Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1048 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1048 Survival Guide in the End Times (5)

Silent Song wisely stopped.

It doesn't matter if it's unwise, at a short distance, slender vines are spreading on the ground, spreading out a sharp arc like a blade.

Ji Ge was silent, quietly observing the attack target in front of him.

The young man rested his fingers on the armrest, each showing a thin and cold color, a little too white, because of the force, the slender veins protruded slightly, and the light blue blood vessels lay dormant under the snow-colored skin, making him look sick and lonely feeling.

I was far away just now, Ji Ge didn't pay attention, and the girl found out when she got closer, the boy's cheeks were burning with a bright red color like roses, his dark eyes were hazy, he bit his lips and remained silent, his resistance was beyond words.

Ji Ge had a guess in his heart.

Is this... Awakening abilities?
The obvious symptom that accompanies the awakening of supernatural powers is high fever. If you survive it, you will be able to awaken smoothly, but if you cannot survive it, you will become a zombie.

This strategy target is obviously in the critical period of the awakening of abilities, so he is actually not as strong as he looks, but it is just a strong support.

Thinking of this, Ji Ge tilted her head, and the low roar of zombies came from outside the window. She has no time to coax the target to play, so she can only make a quick decision.

After making a decision, a bright smile appeared on the girl's face, she tried her best to look like a good person, with sincerity written all over her eyes.

"I won't hurt you."

"Mu Ke," she called out his name: "Calm down, don't attack me, okay?"

The vines froze, and the young man lowered his eyes, as if he was considering the truth of Ji Ge's words.

Ji Ge had no time to waste, the girl stepped forward quickly, the distance between the two had already broken through the safe distance that Mu Ke believed in, the boy's pupils constricted for a moment, subconsciously, his ability was controlled by him, the emerald vines In an instant, it raged, and rushed towards Jige with teeth and claws.

Ji Ge instinctively couldn't be touched by them, the girl dodged sideways, raised her wrist, and the back of the knife hit Mu Ke's neck.

After successfully knocking out the capture target, Ji Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly felt a burning pain in the back of his hand.

Mu Ke's ability is very powerful, it looks like it's just an ordinary vine, but it's just scratched by the back of his hand, and it's actually cut.The wound was not shallow, and a stream of bright blood flowed out meanderingly.She took a breath, rummaged through the villa, found a home medical kit, and wrapped the injured back of her hand with a bandage.

Zombie viruses enter the human body through wounds. In addition to being scratched and bitten, if the protection is not in place, the blood of the zombies comes into contact with the wounds when cleaning the zombies, which can easily lead to infection.

The girl pinched Mu Ke's cheek to vent her anger. The young man was still asleep and let Ji Ge move. The young master has never been out of the house since he was a child. He was raised by Mu's family. Clear blush on fair cheeks.

She poked it and it was nice to the touch, as soft as milk pudding.

Mu Ke is still running a fever, if he continues to burn like this, he will easily become a fool, so Ji Ge is going to find something to cool him down.

The villa had long been powered off, and the ice cubes in the freezer had completely melted, Ji Ge had no choice but to wipe some alcohol on him, and was going to look outside to see if there were any ice-cooling stickers.

She couldn't stay in the villa for a long time, she went around, and there was only Mu Ke living there, and she couldn't find any information related to Jiang's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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