Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1009 After losing weight, I became the favorite of the group

"No." Ji Ge sat upright and shook his head quickly, expressing that he had absolutely no intention of despising him.

She was just plain surprised.

Cen Xun is not such a good student who is willing to help others.

In fact, the homeroom teacher didn't have any hope for Cen Xun. She just went through the procedure as usual. After asking Cen Xun, she was almost ready to speak up and asked Cen Xun to go to the classroom to call Shen Zhi over. Unexpectedly, the boy agreed. She was surprised for a while, not expecting this ending.

The head teacher applied for an empty classroom for Ji Ge and Cen Xun as a place for tutoring.

The sun was shining, and the girl's face was soaked in a layer of bright and dazzling light. The heat came in like a tide and filled the whole classroom. She bit the tip of the pen, stared at the test paper in distress, and asked for advice humbly.

"How to solve this problem?"

Cen Xun lowered his head, and his vision was just in time to see the girl's face at close range. She had a small nose. Although she was fat, her skin was surprisingly good, with a creamy color, white and clean.

He glanced away, his eyes fell on the test paper, and he said the solution in a low voice.

Cen Xun no longer belongs to the category of academic master.

There are not many seats left, and occasionally someone wants to sit next to Cen Xun, but he directly refuses them.

Qi Lan looked at Cen Xun's refusal to be approached by others, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, so who is Cen Xun's tablemate, it is worth the painstaking efforts of the young master to reserve a place for her.

After understanding the question, Ji Ge wrote down the solution on the test paper and continued to the next question.

Seats in the class were all chosen by themselves based on their grades. Cen Xun was the first, and walked in calmly under the watchful eyes of everyone. Instead of sitting in his previous seat, he chose a seat closer to the blackboard.

There was only one person left at the door.

Ji Ge is very calm, anyway, there will definitely be a seat for her in the end, even if she doesn't know who her tablemate will be this time?

"???" Qi Lan was confused.

The seats in the classroom are gradually being filled up.

Shen Zhi Second walked in calmly.

The head teacher quietly came to the empty classroom to take a look, and was relieved to see the two getting along so harmoniously, and immediately let go of his worries.

After the test, according to the rules to re-select the seat.

Rather, it belongs to the category of Xue Shen. His IQ is extremely high and his comprehension is first-class, so the method of solving the problem is a bit obscure. Ji Ge has taught himself the previous content, and he does not understand it deeply on the basis of only theory but no practice. However, She also belongs to the category of geniuses, so she coincides unexpectedly with Cen Xun's thoughts.

He and Cen Xun have a deep relationship. They were in the same class since they were young. After a stalker, they finally got acquainted with this ice cube. Another dog.

Ning Mu looked at Ji Ge apologetically. Her tablemate recovered from illness and put her schoolbag beside her, which represented that she had chosen this seat.

Qi Lan was carrying his schoolbag excitedly, and just about to sit down next to Cen Xun, he saw the young man tapping the desk lightly with his slender fingers, and glanced at him: "You can sit in another seat, there is someone on my side gone."

The people behind were still waiting to choose their seats, Qi Lan could only suppress the doubts in his heart, and chose the seat in front of Cen Xun to sit down.

Ji Ge looked left and right, she didn't really have to choose, so she walked towards Cen Xun with her schoolbag in her arms.

The girl asked politely: "Can I sit here?"

Cen Xun nodded lightly, maintaining his aloof image.


Fourteen more

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