Chapter 246 Returning to Beijing
Shen Mengqi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, she casually put on a coat and opened the curtain and said, "Call them in."

Looking at Shen Mengqi's pale and bloodless face, everyone couldn't help feeling a little worried. This was obviously a sign of exhaustion.

"Your Majesty the Queen"

"Don't worry, I won't be able to die for a while, so go."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was stubborn, no one dared to persuade her anymore, they were afraid that making Shen Mengqi depressed would make her sicker.

After a while, Cheng Xingchen and Nan Nan were brought in.

Shen Mengqi looked at the two calmly and said, "You have gone to Mobei."

Cheng Xingchen and Nan Nan did not refute, "Your Majesty, we originally planned to sneak into the capital of Mobei to inquire about the second prince's news, but unexpectedly, he is actually in Saimo County. It is my negligence, and I would like to ask Her Majesty to deal with it."

"Second Brother has been protecting you until death. If I deal with you now, Second Brother and the others will definitely leave and feel uneasy. You can go."

Shen Mengqi didn't want to listen to their explanation at all. She looked at them and said, "Second brother wanted to set you free before he died. I will finish what he hasn't finished. You can go."

Shen Mengqi looked at Nan Nan and Cheng Xingchen and said, "You are free, and from now on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, let you gallop."

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Looking at Nan Nan, whose eyes were full of pain and some hesitation, Shen Mengqi said: "Ajiu, let me tell you that when you were young, you protected me and my second brother, and when you grow up, you will protect my friends and the peace of the world for me. You should rest Take a break."

As he said that, Luo Lingxiao walked in, and he handed a stack of bank notes to Nan Nan and said, "This is between me and Her Majesty the Empress."

As he said that, he gave Cheng Xingchen another stack of bank notes in his hand, "Miss Cheng is too."

"Xing Chen, from now on, the Palace, Cheng Family, and Tianyuan Kingdom have nothing to do with you. Don't be obsessed with it, so as not to go astray."

You don't have to play dumb anymore, you can finally live your own life.

Cheng Xingchen burst into tears and laughed. She looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "My life is long gone. Have you already seen that I'm faking it?"

Shen Mengqi remained silent, "It doesn't matter if you see it or not."


Cheng Xingchen patted all the bank notes in Luo Lingxiao's arms backhandedly, she looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I'm not leaving, I want to stay in Saimo County, guard Nanchen, and also guard the country. "

The peace of Tianyuan Kingdom was bought by his father's life, and it was poured with Shen Nanchen's blood. She must not allow the land under her feet to be trampled by outsiders.

Shen Mengqi looked at her calmly and said, "It's up to you."

The communication time of just a few minutes consumed most of Shen Mengqi's energy. She waved her hand and said, "Go down, I'm going to rest."


After Cheng Xingchen and Nan Nan went out, Shen Mengqi fell on the bed again, gasping for breath.

Before the breath could be adjusted evenly, Zhang Kaiyuan, who had been guarding outside the door, said: "Your Majesty, Boss Boss, please see me."

Shen Mengqi put her hands on her chest, pressed her trembling chest firmly, and said in a calm voice, "Call him in."


Boss Boss came in with a wine jug in his hand, his eyes were a little loose, as if he had buried the entire star, dim and dull.

Before Shen Mengqi could ask, Boss Bai asked, "Is there still a lack of a general in Seymour County?"

As soon as Boss Bai asked Shen Mengqi what he was planning, she said, "No."

"Why not, is there someone more suitable than me now?"

Shen Mengqi said lightly: "Even if you don't have it, it can't be you. Don't pretend to be a man for a long time and feel that you are a man."

"What's the matter if it's my daughter's house? Since ancient times, there are many people who don't give up to men."

"If you stay here, you don't know when you will see Luo Lingxiao again. Don't you like him?"

Boss Bai's eyes darkened, she chuckled and said, "I like it, it's because I like it that I have to stay away."

"What happened to you two?"

Looking at Shen Mengqi who is so keen, Boss Bai's eyebrows and eyes frowned, "What can we do, I just did this to repay the kindness that you concealed my identity for me when I was in Xihuang, why didn't you keep mentioning it."

Shen Mengqi said calmly: "I don't need it, you don't need to brand yourself for this, go out."

"The blood of the three princes of our Tianyuan Kingdom flows in Saimo County. If there is no one guarding Saimo County, once the people from Mobei attack us, what do you think will happen to us?"

