Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1008 After losing weight, I became the favorite of the group

Cen Xun explained lightly, and casually put the sugar bowl into his school uniform pocket.

"This is what I ate, not bought for you."

"Brother Cen, why do you want to eat candy all of a sudden?" Qi Lan didn't think much about it, although it was a bit strange, but he quickly ignored it as Cen Xun had a whim.

At the beginning of May, as usual, it was the January exam time for Jinnan High School.

The examination room is graded according to grades. Ji Ge has just transferred to another class, and as expected, she is the last one in class one. She has been working very hard to catch up with the progress, but the time is too short to see any results.

After the grades were posted, the girl pinched the report card and her eyes slid directly to the bottom.

Sure enough, the wording of the last one was extremely heart-wrenching.

Ji Ge silently covered his heart.

"Don't look at Shu Bao," Ning Mu changed the name of Ji Ge in just a few days. She skillfully caught Ji Ge who was about to fall, and touched her smooth little face by the way. Staring, she quickly browsed through the report card and frowned: "It's No.3 again."

No.1 is still the monster Cen Xun.

"It's okay. This shows that Shu Bao has a lot of room for improvement."

The head teacher couldn't bear Jige to be disappointed.

This is a bit difficult.

The two girls squeezed close together, and the slender girl next to her was eating each other's tofu dishonestly. After being pushed away by disgust, she leaned closer with a smile.

He raised his eyes slightly and glanced forward casually.

The typeface was neat and still slightly warm, obviously just finished printing.

"How about this, classmate Shu Jige," she said honestly and kindly, "I'll find a top student to help you make up lessons, and try to catch up with the big team as soon as possible."

He smiled lightly, his eyes narrowed slowly.

A group of geniuses gathers. Jinnan High School is originally the best high school in the city. The students who can pass the exam here are all outstanding students, and Class One is one of the two best classes in science. There are not many students in each class. It can be said that every student here is a top student.

No.3 is her.

Ning Mu was almost used to this ranking, the people at the bottom were fighting each other, but the two of them have been firmly occupying the first and second positions, and they will not move their nests.

Although I had been prepared in my heart, I couldn't help but feel dark when I saw this result.

Ji Song is more sad than her.

She laughed: "I will try not to take the bottom one next time."

That's it.

Ji Ge quickly adjusted her mentality and tried to do well in the final exam. The class teacher asked her to talk to her in the office, for fear that she would give up on herself because she failed the exam this time.

Jige nodded, no comment.

No matter how smart Ji Ge is, he can't catch up with other people's progress for most of the semester.

No.2 is Shen Zhi.

Cen Xun didn't use the rare time between classes to catch up on sleep. The boy looked at the snow-white and clean report card in front of him with his face propped up.

The girl stood upright, listening to the class teacher's rambling talk.

She also sighed, very sad.

Ji Ge nodded obediently: "I know, teacher."

"Student Shu Jige, you have just transferred to our class, and you have fallen behind most of the semester's progress. You have already done well in this test." She almost said that you must not give up just because of one failure.

The teacher in charge was very efficient. He told her in the morning that he wanted to find a top student to help her make up lessons, and in the afternoon the candidate was settled.

Ji Ge was a little surprised.

"Why is it you?" She thought it would be Shen Zhi or Ning Mu.

"Dislike?" Cen Xun glanced at her lightly.

Thirteen more

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