Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1047 Survival Guide in the End Times

Three days later, City A.

Ji Ge stumbled to find the wealthy family where Jiang's mother worked by asking.

The original owner didn't come here many times. It is said that the young master of this family has some problems and is very resistant to strangers, so the original owner seldom goes there. She and Mother Jiang usually meet outside.

The car parked outside the villa, and Ji Ge got out of the car. The smell of strangers attracted a few zombies staggering in the villa area. She pursed her lower lip, silently lowering the possibility of finding Mother Jiang again.

There seemed to be no living people in the entire villa area. If the situation was better, Mother Jiang ran away with the others. If the situation was not good, Mother Jiang would also become one of the zombies.

Thinking of this, Ji Ge couldn't help asking: "Is the original owner's mother still alive?"

"Alive." The system replied.

Ji Ge was relieved and walked around the villa.

She didn't have a key, so she couldn't enter the villa, so she could only think of other ways to get in.

Going around to the French windows, Ji Ge knocked on the glass with a dagger, estimating the amount of noise that breaking them would probably cause.

The curtains were half drawn, and the owner inside seemed to be a light-shielding animal. The layers of curtains were thick, covering the light indistinctly.

Ji Ge has quick eyes and quick hands. The dagger is not of normal length, but longer and thinner than ordinary daggers, like a dagger.

The main reason is that Ji Ge is afraid of being bitten by zombies. According to the development of the plot, the original owner of this plane has no abilities, so it is very unlikely that she will become a person with abilities after being bitten by zombies. Instead, she may be infected with the zombie virus.

Although the zombies can move, they are still corpses in essence. The heart is not the key point, but the brain is. Only by cutting off their necks can the zombies stop their activities.

She killed all the zombies who had heard the movement, and without wasting time, she quickly broke the glass windows, and the broken glass was scattered all over the floor. The girl opened the curtains and heard heavy footsteps coming from inside.

During this period of time, there should be no living people in the villa, Ji Ge looked up vigilantly, and clenched the dagger tightly.

Although the light in the villa was dim, it was not difficult to see. On the beautiful spiral staircase, a slender and tall figure slowly walked down.

Ji Ge saw who was coming, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Walking down the stairs is a young man, with an extremely delicate and beautiful appearance, light black hair with short ears and short ears, swaying in fine pieces beside his snow-white cheeks, long and narrow eyes as dark as eyelash feathers, as if he hasn't seen the sun for a long time, his complexion is almost transparent, The lips were even more pale in color, with a slender line, and they were pursed coldly.

He stopped at the stairs, didn't move forward, didn't speak, and looked over with a cold and indifferent gaze.

The system prompt sounded in my ear.

[Di, Mu Ke's current favorability is two. 】

I didn't expect to meet the Raiders target here.

Moreover, the other party's favorability towards her is extremely low.

Ji Ge spread his hands, trying to show his friendliness.

"I'm not a bad person," she blinked. "I'm here to find my mother. She works in this villa. Do you know her?"

While talking, Ji Ge tentatively approached him a few steps, but she didn't expect Mu Ke's reaction to be bigger than she expected.

"do not come."

It seemed as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, his voice was hoarse and slow, and he bit each word strangely, but his voice was clear and melodious, rustling past his ears.

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