Chapter 245
Seeing Shen Mengqi being so humiliated, Zhang Kaiyuan and the others were trembling with anger, but there was nothing they could do. After all, the three princes of Tianyuan Kingdom were in their hands.

"You just want to see me kneel down, don't you?" Shen Mengqi looked at Mo Xiehan very calmly and said, "Then I will fulfill your wish."

Just as Shen Mengqi was about to kneel down, she heard the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince shouting in unison: "No! Don't kneel!"

"Listen, Mengqi, our Tianyuan Kingdom can die, lose, and be defeated, but we cannot kneel. No one can make you kneel, not even us."

Looking at the agitated eldest prince, second prince and third prince, Shen Mengqi couldn't help feeling a little flustered, "Big brother, second brother, third brother."

The eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince are all in the same mind and thinking. They looked at Shen Mengqi firmly and said: "We have been patiently waiting for you to come. We didn't ask you to kneel down and be a little kid. We just want to see you again. , Brothers can’t assist you, but they will never be your burden.”

When Mo Xiehan saw the three princes of Tianyuan Kingdom say such words, he panicked, and he was about to stuff the sackcloth back into their mouths.

But the first prince, the second prince and the third prince jumped off the [-]-meter-high city wall before him.


Shen Mengqi looked at the three people who were falling down in a hurry, she rode the horse and rushed over, but it was still a second late, and blood spattered Shen Mengqi's face.

The warm touch made Shen Mengqi's brain roar, everything around her seemed to become blurred, only the eldest prince, the second prince and the third prince were clear.

They said to Shen Mengqi while still holding their breath.

The eldest prince: "The plan to push you to the throne was decided by my father and me. Meng Qi, don't blame us, the future depends on you."

Second prince Shen Nanchen: "Second brother may not be able to accompany you this time."

The third prince said, "We're settled, you have to take care of yourself in the future."

After speaking, they lost their breath on the spot.

Shen Mengqi looked at the princes who died in front of her, she broke down and shouted: "Ah!"

Mo Xiehan immediately pulled the crossbow in the guard's hand and shot it directly at Shen Mengqi's heart.

Shen Mengqi, who was in grief, didn't notice at all, let alone dodge, the sharp arrow pierced through Shen Mengqi's left chest.

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

Worrying and terrified roars sounded from behind Shen Mengqi, she turned numbly and looked back, only to see all the soldiers looking at her worriedly.

She suddenly felt so tired. She was pushed to this position, but she couldn't protect the people around her.She really wanted to take a break.

Shen Mengqi felt dizzy in front of her eyes. Amidst the terrified shouts of the crowd, Shen Mengqi went straight to the horse's back.

Boss Boss, who galloped over on his horse, flew under Shen Mengqi's body and raised his hands to protect her stomach, so that she didn't splatter the blood on the spot.

Looking at Shen Mengqi whose life and death were unknown under the city wall, Mo Xiehan sneered and said, "This Shen Mengqi is nothing more than that, the emperor still entrusted her to her."

"The empress has fallen, and the rest are nothing more than stragglers. Let the army go out of the city to fight and annihilate the Ming army!"

The bodyguard next to him said: "His Royal Highness, the morale of the soldiers of Tianyuan Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger these days, it's better for us to avoid the battle for the time being."

"Avoid war?" Mo Xiehan sneered and said, "The empress is dead, what else can they find, why do they want to avoid war?"

Perhaps there was some anger in it, Mo Xiehan ordered with a cold face: "Come here, open the city gate, and go out to meet the enemy!"

After looking at Mo Xiehan's bodyguard, the deputy general lowered his head and obediently went to prepare.

Even if he is appreciated by the lord, he is only a courtier, and Mo Xiehan is the prince who wants to be the lord.They still weighed which is more important.

Looking at the city gate slowly opened in Saimo County, the eyes of Zhang Kaiyuan and others were bloodshot. They didn't wait for the soldiers from Mobei to leave the city gate, and they killed them straight away. The doctor Wang who had been coming with the army He also rushed to Shen Mengqi with the soldiers.

With trembling hands, he took out all the hemostatic medicine and the tonic, and while asking someone to feed Shen Mengqi soup to hang himself, he tremblingly rubbed the hemostatic medicine on Shen Mengqi's wound.

