Majesty the Empress is not in Beijing, otherwise the situation that has finally stabilized will cause another uproar."

Mu Qiancheng suddenly began to take off his clothes, "The peace accumulated with so much blood must not be destroyed by these moths."

Seeing Mu Qiancheng who had taken off her coat and made her inner coat faintly visible, Luo Jiuqing blushed, and she was anxious and ashamed, "Just speak well when you speak, what are you doing!"

Mu Qiancheng didn't explain, but pulled Eleven over, "You also take off together."

Eleven reacted immediately, and he took off only his underwear, and then said to Luo Jiuqing: "Miss Luo, we don't care so much about the overall situation now, sorry, you lie down until the dragon Go to bed."

Hearing this, Luo Jiuqing also reacted, she directly slipped her shoes and lay down on the bed, and Wang Momo immediately put down the curtain in front of the bed.

Luo Jiuqing was worried that it wasn't real enough, so she gritted her teeth and took off her coat. Fortunately, her figure was almost the same as Shen Mengqi's, and she was covered by a curtain, so she really had a bit of Shen Mengqi's charm.

Looking at Luo Jiuqing, whose clothes were half-faded on the dragon bed, Mu Qiancheng's heart became hot, and he immediately straightened Eleven's head forcefully, "If you dare to look back, I will tell Lin Jihan to goug your eyes."

Eleven, who didn't know what to do, was a little confused. Whatever he did, he had to goug his eyes.

But before he could think about it, Mu Qiancheng completely opened the gate of Jingtai Palace.

"What's the noise in the morning? I wonder if Her Majesty is not in good health?"

It's already high in the sky now, where did the morning come from?

Looking at the disheveled Eleven and Mu Qiancheng, the faces of the courtiers and the kneeling monarchs and attendants behind them all became a little ugly.

Whether Her Majesty is unwell, or deeply in love, and there are two people, this is a lot of fun.

Mu Qiancheng first looked at the courtiers kneeling behind the courtiers and said, "Have you finished all the things Her Majesty left for you? That's just right, come in with us to accompany Her Majesty. Her Majesty just said that there is no one for her." Sing a little song."

Seeing this, the servants turned pale with fright, and ran to their residences without even replying.

Seeing this, Mu Qiancheng tutted emotionally: "Hey, it's too embarrassing to have to sleep in bed sooner or later."

"What about you?" Mu Qiancheng looked at the courtiers and said, "Her Majesty said that she is not feeling well and can't handle government affairs. Just show me these things."

The courtiers headed by the Minister of Officials and the Minister of Rites were not as easy to fool as those young servants, they said: "Master Prime Minister, you see that we are all here, let us speak directly to Her Majesty the Queen. "

"Besides, I haven't seen Her Majesty the Empress for more than half a month, and we miss her too." The servant of the Ministry of Rites aimed his eyes directly behind Mu Qiancheng and Shiyi.

Mu Qiancheng's eyes turned violent, and just as he was about to get angry, he heard a hoarse angry voice from inside, "Presumptuous!"

It is obviously the voice after indulgence/desire/head.

The servants of the Ministry of Rites and the Minister of Officials were so frightened that they immediately knelt down, "Chenchen."


The ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the Minister of Officials were so frightened that they didn't even dare to lift their heads, so they hurriedly lowered their heads and were about to leave.

But Mu Qiancheng said, "Wait."

The Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials were startled, they looked at Mu Qiancheng and asked, "What orders does the Prime Minister have?"

"Her Majesty is telling you to leave, not to tell you to go."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites was angry, "Don't deceive people too much!"

At this time, a low cough came from the hall.

The servant of the Ministry of Rites shrank his neck instantly, turning into a turtle with a shrunken head.

Mu Qiancheng smiled badly, "Hurry up, Her Majesty is in a good mood now, if Her Majesty is in a bad mood later, then you really don't have to leave."

