Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1010 After losing weight, I became the favorite of the group

Seeing Ji Ge sitting down calmly beside Cen Xun, Qi Lan froze.

His pure and innocent Brother Cen... Bah, Bah, no, it was Brother Cen, who he always regarded beauty as dung and was indifferent to girls' overtures, who actually took the initiative to let a girl sit next to him.

Qi Lan was startled.

This is even more surprising than him being the first in the grade.

The two parties were chatting without knowing what was going on in his mind.

Ji Ge stuffed the schoolbag into the table hole, turned around and looked around, a little surprised.

"This seat is so good, why is no one sitting?"

This location has good lighting, and the distance from the blackboard is just right. It will neither eat dust nor fail to read the words on the blackboard. Logically speaking, it should be a geomantic treasure that is being fought over.

The result turned out to be left.

She blinked blankly.

Unfortunately, they met Nan Luowen and Ye Yuqian during the period.

She said this as if she didn't know how to make trouble out of no reason, Ji Ge didn't give Nan Luowen a look, and said perfunctorily: "Why should I go back, to go back and be wronged?"

Ji Ge didn't care, just passed the two of them lightly, and was about to leave with Ning Mu.

On Friday afternoon, there was no evening self-study, Ji Ge and Ning Mu went to the bookstore outside the school to buy books together.

"Jige," Nan Luowen spoke first, the girl was caring and gentle, as if she was blaming her disobedient little sister who ran away from home: "When will you go home, dad is very angry, and mom is also very sad, don't mess with them Not happy anymore."

Ji Ge silently looked at Cen Xun's face.

Ji Ge was flattered: "I know."

"???" The strategy is so effective? !

The girl was lying on the table dejectedly, like a chipmunk with all its fluff down, her cheeks were bulging, and a strand of hair was sticking up stubbornly.

There are still many Yan dogs.

Returning to the dormitory after school, the always cold Shen Zhi offered to propose: "Ji Ge, you can ask me any questions you don't know."

Cen Xun twirled the pen, and the black gold pen was held between the young Xuebai's fingers, and it turned extremely nimbly: "Maybe they don't want to sit with me."

Cen Xun unconsciously became fascinated.

Even if it's not face control, it won't be indifferent to this face.

"That's good." Shen Zhi nodded slightly: "If you have any questions about your homework, you can ask me anytime."

"I will," Ji Ge raised his eyebrows, his brows and eyes curved: "at the same table, please ask for more advice in the future."

Seeing Ji Ge, Ye Yuqian remembered the experience of losing consciousness on half of his body being shocked by the electric rod, and his face turned black instantly.

Ji Ge touched her hair, the ends were a little frizzy and yellow, and she was planning when to cut it off.

Some stay.

"I see."

"it is good."

"It's just," Cen Xun smiled, the arc converges just right, slightly indifferent, and the words are light and slow: "I specially reserved this position for you."

She gave Shen Zhi a note: "The head teacher found me a make-up teacher, my grades will catch up soon, don't worry."

"After all, I am your make-up teacher," Cen Xun continued, "The closer I am, the better I can urge you to study."

The boy's tone was calm: "After all, I'm relatively unpopular."

Ji Ge began to miss the seat next to Ning Mu.

"Song of Silence—"

The girl has gone far.

Seeing Nan Luowen's mood getting depressed again, Ye Yuqian couldn't help but said: "You don't need to persuade Shu Jige, she won't admit her mistake if she doesn't suffer."

Nan Luowen hesitated: "But."

fifteen more

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