Chapter 252 Everyone is forcing her to grow up

Shen Mengqi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and she didn't delay, "Do you want to tell me something, or do you want to bring me to meet someone?"

Wang Peng looked at Shen Mengqi in surprise, "Your Majesty, do you know?"

"The emperor's grandmother once opened up a small world in the palace. She set that area as a restricted area, and no one is allowed to enter or leave, especially I am not allowed to approach. I think this is probably because there are some people locked up inside that I cannot see."

Wang Peng bowed and saluted, "Your Majesty the Empress is wise."

"Since the emperor's grandmother told you to tell me about these things, it means that the emperor's grandmother actually found out that there was something wrong with Wang Momo earlier in the morning, right?"

Wang Peng nodded slightly, and he said without any concealment: "The Queen Mother and the elderly have discovered her identity since Wang Momo entered the palace, and she has been kept until now just to let Her Majesty understand that no matter how close someone is, You should also keep your own reasons."

After finishing speaking, Wang Peng paused for a moment, and then continued to add: "The emperor also said that there is no need to be suspicious, and the employer is not suspicious. The queen mother is too extreme, and she always wants you to be like a nun. It is wrong in itself.”

"I know."

Shen Mengqi pinched Taisui She and looked at the sky. The reason why the imperial grandmother wanted to wear away all her emotions, forcibly cut off all her concerns, and forcefully pushed her to the point of being alone was simply because the current Tianyuan Kingdom needed such a monarch.

What is needed is an iron-blooded, unrelenting monarch.

And Uncle Huang always wants to leave some company for himself, telling her that there is still a lot of worth and hope and company in the world, nothing more than pity her, and try his best to let her keep a trace of conscience.

Neither of them was wrong, and neither was she. What was wrong was just the current world.

Shen Mengqi said: "You told me this today, does it mean that I have passed the final test of the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother?"

Wang Peng nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty the Empress."

Shen Mengqi sighed slightly, "Then take me to meet her."

Coming to the completely surrounded ancestral hall behind the Compassionate Ning Palace, looking at the familiar peach-pink figure, Shen Mengqi didn't have much mood swings.

Listening to the man singing the ballad of repaying a man with a man, Wang Peng coughed lightly twice.

The man paused at the sound, then turned around slowly and said: "Today is not eleven, nor fifteen, what kind of wind is this that brings you here to see this princess?"

When she saw Shen Mengqi wearing a bright yellow robe embroidered with golden dragons, her eyes filled with tears instantly, and her voice trembled.

"Meng Qi, daughter of this princess, have you ascended to the supreme position now?"

Looking at her biological mother Shen Linlin, Shen Mengqi's eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Although Shen Mengqi didn't speak, looking at Wang Peng respectfully following behind Shen Mengqi, and the court ladies and eunuchs following her, Shen Linlin also guessed something.

She looked up to the sky and laughed like crazy, "Haha, queen mother, what's the use of you imprisoning me for so many years? In the end, you still obeyed my wishes and pushed my child to be the emperor! I am the emperor now." Ha ha!"

After laughing proudly, Shen Linlin threw herself directly to Shen Mengqi's side, she grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand and said, "Qiqi, my good boy, what mother did to you before was just to let you sit on this supreme position, you Don't blame mother."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's unwavering expression, Shen Linlin urgently explained: "I knew at the time that my mother was secretly choosing an heir, so I abused you. Only when I abused you will my mother feel distressed, and will Only by taking you by my side and raising you can you stand in this position that everyone admires."

Shen Mengqi remained silent, just quietly staring at Shen Linlin who was becoming more and more crazy.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was ignoring her, Shen Linlin shook off Shen Mengqi's hand abruptly. She pointed to Shen Mengqi's nose and said, "You don't think it's a coincidence that my mother found out that I abused you?"

"Let me tell you Shen Mengqi! If I hadn't used money to clear up the relationship, do you think the queen mother would find out that I was treating you badly? Don't be naive! If it weren't for me, your life would be worse than Shen Qingning now. Believe it or not !"

"I believe it." Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Linlin and said, "But mother, before you did these things, did you ask me if I would like to sit in this position?"

"In the first half of my life, my mother gave birth to me in order to influence the government and persecute the former prime minister, and let him become your pawn in the court, making me a princess who has no father and can't hold her head up in this palace. She is also the emperor's uncle and grandmother. Pity, so that I will not be humiliated."

"In the second half of your life, in order to make me a chess piece to control the court, you forced me to sit in this position. Is this power really so important to you?"

Facing Shen Mengqi's questioning, Shen Linlin was in a trance for a moment, but she quickly came back to her senses. She looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "But you can get everything you want only if you hold the power in your own hands. I I just want you to live a better life and have more."

"What's wrong with a mother planning for her children?"

Looking at Shen Linlin who was questioning her with a straight face, Shen Mengqi said: "You are not wrong, and everyone is not wrong."

The only fault is that she was born in this emperor's family.

Since she has enjoyed the supreme glory brought to her by the royal family and accepted the worship of all the people of Tianyuan Kingdom, she must shoulder the responsibility of Tianyuan Kingdom.

Seeing this, Shen Linlin's eyes flashed a faint light. She grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand and said, "Since you can understand mother's painstaking efforts, should you take mother out? Look at your eldest brother, second brother, and third brother. If you die, no one can help you anymore."

"My mother can help you manage the government if she goes out."

In the final analysis, she still wanted to interfere in the government affairs of Tianyuan Kingdom.

Shen Mengqi slowly took Shen Linlin's hand away, without any emotion in her voice, "Mother, if the situation in the Yuan Kingdom is not stable today, and there are many dangers outside, it's better for you to spend your life here."

With that said, Shen Mengqi ignored Shen Linlin's scolding and roaring, and walked out of the ancestral hall with firm steps.

The moment she left the ancestral hall, Shen Mengqi couldn't stand anymore. She supported the wall with one hand and her chest with the other.

This frightened Wang Peng, "Your Majesty, are you alright?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, she said: "Send some trustworthy people to surround this ancestral hall to death, and see who is passing on the external news to her."

"It's Her Majesty the Queen."

At this time, Wang Peng was more worried about Shen Mengqi's body, "Your Majesty, do you want this old servant to take a picture of Wang Taiji for you?"

Shen Mengqi smiled softly: "This place is only a few steps away from Jingtai Palace, why bother?"

Wang Peng also laughed when he heard the words, he was in chaos if he really cared about himself, he actually made him forget that Imperial Physician Wang has been guarding Jingtai Palace all the time.

There are so many people here, I think it is safer to go back to Jingtai Palace Liqiao even if you are going to see a doctor.

"Then the old slave will help His Majesty to step forward, shall we go back to Jingtai Palace immediately?"

Shen Mengqi nodded.

As soon as she was supported by Wang Peng and sat firmly on the step, she saw Luo Jiuqing trotting over and said, "Your Majesty is not well, the regent has summoned all the servants in the harem to Jingtai Palace."


(End of this chapter)

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