Chapter 249 He Came Back 2
When Shen Mengqi appeared in the court hall dressed in loose white clothes and with disheveled hair, the courtiers who were planning to test Shen Mengqi with great fanfare were suddenly at a loss.

Looking at the stunned people in the hall, Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui in her hand, stood up from the dragon chair and said to the courtiers in the hall.

"Do you think it's absurd that my clothes are disheveled and my hair is disheveled?"

Shen Mengqi's preemptive attack made them a little at a loss, they looked at Shen Mengqi blankly.I saw Shen Mengqi walking towards them step by step.

"Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Officials."

Seeing Shen Mengqi standing still in front of her, both the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Officials felt trembling, and they immediately bent down and knelt down, "Your Majesty the Empress."

"Are I embarrassed enough now? Have you fulfilled your wishes?"

The servants of the Ministry of Rites and the Minister of Officials, who were originally guilty, were frightened by such a question, and their whole bodies were a little weak, and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials almost fainted directly.

The servant of the Ministry of Rites gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is joking, no matter what you look like, you are wise and powerful. Even if I wish, I wish Your Majesty the Queen good health and good luck."

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. I was injured in Saibei, and I won't live for a few more years." Shen Mengqi raised her hand and patted the shoulder of the Minister of Rites, who was almost knocked directly to the ground by the force.

It's not over yet, Shen Mengqi squeezed his shoulder with her backhand, her strength seemed to crush him, "Tell me, can I entrust the future of Tianyuan Kingdom to your hands?"

The sweat on the forehead of the servant of the Ministry of Rites became more and more dense, he gritted his teeth, and struggled to say a complete sentence: "I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for a junior official, how can I take on this important task? "

"Ang~" Shen Mengqi chuckled softly, "It's too small to be an official."

"I didn't, I didn't!"

The servant of the Ministry of Rites was afraid that Shen Mengqi would misunderstand, so he shook his head repeatedly, but Shen Mengqi pretended not to see it.

"Since you think the official is too small, then I will just give you a promotion. Is the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites enough?"

The servant of the Ministry of Rites shook his head again and again, only to see that Shen Mengqi had turned her head to look at Yi Bai who was standing in front of him, "Yi Bai, you should go to the Ministry of Punishment to be a secretary. Don't you like to change the laws of the Tianyuan Kingdom? If you go, can you change it?" Enough."

Yi Bai was much more mature and stable than before, he didn't refute Shen Mengqi's proposal at all, but bowed his hands respectfully and said: "Yes, the minister leads the order."

Although it is a good thing to be promoted to become the Minister of Rites, it is definitely not a good thing to be promoted at this juncture.

The servant of the Ministry of Rites said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty, I really didn't think about it."

Shen Mengqi put her hand between her lips and said, "Shh~"

"As much ability as a person has, he has to bear as much responsibility. The position of Minister of Rites is none other than you."

Shen Mengqi's hand that was still on the shoulder of the servant of the Ministry of Rites became heavier and heavier, and the servant of the Ministry of Rites could only half-kneel down. He looked at Shen Mengqi, and said with a smile or not: "The minister leads the order."

Shen Mengqi said, "That's right, this is my courtier of Tianyuan Kingdom."

The servant of the Ministry of Rites showed a smile uglier than crying, looked at Shen Mengqi and flattered him, and said, "What your majesty said is that your majesty's merits will last forever."

But Shen Mengqi didn't like his flattery, she turned her head with a smile and said, "By the way, the prayers for this ancestral temple are about to begin, and the money from the household department is tied to the war between Xihuang and Saibei."

The Minister of Rites' heart skipped a beat.

In the next second, Shen Mengqi said: "So the money for praying for this ancestral temple is paid for by the Minister of Rites, oh no, the Minister of Rites prepared it himself."

Upon hearing the news, the newly promoted Minister of Rites almost fainted, if it wasn't for the fact that Shen Mengqi's hands were so strong that he couldn't faint from the pain.
It's okay if the oil and water can't be found, but he still needs to put it in by himself.
"What? Is it difficult?"

Minister of the Ministry of Rites only felt that his eyes were black and his whole body was sweating. He gritted his teeth and said, "No problem, I will try my best to find a way."

Looking at the newly promoted Minister of Rites, whose expression was already in a trance, Shen Mengqi smiled even more, "This is the first time I boarded the plane to hold the first ancestral temple blessing, it must be grand and grand, and it would be best to shock people from all over the world. That, understand?"

Minister of the Ministry of Rites was already on the verge of crying, but he looked at Shen Mengqi with disheveled hair and said with a mournful face, "Chenchen, work hard."

Shen Mengqi put her hand on his shoulder again, "What is hard work, of course you must!"

The Minister of Rites gritted his teeth and said, "I must!"

"now it's right."

Only then did Shen Mengqi let go of the Minister of Rites, and kicked the Minister of the Ministry of Officials on the ground, "Minister of the Ministry of Officials, haven't you fainted enough yet?"

I saw the official servant lying on the ground rolled his eyelids, but there was no sign of opening them.

Shen Mengqi smiled evilly, "It seems that he really fainted."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's bad face, the Minister of Rites couldn't help shivering. He turned sideways and kicked the servant of the Ministry of Officials several times. Seeing Shen Mengqi looking at him again, he stopped.

He looked at Shen Mengqi in embarrassment and smiled, "Looking at this, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials really fainted, hehe. Your Majesty the Empress."

"Oh, yes."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi's eyes shifted to the servant of the official department again, he was relieved.

"Director Wang, is Seventeen playing new tricks recently?"

As soon as Shen Mengqi mentioned it, Wang Peng knew what she wanted to do. He stepped forward and said with a smile: "Yes, Your Majesty, the old slave also heard that he came in and fell in love with the sleeping people for experiments, in order to make people feel in love The feeling of wandering between the world and hell."

"In this case, don't waste it." Shen Mengqi waved her hand and said, "Ask someone to carry him to the Department of Punishment to wake up."


Wang Peng waved to the outside of the hall, and Xiao Mazi and the others came in immediately, and each of them carried a position and pulled the servant of the official department to go out.

Just as he was about to lift the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials suddenly opened his eyes, "Hey? What's the matter? Father-in-law, what are you doing to me?"

Shen Mengqi turned She Taisui in her hands, her voice was cold, "You wake up in time."

At this moment, someone from outside the hall ran in and reported: "Report! Your Majesty, the regent Xihuang won a great battle and destroyed the country. Now he has led the army back to the court. The regent arrived in Kyoto first. See you outside the palace now!"

Shen Mengqi froze in place when she heard the words.

He is back!
(End of this chapter)

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