Eleven also imitated Mu Qiancheng's bad manner and said: "By the way, this Jingtai Palace seems to have never seen blood. I heard that the smell of blood is more stimulating."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites and the others immediately started rolling away, one by one hugging their black gauze hats, and the appearance of not letting the hats fall off while rolling made people couldn't help laughing.

But Shiyi and Mu Qiancheng couldn't laugh, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Jiuqing, who was sitting on the dragon bed, also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that I've been fooling around today, so what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?
After the servants of the Ministry of Rites and the others were completely out of sight, Mu Qiancheng hurried back to Jingtai Palace with Shi Yi, and closed the gate of Jingtai Palace heavily.

After the gate of Jingtai Palace was completely closed, Mu Qiancheng watched a puff of black smoke come out of Luo Jiuqing's throat.

Mu Qiancheng was so frightened that his heart trembled, "Did you hold the cigarette in your throat?"

"Ahem~" Luo Jiuqing coughed several times before recovering, "Otherwise, how could she change her voice so quickly?"

Mu Qiancheng roared, "Are you crazy? Don't use your throat!"

"Her Majesty said that she would guard the capital for her. Even if my voice is crippled, I will guard it for her."


"Prime Minister Mu." Luo Jiuqing looked at Mu Qiancheng with some alienation and said, "Today they are considered to be intimidated, but they only treat the root cause, not the root cause. You have to think about what to do tomorrow, the day after, and the day after tomorrow. gone."

Mu Qiancheng felt a little lonely, but still smiled and said, "Leave it to me."

Do some people never get another chance once they miss it?No matter how much you do in the future, it can't be undone?
the other side

The courtiers such as the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials did not dare to stand up until they rolled to the gate of the palace, but none of them said much.

It wasn't until they left the imperial palace and walked to the streets of Kyoto that they got together again.

Ji Kailai, the Minister of Rites, looked at the Minister of Officials and said, "What do you think of today's incident?"

"Lie down and watch. I think this Mobei is here to send us away. Her Majesty the Queen is clearly sitting in the capital, but they insisted that they saw it in Linchuan City. It was simply because the fire in Linchuan made them feel trapped. to take revenge on us."

"I don't think so." The servant of the Ministry of Rites put his hands behind his back and said sharply: "Actually, Her Majesty's voice just now was a bit wrong."

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials suddenly regained his spirits, "What's wrong?"

"Voice." The Minister of Rites said, "Although Her Majesty's voice has become hoarse, the timbre is still wrong. Think about it, since Her Majesty became an official, what tone and tone has she been talking to us?"

"Strong, unquestionable, always calm and composed, even if the sky falls and the earth falls, her brows will not frown."

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials smiled when he thought of this, "I still remember when she entered the court at the beginning, although she was calm, she was a woman after all, and all her little thoughts were hidden in her small movements, and I don't know when I couldn't see through it her."

"It's just that when we realized it, all the friends around us were sacrificed by her to the steps in front of the Xuanzheng Hall."

"Going off topic." The Minister of Rituals said: "Today, Her Majesty's voice is so hoarse that people can't distinguish clearly, but her momentum is lacking, and her voice is unstable. When did you see that Her Majesty was so unconfident towards us?"

The servant of the Ministry of Officials also turned back and said, "Yes, if this matter is put into the usual way, even if Her Majesty the Empress doesn't want to watch it, she won't let us go so easily, so the one in Jingtai Palace is a fake! "

The servant of the Ministry of Officials couldn't help raising his tone, and the servant of the Ministry of Rites hurriedly grabbed her, "You have to keep your voice down!"

"Shut up! Let's go back and find out that fake!"

"Calm down!" The servant of the Ministry of Rites dragged the servant of the Ministry of Officials and said, "What's the use of finding out! You can use your brains, okay? With Mu Qiancheng's big Buddha and tens of thousands of forbidden troops, if we really Torn face, can only be obliterated."

After thinking about it clearly, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was startled into a cold sweat.

The servant of the Ministry of Rites said: "Since it is confirmed that Her Majesty the Queen is not in the capital, the best thing to do is to muddy the water in the capital now. Since we can't get out of the capital, let's make it mess up, and the muddy water will make it easy to fish." ah."

