Chapter 254 The Truth 1
Physician Wang shook his head. After thinking for a moment, he said: "If Her Majesty is asked to rest for three or four months and ignore the government, and take good care of her body, she may be able to live for many more years."

In just three or four months, Her Majesty's child will be born. As long as the child is born, her body will be less burdened. She is recuperating well. not a problem.

After all, he didn't mention Shen Mengqi's pregnancy. After all, Her Majesty the Empress clearly looked away, and wanted to get them all out of the trap set up by the Emperor and the Empress Dowager. He didn't want to spoil her affairs.

Lin Jihan said thoughtfully: "Just let Her Majesty rest for a few months?"

Imperial Physician Wang nodded and said, "Yes, Her Majesty's body is too overdrawn right now, so there's nothing I can do about it."

"You dare!"

Lin Jihan and Imperial Physician Wang turned their heads when they heard the sound, only to see Shen Mengqi, who had not only woken up since when, leaned on her body and looked at them, saying: "Prince Regent, as a foreign minister, you have stayed in my harem for too long."

"For a long time? I still want to use this harem as the home of the minister. In the future, except for the courtiers, everyone will live here."

Shen Mengqi curled her lips slightly, her eyes could not hide the sharpness, "Does the regent want to enter the palace and serve as my servant?"

"Sure." Lin Jihan smiled and said, "I'm not going to leave today."

Shen Mengqi never thought that Lin Jihan would agree so much, she looked at Lin Jihan and said: "The regent should go out of the palace, the palace is full of people, there is no room for you."

"It's okay." Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I don't want to live by myself either, I think it would be nice to live in Jingtai Palace with Her Majesty the Empress."

With that said, Lin Jihan walked up to Shen Mengqi, and whispered in her ear: "Your Majesty, don't you want to come to a golden house to hide your beauty?"

Shen Mengqi said without even thinking about it: "I don't want to!"

"But I think so."

Saying that, before Shen Mengqi could react, Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi who was still lying on the bed by the waist, and left Chuxiu Palace and walked towards Jingtai Palace.

While walking, he also told behind him: "The order is passed on. Her Majesty is not feeling well. She will rest for five months. During this period, the king will be in charge of the court."

"Lin Jihan! Why are you!"

Lin Jihan ignored Shen Mengqi, but continued to tell Wang Peng who had been following them all the time: "This king really can't follow Her Majesty the Queen like this. From now on, I can make this king your husband."

"Yes, the old slave will do it now."

"No!" Shen Mengqi roared angrily. If she hadn't been worried that she was struggling violently, Lin Jihan would have discovered her faintly visible belly. She had already broken free from Lin Jihan's arms.

"You can't enter the harem, you are the regent and the husband of Princess Ding'an." Shen Mengqi said angrily, "Don't make trouble, the relationship between us has already ended with that paper and Li Shu."

"Now that I am the king and you are the minister, for the sake of your hard work, I will not pursue your arrogance this time, but it is only limited to this."

Looking at Lin Jihan with a sad face, Shen Mengqi was a little puzzled, shouldn't she be the one who should be sad?Why does this person who divorced her seem to be more sad than himself?

Hasn't he already got what he wanted?Why?

Seeing that Lin Jihan hadn't spoken for a long time, Shen Mengqi said again: "Put me down."

Lin Jihan didn't move, Shen Mengqi simply supported herself from his arms and planned to slide down by herself.

At this moment, Lin Jihan hugged her tightly, and held her firmly in his arms, "I have never been separated from you, and this king will find out about that paper of divorce. It's better not to direct and act on your own. Otherwise."

Lin Jihan's eyes were full of cruelty, "I can't spare you lightly."

After finishing speaking, he carried Shen Mengqi in his arms and continued walking towards Jingtai Palace. After putting Shen Mengqi into the palace, he did not follow in. Instead, he locked the door outside the palace and put Shen Mengqi, Wang Taiyi and Luo Jiuqing together. And locked it in.

Seeing this, Shen Mengqi was a little anxious, "What the hell are you trying to do!"