Shen Mengqi clenched her fists, "I have thought about this matter myself."

"Sisi? Do you want Luo Lingxiao to give away the head here?"

It is true that Luo Lingxiao met a lot of people in the arena because of his bold temperament, but although he has a wide network and is smooth enough in dealing with people, he has never read military books, let alone learned martial arts.

It is really not a good choice to throw him here in Seymour County.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was frowning even tighter, Bo Lao said: "Zhang Kaiyuan still has to lead the Ming army to guard the capital, and the regent can't get away from the battlefield in Xihuang. Your Majesty, you can only use me." .”

Shen Mengqi pressed her hands on her aching heart, she looked at Bai Laodao: "Why are you bothering?"

"Anyway, you have been in the rivers and lakes for several years. Haven't you heard that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring?"

"I don't want to argue with you. If you think it over and really want to stay here, then stay."

"Yes, I thank Your Majesty the Empress!" After finishing speaking, Boss Bai leaned forward and whispered directly in Shen Mengqi's ear: "Your Majesty, I am just a rough person, I don't understand the feelings of family and country, I only talk about morality, I am not Tianyuan Kingdom, but you."

"So, Your Majesty, you must live well. If you are injured, I will leave directly. The north gate of Tianyuan Kingdom will be destroyed without breaking through."

The corners of Shen Mengqi's eyes trembled slightly, she looked sideways at Bai Laodao: "Don't worry, I will live a long life."

"You'd better be like this." Boss Bai saw that Shen Mengqi's face turned slightly rosy. , he felt relieved, "Your Majesty, I will retire."

Shen Mengqi seemed too lazy to greet him, she just waved her hand and lay down.

When Boss Bai came out, Imperial Physician Wang who had been guarding the door immediately trotted up nervously, looked at Boss Bai and asked, "Boss Boss, how is Your Majesty the Empress?"

"Don't worry, the boss will be the best of both!" She smiled and said to Wang Taiyi: "When I came out, I saw Her Majesty's face turned red, and it's time to show you."

Doctor Wang rushed to the room where Shen Mengqi was locked with the medicine box in hand.

As soon as he entered the door, Imperial Physician Wang saw Shen Mengqi lying on the bed weakly, her smiling face was so red that there was a little purple in it.

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang immediately raised his hand to support Shen Mengqi. After he tapped the acupuncture points on Shen Mengqi's back four or five times, a mouthful of black blood gushed out from Shen Mengqi's mouth.

Seeing the thick black blood, Imperial Physician Wang breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Shen Mengqi who was still in the fog and said, "Your Majesty, the poisonous servant in your body has been solved for you. You can rest assured." Take a break."

However, Shen Mengqi didn't listen to Imperial Physician Wang's advice. She looked at Imperial Physician Wang and said, "Since the congestion has been discharged, you should notify the Ming army, and we will leave for Beijing tomorrow."

"No, Your Majesty the Empress." Imperial Physician Wang looked at Shen Mengqi with a heartache and said, "Your body won't be able to withstand such a toss in a short time, why don't we go back to Beijing first, and you are here to cultivate yourself?"

"I'm afraid that the fact that I personally went to the battlefield has already been reported back to the capital. Those courtiers must use this to make trouble. Ah Jiu and Mu Qiancheng may not be able to deal with it."

"But your body."

"Anyway, it's only three to five years left, and my body will be completely useless, so I have to deal with all the things I can handle as much as possible."

Moreover, Shen Mengqi touched her stomach with some nostalgia and said: "This child is about to be born, I have to give him the title of prince."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who has already begun to explain the funeral in disguise, Wang Taiyi's eyes became hot, and big tears fell from his eyes. He said with some distress: "Your Majesty, even so, I still want to persuade you Pay attention to your body."

"I'm clear, you can pass the order down, and there will be no mistakes in returning to Beijing tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll take care of it now, you can stay here for a while, after all, tomorrow is going to be bumpy."

On the second day, Shen Mengqi was supported by Luo Lingxiao and Wang Taiyi into the carriage, and Shen Mengqi sat still, and they immediately gave Shen Mengqi all the Tang Pozi that had been prepared for a long time, causing Shen Mengqi to sweat a little .

Under Shen Mengqi's urging, they shortened the journey to Kyoto from seven days to two days.

