Chapter 253 Shen Mengqi is Dangerous
Shen Mengqi resisted the discomfort in her chest and hurriedly walked towards Chuxiu Palace.

When she arrived, Lin Jihan was sitting outside the courtyard of Chuxiu Palace. The servants who were kneeling neatly in front of him all lowered their heads, not daring to breathe.

"Prince Regent, your hand is stretched too far." Shen Mengqi stepped up and down, her steps were a little fast, and her heart was beating even faster.

Shen Mengqi didn't care too much, she stood in front of the servants, frowned at Lin Jihan and said, "They are my servants!"

"Your Majesty just protects them like this?" Lin Jihan propped his chin with his hand, although he had a smile on his face, but there was a hint of ice in his voice, "Then if this king comes to be the queen Your Majesty's Servant, will Her Majesty the Queen also protect her ministers like this?"

For some reason, Shen Mengqi always felt that Lin Jihan seemed to have changed after just a few hours of getting along, but as for exactly what changed, she was somewhat at a loss for words.

Shen Mengqi's heart became more and more uncomfortable, she silently clenched her fists, "What exactly do you want?"

"Your Majesty, don't you know what I want?" Lin Jihan stood up slowly, he bent slightly, looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Majesty, your vision is not as good as before. These cucumber eggs , If you can’t be strategic or courageous, how can you be worthy of you?”

As Lin Jihan said, he hugged Shen Mengqi's waist tightly in front of everyone, "Your Majesty, how can I be inferior to them, huh? How can you bear to not want me?"

Shen Mengqi, who couldn't stand being rubbed by Lin Jihan's ear, couldn't help but roared angrily: "Lin Jihan!"

Hearing Shen Mengqi calling her name, Lin Jihan smiled instead of anger, "Your Majesty is here, Your Majesty the Empress."


Shen Mengqi pointed at Lin Jihan angrily, before she could say anything, she fainted in Lin Jihan's arms the next moment.

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was alive and well one second, but lay lifeless in his arms the next second, Lin Jihan panicked instantly, "Mengqi!"

Before he could react, Imperial Physician Wang who rushed over after receiving the news directly pushed him aside viciously, and carefully took Shen Mengqi from his arms.

"Quick, help Her Majesty into the palace!"

Lin Jihan, who came to his senses, immediately snatched Shen Mengqi back into his arms, with a very possessive look, "You asked her to go to the palace where other men slept?"

"Your Majesty! Now is not the time to pay attention to these things. Her Majesty's body cannot be delayed!" Seeing Lin Jihan's insistence, Wang Taiyi stomped her feet anxiously, "You know how weak Her Majesty's body was in the palace back then!"

"Do you really want the Queen to die!"

Wang Taiyi's words directly awakened Lin Jihan, and he directly carried Shen Mengqi into Chuxiu Palace.

"Except for Imperial Physician Wang, don't follow if you want to survive!"

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried in with the medicine box.

Lin Jihan's heart sank involuntarily as he watched Imperial Physician Wang rushing to give Shen Mengqi another injection, diagnosis and pressure.

After Imperial Physician Wang finished all the busy work, he directly dragged Imperial Physician Wang aside, "Is Your Majesty the Queen in poor health now?"

Doctor Wang forced a smile to look at Lin Jihan and said, "Your Majesty, this is an old problem of your Majesty's. It's just that she was in a hurry, but it's actually nothing serious. You don't have to be nervous, Your Majesty."

"is it?"

Lin Jihan's smile became more and more dangerous. He raised the dagger in his hand and placed it directly on Wang Taiyi's neck, "Think about the knife on your neck, and tell me again, how is your Majesty the Queen?"

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty is the Queen."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Jihan stabbed the imperial doctor's neck with the thorn in his hand, "What is it?"

Physician Wang gritted his teeth, "It's just a weak body, there's nothing serious about it!"

"Emperor Wang is indeed an old man in the palace, and his mouth is strict. But if Her Majesty is in danger, you still insist on not saying it, and she will be the one who will be harmed in the end."

Lin Jihan stared at Doctor Wang and said, "Now that you have said it, this king may still be able to help, and when Her Majesty finds out, you can also say that this king threatened you and said that your reputation is in your favor." The position in Her Majesty's heart will not be affected."

"You have to know, if people are gone, then there is nothing left." Lin Jihan said softly and hard: "Think about the wife you just met, the person you met after wasting most of your life, you don't want I hope she goes away before you."

"You, Regent!"

"Is this the first day you know this king?" Lin Jihan said while playing with the bloody sharp knife, "This king has never been a kind person."

Imperial Physician Wang knew Lin Jihan's methods, and since he said it, he naturally did it.

To be honest, he wasn't afraid of what Lin Jihan would do to his wife, but that he really couldn't save Shen Mengqi.

He fell to the ground decadently, and asked with gloomy eyes: "My lord, you guessed right, Your Majesty the Queen will not be happy."

Lin Jihan paused when he was playing with the knife, he thought he was hallucinating, "What did you say?"

"Just after you left the capital, the Grand Tutor and Hubu Shangshu initiated a palace change, and Her Majesty the Empress took the position of the Ninth Five-Year Lord for the sake of Tianyuan Kingdom. She is fierce and fierce on the surface, but her body has serious internal friction. In addition, I was injured in Saibei a while ago, and I am exhausted physically and mentally."

"As a result, Her Majesty's body is already exhausted. At the beginning, when the old minister took the pulse, he speculated that Her Majesty could still live for more than ten years, but I didn't expect her body to change every day. It's the end of the year."

Physician Wang became more and more sad as he talked, and finally couldn't help crying.

Lin Jihan was also completely panicked, "Didn't you say that Andrographis Nine Suns had completely cured her? Why haven't you lived for a few years?"

"Nine Suns Andrographis has cured Her Majesty the Empress, but it only protected her heart, as for the others"

Physician Wang shook his head.

Lin Jihan asked in disbelief, "So is it really hopeless?"

Physician Wang shook his head, "Unless there is a bergamot from the heavens as a medicine guide, it may be possible to continue the life of Her Majesty the Empress."

But the bergamot of the heavens has long been extinct, and people's knowledge of it is only in the prescriptions left by the ancients.

Lin Jihan fell to the side as if he had lost his soul, "How did this happen? How did this happen?"

"Is there no other way to hang her life except the bergamot of the heavens?"

(End of this chapter)

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