Chapter 247
"I know."

Knowing that there were still people watching her in the dark, Shen Mengqi didn't ask anyone to support her, she stood upright as if nothing happened, but her voice was weak, she whispered: "Go in and talk."


Seeing Shen Mengqi, whose expression was obviously a little off, Luo Jiuqing subconsciously raised her hand to help Shen Mengqi, but Shen Mengqi avoided it.

Shen Mengqi glanced at the dark place on the left from the corner of her eye, and seeing the crowded crowds over there, Luo Jiuqing immediately understood, and she quietly retreated to Shen Mengqi's side to block the sight of the people over there.

"Welcome Her Majesty the Queen back to the palace."

As soon as the gate of Jingtai Palace was closed, Shen Mengqi slumped straight on the bed.

The Imperial Physician Wang who came in behind immediately stepped forward to diagnose Shen Mengqi's pulse, Luo Lingxiao looked at it worriedly, "Her Majesty's body is really getting weaker and weaker, can the Imperial Physician Wang have a way to recuperate?"

Physician Wang paused when he heard the words, and looked at Luo Lingxiao with red eyes and said, "Your Majesty will feel better after giving birth."

In the end, he still didn't tell everyone that Shen Mengqi hadn't lived for a few years, he murmured to himself: "Actually, if there is that bergamot from the heavens as a medicine, Her Majesty the Empress might be able to feel better."

At least, if you don't work too hard, you can live for decades without any problem.

"The bergamot of the heavens has only existed in the classics. It is still unknown whether there is such a thing in this world. How can we get it?"

Luo Jiuqing also frowned and said: "That's right, even our Luo family, who often travel around the world, has never seen this thing before. It may be as difficult as going to heaven to get it."

Doctor Wang didn't know how precious this thing was, he gave Shen Mengqi an injection and said, "I'm just saying, you don't need to take it too seriously, anyway, Her Majesty the Queen will get better sooner or later, it's not bad Right now, isn't it?"

On the other side, a few people who had been hiding in the dark of Jingtai Palace and watching around quietly came to the residence of the Minister of Rites.

"My lord servant, I can see that Her Majesty is standing extremely steadily and speaking steadily and forcefully. She doesn't look like someone who has been seriously injured."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites frowned, "It shouldn't be, the letter from Mobei's spies said that Her Majesty the Queen was stabbed in the vitals by an arrow, and her life was in danger."

The servant of the official department said: "Maybe it's our empress who pretended? Don't forget, she is the best at hiding. Didn't she deceive us not to stay in the palace?"

"So you mean"

Seeing the Minister of Rites asking for his opinion, the Minister of Officials immediately waved his hands and said, "I'm not interested, I'll let you do it all. I'm just doing blind analysis, and I can't count it."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites said seriously: "I think what you said this time is quite right. After all, Mobei and us are also in a cooperative relationship, so there is no reason to lie to us, and Her Majesty the Queen is indeed a bit weird."

Seeing the calculating look on the face of the Minister of the Ministry of Rites, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and he said: "So, what do you mean?"

"Let's test Her Majesty the Queen."

"Are you crazy, am I crazy?" The Minister of the Ministry of Officials jumped up immediately, "This time it is really Her Majesty, have you forgotten the blood in front of the Xuanzheng Hall?"

"We should be glad that Her Majesty didn't deal with the two of us together, so why don't you hit the knife's edge with a pole? We'll be able to retire and return home after a few more years!"

"But we've worked hard for half our lives and all the money is gone. Now it's useless to retire and return home. Are you going to live a miserable life?"

The words of the minister of the Ministry of Rites left the Minister of the Ministry of Officials speechless. Both of them were admitted from small places and relied on their official positions to do various businesses. Money back home to enjoy, but now
The Minister of the Ministry of Officials still hesitated, "But to test Her Majesty the empress would be like licking blood on the tip of a knife. If it doesn't work, the head will fall to the ground, and even the nine clans will be buried!"

"However, if the money is gone, what else can you do while you're alive? Do you continue to live in fear all day in official robes, or do you retire and return home to take off your bags and go back to rely on the charity of the villagers?"

He didn't think much of either.

Seeing the hesitation of the servant of the Ministry of Officials, the servant of the Ministry of Rites smiled and said: "It's always a knife to stretch your neck, and a knife to shrink your neck. If you give it a try, you will be rich like an enemy. It depends on whether you can seize this opportunity."

After thinking for a moment, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials said to the Minister of Rites, "Brother, I will follow you."

"That's right." The servant of the Ministry of Rites smiled and said: "The so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, that's the truth. As long as Her Majesty the Queen comes to court tomorrow, let's mention her injuries. Anyway, her affairs in Mobei are basically normal. I also know that there is nothing to beat around the bush."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites threw the fish food in his hand into the small tank beside him, his eyes were filled with a smile of determination.

"As long as the people in the court are confused, we can fish in troubled waters."
Just a quick update, and the update will officially resume tomorrow. I'm sorry for the past two days, my dears.

(End of this chapter)

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