When Shen Mengqi and the Ming army stepped through the gate of the capital city and entered the capital, all the common people in the capital city straightened up and stood in two rows spontaneously, holding some flowers or fruit plates in their hands something like that.

After they saw through the car window that it was their Majesty the Empress sitting in the carriage, they became even more excited and shouted together involuntarily, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Shen Mengqi opened a corner of the car curtain with Shang Fang's sword. Looking at the excited people, Shen Mengqi made a gesture of reassurance and quickly put down the car curtain. , this body is getting worse and worse, in order not to make those courtiers suspicious, she only showed her face.

But if she just went out and exposed herself to the public's sight, I'm afraid the courtiers would make more trouble.

Zhang Kaiyuan and others escorted Shen Mengqi's carriage all the way to the gate of the palace. From a distance, they saw a bunch of officials kneeling at the gate of the palace.

I only heard the headed servant of the Ministry of Rites saying: "The minister waits to welcome Her Majesty the Queen back to the palace."

The others immediately knelt down and said, "I wait to welcome Her Majesty the Queen back to the palace."

"You guys really have intentions." Shen Mengqi insisted, "I accept your intentions, so let's back down."

The Minister of Officials and the Minister of Rites looked at me, and after I looked at you, they said in unison: "Your Majesty, we haven't seen you for several days, and all the courtiers miss you."


Shen Mengqi snorted coldly, "What do you want me to do? Kill you all?"

Upon hearing the word death, the courtiers were instantly frightened and knelt back to their original places, "Your Majesty the Empress."

"Your Majesty, minister. minister."

Before they could make up nonsense, Shen Mengqi said directly: "It seems that the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials have not lost much, so there is no use in chatting with me at the gate of this palace."

When Shen Mengqi mentioned the losses of the previous few days, both the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials felt pain for a while. They clutched their hearts and panted heavily, as if they were sick.

After a long time, they finally recovered.

At this time, Shen Mengqi had already entered the palace in a carriage.

Just when the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials were about to make amends for their actions, they heard Shen Mengqi's voice floating in the distance, "Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, don't worry, I will have to deal with your matter sooner or later." Find out with you."

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials immediately fell to the side. They thought about it carefully, and after being asked to settle accounts by Shen Mengqi, the people who were accounted for seemed to be dead, and no one survived.

The Minister of Officials and the Minister of Rites looked at each other aggrievedly. If it weren't for the fact that there were people everywhere right now, he really wished he could fall into each other's arms and cry with his head in his arms.

Shen Mengqi's carriage didn't stop until it reached the Jingtai Palace, Doctor Wang and Luo Lingxiao supported Shen Mengqi to let her get off the carriage slowly.

As soon as Shen Mengqi pushed open the door of Jingtai Palace, she was almost choked to death by the oncoming smoke.

If she couldn't see the flames, she would have thought that Luo Jiuqing and the others had set the Jingtai Palace on fire.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, Mu Qiancheng came out with a hoarse voice, "Who is it?"

After seeing Shen Mengqi standing at the door clearly, his eyes lit up instantly, "See Your Majesty the Empress, congratulations on your Majesty's return."

Shen Mengqi raised her hand to signal Mu Qiancheng to flatten her body, and she pointed to the smog that filled the room and asked, "Are you guys cultivating immortals inside?"

Mu Qiancheng shook his head like a rattle, he smiled wryly and said: "A few days ago, those courtiers were clamoring to see Your Majesty the Empress, but Jiuqing took a puff of cigarette and hoarse her voice, she was worried about this. In the last few days, I will not be able to restrain those courtiers, I am afraid that they will force their way into Jingtai Palace and ruin your event, so Jiuqing set up nine incense burners in the house."

"She said that she couldn't see it clearly because of the smog. These courtiers can't dare to rush in and arrest her to see it."

"This fool."

Shen Mengqi instructed: "Go and open all the windows in Jingtai Palace to let the smoke out."


After explaining all this, Luo Jiuqing also rushed out because he couldn't bear the smell of smoke.

After seeing Shen Mengqi standing in front of her clearly, she said excitedly: "Your Majesty, you are back!"

Shen Mengqi looked at Luo Jiuqing, who had tears in her eyes, and said with a smile, "Thank you, I'm back."

"By the way," Luo Jiuqing walked up to Shen Mengqi's ear and whispered, "Your Majesty, there is someone from the regent in Jingtai Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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