Chapter 248 He Came Back 1
Physician Wang woke up not long after performing the acupuncture. She seemed to have gotten used to fainting from time to time. As soon as she opened her eyes, she said to everyone in the room who looked at her with worried faces.

"Don't look at me like that, or I will think that my life is not long."

Luo Jiuqing hurriedly said in a hurry: "Bah, bah, your majesty, you are talking nonsense again."

Seeing Shen Mengqi smiling slightly, everyone in the room was relieved and laughed too. It seemed that they were indeed too nervous.

Physician Wang, who had been silently hiding aside, felt more and more uncomfortable. Only he knew that their Majesty the Queen really couldn't live long.

As soon as the atmosphere relaxed, Shen Mengqi's expression tightened, and she said: "You all go out first, I have something to say to Mother Wang."


The door of Jingtai Palace opened and closed, and only Wang Nai and Shen Mengqi were left in the room except for Wang Taiyi who insisted on staying.

As soon as everyone left, Mother Wang knelt down with a plop.

"Your Majesty, the old slave is guilty."

With the support of Imperial Physician Wang, Shen Mengqi leaned against the side of the bed and half-sit up, touched the somewhat warm She Taisui, and said lightly: "Mama is hiding deep enough, let alone me, even my emperor Grandmother was hidden from you, and the chess pieces buried in the palace by the Prince Regent's House are deep enough."

"You have accompanied the imperial grandmother for more than 40 years. You are the person she trusts the most, and you are also the person who watched me grow up. But your heart, huh, so it's not here."

Shen Mengqi laughed at herself.

Wang Momo looked at Shen Mengqi distressedly and said, "Your Majesty, please punish this old slave."

Shen Mengqi asked back, "How many things in the palace have you told the Prince Regent's Mansion in the past 40 years?"

"Your Majesty, although the old slave was dispatched to the palace by the Prince Regent's Palace, the information provided by the old slave was innocuous and absolutely did not touch the interests of the Tian family. Moreover, since the young prince took over the title, he basically had no contact with him until now. .”

"Until I ascended the throne, the uncle and grandmother borrowed the hand of the Taifu to get rid of the unclean people in the palace. They couldn't find out the information in the palace, so they used your trump card again."

Wang Momo looked at Shen Mengqi with tears in her eyes and said, "Your Majesty, this old slave really has nothing to do. If it weren't for the old prince, this old slave might not survive the age of cardamom. This is what this old slave owes them, but the old slave I assure you, I shouldn’t have told you, the old slave didn’t say a single word!”

Shen Mengqi touched her stomach, she looked at Wang Momo and said, "What about this child?"

"The old slave didn't say a word!"

"Then how is he doing in Xihuang now?"

"The little prince seldom tells me about it, but the old slave heard that the little prince reported to the capital that the side beams had just been laid down, but in fact he had already surrounded the capital of Xihuang, and Xihuang was only one step away from destroying the country." gone."

In less than three or four months, he had already captured the Western Wilderness. He deserved to be the Regent of the God of War.Presumably he will return to China in a few days, then what capacity should she face him with?

Shen Mengqi touched her stomach, her hands trembling slightly, what identity should this child appear in front of him?

"Your Majesty, this old slave really knows that he was wrong, please punish him, Your Majesty, I just ask you to allow this old slave to serve you again!"

Mother Wang's voice was full of pleading, and her head banged to the ground.

"I forgive you."

Wang Momo obviously didn't expect Shen Mengqi to agree to her request like this. She looked up at Shen Mengqi, only to see a slight alienation deep in Shen Mengqi's eyes.

"You have served the emperor's grandmother for more than 40 years. You have watched me grow up. There is nothing wrong with this. Doctor Wang, you take Wang Mama to the side room to treat the injury on her forehead. She is too old to stand bumps. .”


When Imperial Physician Wang was about to help Nanny Wang out, Shen Mengqi's voice came slowly from behind them, "Nurse Wang is injured, please stay in the side hall for a few days to recuperate, and leave the affairs of the imperial court to the young Do it forever."

Wang Momo was stunned, her tears fell down like beads with a broken string, she choked up and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compassion, I accept the order."

As soon as the door of Jingtai Palace opened, Luo Jiuqing walked in. Shen Mengqi raised her hand and lowered the curtain beside the bed, apparently not wanting others to see her expression at this time.

Luo Jiuqing didn't speak when she saw this, but stood silently by the side of the dragon bed, accompanying Shen Mengqi.

Inside the curtain, Shen Mengqi's eyes were slightly rosy. Although the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother had emphasized to her that even cronies need to keep a hand, but this happened to her, and she was a little at a loss.

People who can't be driven away can only be arranged far away, and there are fewer and fewer people around her, so this must be a lonely family.

"Ah Jiu, all three of my older brothers are dead, and those who watched me grow up are also pushed away by me."

A light sentence has the weight of a thousand pieces of gold, and Luo Jiuqing is a little out of breath under the pressure, let alone Shen Mengqi.

She looked at the lonely figure in the curtain with some distress. In fact, when Shen Mengqi was forcibly pushed to the supreme position, she was doomed to be lonely. .

Facing her, they were all respectful, and the only ones who could really get along with her as before were the few princes of Tianyuan Kingdom, but
Luo Jiuqing said firmly: "Your Majesty, you still have your people, and we, as long as Her Majesty needs it, Ah Jiu will always be with you."

Shen Mengqi hugged her stomach silently.

On the second day, Shen Mengqi woke up before dawn, but her body was heavy and tense, not to mention her legs were sore, her head also hurt like it was going to explode.

Fortunately, Imperial Physician Wang had been resting on the small bed in Jingtai Palace, and as soon as Shen Mengqi made a sound, he got up to investigate.He felt for Shen Mengqi's pulse, and felt relieved after feeling again and again.

"Your Majesty, you were exhausted from traveling yesterday and didn't rest. In addition, your body is six months younger, and your body is getting heavier. Your calves will become sore. You must not be able to withstand this crown today." If it’s gone, why don’t you let it go for a day?”

Shen Mengqi rubbed her head that was about to burst and said: "No, the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials were testing me yesterday. If I don't go to court today, it means that there is something wrong with my health, and they will definitely make trouble again. .”

Right now, Kyoto cannot be chaotic.

Luo Jiuqing was a little puzzled, she made a murderous gesture towards Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, since we are afraid of chaos, it is better to kill them. If it is not convenient for the court, we can use Xiaomeng Pavilion."

Shen Mengqi shook her head and said: "When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and with these few large rats, our Tianyuan Kingdom will not be poor."

Imperial Physician Wang frowned, and he said a little excitedly: "Your Majesty, your current body can't even support the weight of the dragon robe!"

"Then don't wear the crown and dragon robe." Shen Mengqi stepped down from the dragon bed in a white undershirt and said, "Go and prepare the medicinal meal, imperial doctor, I will go to court after I finish eating."

Seeing this, Luo Jiuqing came up and wanted to tidy up Shen Mengqi's messy hair, but Shen Mengqi stopped her directly, "No need to tidy up, just go like this."

"Her Majesty the Queen."

Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui in her hand and said: "Since they want to test, then I will sing them an empty city plan."

(End of this chapter)

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