"Since you don't want to take a good rest, you can only ask me to help you take a good rest. You can stay inside for five months. You don't have to worry about the outside affairs. I'll keep an eye on you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jihan told Ye Wei who had been following behind him all the time: "You should know what your Majesty likes, stay and take care of Her Majesty. Ask the Lin family army stationed outside the city to take over the imperial city and guard the five Moon Palace."


Lin Jihan looked longingly at Shen Mengqi who was mad inside the door, and said to Ye Wei who was behind him: "Her Majesty is still too thin now, ask her to make up for it these days, if she loses another catty of flesh , this king will cut off two catties of your flesh, do you understand?"

Ye Wei was sweating profusely and said, "Yes, the little one takes orders!"

After Lin Jihan finished speaking, he turned around and left, while Wang Peng, who was also locked outside the hall, silently followed.He didn't intend to speak until he reached the exit of the palace.

Lin Jihan turned around at the right time, "Boss Wang has followed all the way, but do you have anything to say to this king?"

Director Wang nodded when he heard the words, and said, "My lord, Your Majesty actually cares about you very much, but she was instilled by the Queen Mother since she was a child in the idea of ​​self-restraint and respect for propriety, and Tianyuan Kingdom is the most important thing in everything, and the love between children is the most important thing." .”

"The queen mother is unwilling to teach her what love is, and the emperor dare not teach her what love is. She has no time to find out what love is, so even at this age, she still doesn't know what love is. Please forgive me, Prince Regent. .”

Lin Jihan laughed at himself. He looked through Wang Peng to Jingtai Palace standing in the center of the harem and said, "She didn't know how to love in the past, but now she doesn't dare to love, and she can't."

"My lord, what do you mean?"

Lin Jihan shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm going to deal with some things first, and you and Ye Wei will take care of the harem."

"She is weak now, remember not to ask her to think too much, and find a way to ask her to cooperate with Doctor Wang's treatment."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this old servant will do his best to serve Her Majesty the Empress well."

Lin Jihan nodded, he turned and walked outside the palace.

Looking at Lin Jihan's back, Wang Peng gave him a big gift, "Thank you."

Thank you for coming back, and thank you for helping Her Majesty the Empress to share the burden of Tianyuan Kingdom.

Maybe Shen Mengqi didn't notice it herself. No matter what she said, she actually had unconditional trust in Lin Jihan in her bones, as if as long as he was around, her backbone would be there.

After Lin Jihan came out of the palace, he didn't go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion first, but went to the Mu Mansion first. When Mu Qiancheng saw Lin Jihan again, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It was both the right time and the wrong time for him to come back.

Lin Jihan said, "Go out for a drink?"

Mu Qiancheng did not refuse, "Okay."

The two went to the brothel together again, and they still sat in the box they used to sit in most often, and there was still a lot of traffic under the box.Everything seems to have changed, but nothing seems to have changed.

Lin Jihan and Mu Qiancheng looked at each other and smiled, and they raised their glasses and clinked, "I still remember that when you and Her Majesty the Empress first got married, you stayed in this brothel for three months and refused to go back to the palace. You are only willing to go back and take a look if Her Majesty wants to give you a concubine."

Lin Jihan also laughed, "Yeah, now that I think about it, if I go back to the beginning, I will definitely not waste three months in this brothel."

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but gag: "After all, a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, haha."

"Yeah, a spring night is worth a thousand gold." Lin Jihan said a little lonely: "Actually, you have also changed."

Mu Qiancheng's back tightened, and he couldn't help raising his voice, "How have I changed?"

"Luo Jiuqing."

Lin Jihan only said one name, and although Mu Qiancheng was relieved, he couldn't help feeling lonely.At the beginning, she was the one who kept chasing him, so he didn't know how to cherish him, but now he regretted and wanted to catch up with her, but she never gave herself a chance to catch up with her.

Mu Qiancheng took a sip of sake, and said somewhat disappointedly: "Everything has changed."

Lin Jihan kicked the stool Mu Qiancheng was sitting on, and asked, "I heard that Her Majesty the Empress has been very close to you recently."

"What?" Looking at Lin Jihan's straight look at himself, he wished he could directly end up with his own appearance, he said in disbelief: "You must be jealous because of this."

Lin Jihan said without concealment: "Yes."