"The batch of goods in the south of the city should also be moved."

As soon as the batch of goods in the south of the city was mentioned, the servant of the official department also became energetic. He made a gesture of rubbing silver taels and said, "What do you mean?"

The Minister of Rites patted the hand of the Minister of Officials counting the silver and said, "It's time!"

"Good, good, good!"

It's a pity that before the third good word landed, I saw the servants of the Ministry of Rites and the servants of the Ministry of Officials running towards them.

"Sir, something is wrong!"

"Sir, something is wrong!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials was so frightened that his heart jumped, and half of the dream of silver in his hand flew away. He said angrily: "What are you arguing about!"

"That's right, talk slowly if you have something to say." The Minister of Rituals also scolded, "What kind of yelling is this on the street!"

The boys stomped anxiously, but they were reprimanded by the servant of the Ministry of Rites to be refined and unhurried, so they had to grit their teeth and say: "My lord, the people in the Zhuangzi came to report that we are hiding in the big Zhuangzi. All the things in the house were stolen, and all the things in our house were lost!"


The servant of the official department fainted on the spot.

"My lord! What's wrong with you, my lord!"

"Quick! Quick! Hurry up and carry the adults back! Call the doctor!"

In just half an hour, the news spread throughout the capital. A large number of thieves appeared in the capital, and most of the official residences, including Zhuangzi, were stolen.

Not to mention the huge amount, they also blatantly exchanged the stolen things for rice porridge to give to the refugees everywhere.

The newly appointed Minister of Dali Temple and Shaoqing of Dali Temple also claimed that they would not be sick and would not accept the case at all.After hearing this, the people in Beijing clapped their hands and applauded, bluntly saying that Her Majesty the Empress has finally done a great deed.

In Jingtai Palace, when the forbidden army brought in the news that all the officials in the capital had been stolen, Mu Qiancheng paused when dealing with government affairs, and he said with a smile: "It turns out that the empress left them here until now to fight Idea."

"It's a good idea to encircle Wei and save Zhao. Dali Temple doesn't accept the case, and the courtiers have nowhere to complain, so they don't have time to think about making trouble. Our empress is really exhaustive."

It's no wonder that the emperor and the empress dowager tried their best to push her to sit in this position, but no one else could hold back the current state of Yuan Kingdom.

Near Saibei City

Under the influence of Anshenxiang, Shen Mengqi had a good night's sleep. When she opened her eyes, she found that the army had completely stopped advancing. She slightly opened the curtain of the carriage, "What's going on?"

Zhang Kaiyuan, who had been standing beside the carriage, immediately said: "Your Majesty, we have arrived near Saibei City, please show me."

"Since we've arrived in Saibei City, why don't we go in?"

"It's all outside Saibei City. All of it"

Rao Zhang Kaiyuan, who has been adding blood to the tip of the knife for so many years, is a little speechless when he thinks of that scene.

"What is it all?"

Seeing that Zhang Kaiyuan couldn't speak, Shen Mengqi looked at Luo Lingxiao and Boss Boss who were on the side.

Luo Lingxiao directly looked away, Boss Bai said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, it's nothing, it's just that people from Mobei set up some roadblocks outside Saibei City."

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi jumped off the carriage, "Since you don't say anything, I'll go and see for myself!"

She hadn't taken two steps, and in the next second, she saw Doctor Wang standing in front of Shen Mengqi.

Looking at Shen Mengqi's sharp eyes, Imperial Physician Wang held the decoction in front of Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, your medicine for today."

Shen Mengqi drank it all in one gulp, and before Doctor Wang could hand Shen Mengqi the sour plums in his bosom, Shen Mengqi pushed him aside.

Shen Mengqi rushed out in two or three steps, and everyone panicked immediately.

Physician Wang was so anxious that she was about to shout, "Your Majesty, don't go!"

Boss Bai covered his mouth in the next second, "Don't spoil Her Majesty's affairs!"

(End of this chapter)

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