Although this battle was extremely fierce without Shen Mengqi's command and participation, none of the Tianyuan Kingdom's soldiers retreated, and when one fell down, another one made up for it.

Looking at the soldiers of the Tianyuan Kingdom who had gone crazy and didn't know why they were retreating, although there were [-] soldiers in Mobei, nearly three times more than the Ming army, they were still too scared to fight, and became a timely soldier. The dead souls of the Ming army.

This battle was the most tragic battle in the history of Tianyuan Kingdom, until decades later, when people who participated in or watched this battle mentioned this incident, they could only sum it up with the word loyalty.

Zhang Kaiyuan led his soldiers to occupy Saimo County. After capturing Mo Xiehan alive, he did not take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Instead, he placed Wang Taiyi and the unconscious Shen Mengqi in Saimo County.

That night, no one fell asleep.

Pots of hot water were brought into Shen Mengqi's room, and basins of bloody water were brought out again. The tossing continued until midnight before it subsided a little.

Imperial Physician Wang just left the room, and everyone surrounded him, "Doctor Wang, how is Your Majesty the Empress?"

Physician Wang shook his head and said, "I've already thought of all the solutions I can think of, and I'll see tonight if I can wake up."

Luo Lingxiao and the others breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words, "That's great, there is still hope. Her Majesty the Empress will bless all people, and she will be fine."

Physician Wang didn't answer, but turned around and went back to the house.

After blocking everyone's sight, Doctor Wang began to cry softly in the room.

What he didn't tell them was that Shen Mengqi had fallen into a state of suspended animation, she didn't want to wake up at all, and
Even if Shen Mengqi is rescued, she probably won't live for ten years, because her body is already weak due to various reasons, and her body is even weaker after the long journey. The arrow that pierced her body is like crushing The last straw for the dead camel's back.

Physician Wang leaned against the door, crying and slapping himself hard, "Why are you so useless, but if you read more medical books, Her Majesty the Empress can't be like this now, it's all your fault!"

After one night, Shen Mengqi and Ben didn't show any signs of waking up. If they didn't put their hands on her nose and feel that she was in the west of the lake, they thought Shen Mengqi was going to die.

In her dream, Shen Mengqi dreamed that her uncle, grandmother, and her three elder brothers all stretched out their hands to her, "Mengqi, come with us. In the next life, we won't be royal relatives, but ordinary people's." How are the four brothers and sisters?"

Shen Mengqi raised her hand eagerly, but when her hand was about to touch them, Shen Mengqi suddenly woke up.

She retracted her hand, no, she is carrying the mission of the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother, and there are still many things to be done, how can she go with them!
"I do not go!"

Shen Mengqi opened her eyes suddenly, looking at the unfamiliar furnishings in the room, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but frowned, "What's going on?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's voice, Imperial Physician Wang was both happy and worried. Being able to talk at least meant that he was still alive.

Physician Wang was about to raise his hand to feel Shen Mengqi's pulse to diagnose her pulse, when he heard Shen Mengqi's almost whimpering voice, and she whispered, "Lin Jihan, I miss you."

Hearing the aggrieved and sad voice, Doctor Wang felt a pain in his heart.Everyone thought Shen Mengqi had put it down, but who knew how many times she had called the regent's name during her nightmares in the middle of the night.

Being in a high position, Shen Mengqi puts Tianyuan Kingdom first in everything, and if she has lost something, no one will care, and no one will care.

Doctor Wang said tearfully, "Your Majesty, please wake up, the regent and us are waiting for you."

Crying and crying, Imperial Physician Wang felt a numbness in his wrist. He looked down and saw Shen Mengqi raised her hand and pinched him.

Physician Wang was overjoyed, "Your Majesty the Queen!"

He looked up, only to see Shen Mengqi's eyes were clear, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Doctor Wang, I'm not dead yet, it's too early for you to cry."

Doctor Wang laughed while crying: "Your Majesty, you are finally awake."

Shen Mengqi touched her stomach and said, "Is he alright?"

"Alright, rest assured, Your Majesty the Empress."

Shen Mengqi was not relieved because of this, she continued to ask: "Doctor Wang, how many years do I have to live?"

Physician Wang paused when he heard the sound, he wiped the tears on his face, and smiled a little far-fetched, "What are you talking about, Your Majesty, long live you, how could you only have a few years left."

"I know my body well, you don't need to hide it from me." Shen Mengqi looked away, "I need to know how many years I have left before I can know what kind of arrangements to make."