Mu Qiancheng was annoyed, "No, are you okay! Her Majesty the Queen is looking for me for official business, what are you thinking, she doesn't like my model, okay?"

"Then what kind does she like?"

"Of course she does."

When it came to the general Mu Qiancheng suddenly came back to his senses, he looked at Lin Jihan and said, "Are you playing tricks on me?"

Lin Jihan raised the toast in his hand, and bumped against him from the air, "Drink."

Mu Qiancheng only felt that the wine in this glass was a bit hard to swallow, this is not a gathering of brothers, it is obviously a grand feast.

He put it down and was told: "I remembered that there are still some things that have not been dealt with, so I will go back first."

"Didn't Her Majesty promote Yi Bai recently? You shouldn't have to do everything yourself." Lin Jihan obviously didn't want to let him go like this, he said: "It's rare for this king to come back, so you are sure to leave like this. Years of friendship, is it not as good as that stack of playing books?"

The last sentence fixed Mu Qiancheng on his position like a nail, making him unable to move.

Mu Qiancheng raised his wine glass with an air of resignation, "Okay, okay, today I will risk my life to accompany the prince, let's have a good drink."

But Lin Jihan put it down and was caught. He looked at Mu Qiancheng indifferently and said: "The Mu family has been the royal family for generations, and your generation is no exception. You were not raised by the Mu family before, but by the queen mother's side."

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he heard the words, he suppressed his flustered smile and said, "My lord, are you joking? We have played together since we were young, whether I was raised in the Mu Mansion or by the Queen Mother's side. Don't you know?"

"This king is very clear. During the day, he was raised in the Mu Mansion to play with him, but at night he listened to the Queen Mother's teachings. It is precisely because of this, that Her Majesty the Queen doesn't even know your relationship with the palace since childhood."

Mu Qiancheng couldn't hold on any longer, he threw the wine glass aside, and there was a trace of helplessness in his voice, "Whether you believe it or not, I want to tell you that my friendship with you is true, except in the royal family. In fact, I have never done anything to apologize to you."

"That means you have done something to apologize to me." Lin Jihan caught the point of Mu Qiancheng's words in an instant, looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "How many things did the Queen Mother ask you to do?"

Mu Qiancheng grabbed the wine glass and took a sharp sip, "I can't say that."

Having said that, I'm afraid I don't even have to make friends.

Lin Jihan knocked on the table in front of him. He looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "This king only asks one thing, whether you participated in the reconciliation between this king and Her Majesty the Queen."

Mu Qiancheng shook his head and said, "No!"

Looking at the righteous Mu Qiancheng, Lin Jihan said directly: "So you know about it."

Mu Qiancheng paused, "No"

"you are lying."

Lin Jihan said with determination: "So you should know what happened to Zhang Helishu, right?"

Mu Qiancheng sighed, as expected nothing could be hidden from him.

"I know, but I can't say it."

"The Queen Mother is dead." Lin Jihan said, "Even if you say it now, it's fine."

Mu Qiancheng said: "The Mu family must never betray the royal family."

"The Empress Dowager does not represent the royal family, it is Her Majesty the Empress who should be concerned right now."

"But Your Majesty, she doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore, and you are Princess Ding'an's husband now." Mu Qiancheng looked at Lin Jihan seriously and said: "Your Majesty, many things have passed, so you also let go Well, people always have to look forward.”

Lin Ji smiled coldly, "In the past? With me, this matter has never passed! I used to complain that she always gave up on me so easily, but now I complain that many things are done by people. Whether it is a good match or a trap, what this king wants now is the truth."

"Whether you want to let go or not, you can only choose after the truth. No one is qualified to choose and choose for this king except me!" Lin Jihan looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "Mu Qiancheng, if you still want to be a brother, Just tell me what I want to know. Otherwise, we will only be strangers in the future."

Lin Jihan's voice was a little bewitching, and he said in a persuasive manner: "Whether you stick to a dead person or choose the friendship from childhood to adulthood is up to you. It's just that you have been restrained by the queen mother for so many years, you are really willing ?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Mu Qiancheng had no intention of opening his mouth, Lin Jihan stopped hesitating, got up and walked towards the door.

Seeing that he was about to leave the box, a dull voice sounded from behind him, "Wait, let me tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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