All of this is for Tianyuan Kingdom.

Doctor Wang's lips trembled, and he said sadly, "Ten years at most, five years at least."

"Five years?" Shen Mengqi lightly raised the hand touching her belly twice, as if she was thinking about something, "It's enough."

"Go and call Boss Boss and Zhang Kaiyuan in. I will ask them something."

Physician Wang was a little anxious, "Your Majesty, you just woke up and your body is still weak. Why don't we talk about it until you are in better health."

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said: "I won't just waste this day, the sooner some things are explained, the more at ease."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's insistence, Imperial Physician Wang finally went to call Boss Boss and others in.

When they came in, the curtain beside Shen Mengqi's bed had already fallen, preventing them from seeing Shen Mengqi inside clearly.

"Your Majesty the Queen will see you."

"Be flat."

The feeble voice made Boss Bai and others a little worried, "Your Majesty, are you all right?"

"It can still last." Shen Mengqi looked at them and said, "Where are we now, where are the eldest brother, second brother and third brother?"

After hesitating for a while, everyone pushed Boss Bai to the front, making it clear that they wanted him to tell Shen Mengqi.

Boss Bai turned his head and stared at them, then scratched his head and said, "We have given away Saimo County, and now we are in the city. As for the first prince, the second prince and the third prince."

When Boss Boss mentioned the three princes, his voice slowly quieted down, as if he didn't know if he could say it.

"They died, I know, how did you deal with it?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi calmly talking about the death of the three princes, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at Shen Mengqi and said: "The bones of the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince have all been put into the coffin, and the rest are in the coffin." Waiting for Your Majesty's instructions."

The people inside the curtain didn't move for a long time, and after a long time, there was a voice, "Understood."

"Did you only attack Seymour County and not push forward?"

Zhang Kaiyuan was not sure why Shen Mengqi asked this question, but he still had the courage to kneel down and said: "Your Majesty, we have considered various factors, so we only took Saimo County and did not move forward. If you Feeling that we should take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, Nachen must gather soldiers to attack the next city now."

"No need." Shen Mengqi said: "You have done a good job in this matter. If you drive a dog into a poor alley, you will definitely suffer backlash."

There is no rush to clean them up, Mobei owes her debts, her brothers' debts, and one day she will pay back intact.

"Lord Luo, I need you to help me with something."

Luo Lingxiao stepped forward and said, "Please show your Majesty the Empress."

"Go and help me find three coffins, one made of golden nanmu, one made of yellow chestnut tree, and one made of agarwood. The one made of golden nanmu will enlarge the prince, the one made of agarwood will hold the second prince, and the one made of yellow chestnut tree will hold the third prince."

"I understand, I will prepare now."

"En." Shen Mengqi said in a hoarse voice: "After doing this, bury them in the northernmost part of Saimo County, and engrave them as soon as they go up Mobei. If they step on the land of Tianyuan, they will die."

"Yes." Looking at Shen Mengqi, Luo Lingxiao couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, do you need to engrave the tombstones of the three princes?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said, "No, they won't think about it."

"Also, please remember that from today onwards, the tombstones of the three princes will be the dividing line between Tianyuan Kingdom and Mobei, and anyone from Mobei who crosses this line will be killed without mercy."

"I understand!"

"Zhang Kaiyuan."

Hearing Shen Mengqi calling himself, Zhang Kaiyuan hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the minister is here."

"People in Saibei City, what happened to the corpses of the soldiers?"

Zhang Kaiyuan said: "If you go back to Her Majesty, their remains have been buried, and they were buried in Saibei City and Linchuan City."

"The spring silkworms will die when the silkworms die, and the wax torches will turn into ashes and tears will dry. They grew up in Linchuan and Saibei, and now they have returned to their roots and returned to their homeland."

"You have also seen what will happen to Tianyuan Kingdom once it is defeated."

Thinking of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood at the gate of Saibei City, everyone lowered their heads a little sluggishly, but Shen Mengqi said indifferently: "This is the reason why the country breaks the family network, so we must not give up an inch of land! We must not let other countries step into it." One inch of Tianyuan Kingdom's territory."

"Sir, you understand."

Just as he was talking, Imperial Physician Wang came in and said, "Your Majesty, Cheng Xingchen and Nan Nan are here."

(End of this chapter)

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