Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1052 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1052 Survival Guide in the End Times (9)

But now, Ji Ge, who knew nothing, stepped on the accelerator happily, watching the zombies being rushed by the front of the car, and the ordinary family car galloped recklessly, leaving the group of zombies far behind the car.

—The car is out of gas.

Ji Ge didn't know the way before, and didn't know where there was a gas station, so he stumbled around in city A for several times before finding the way to Mu's villa. Most of the gasoline was wasted, and the rest couldn't support them to the Shuguang base. .

She looked at the fuel gauge that was almost empty, caught a glimpse of the gas station from a short distance, and turned her head to talk to Mu Ke.

"We need to stop at the gas station, the car is running out of gas."

She bent her eyes, looked at Mu Ke who had been shutting herself up in the passenger seat as soon as she got in the car, and she spoke nicely.

"Will you go down with me, or wait for me in the car?"

Ji Ge shook his head, the ponytail behind his head shook lightly, and the tail of his hair raised a soft arc.

Mu Ke glanced over the girl's slender arms and legs, frowned slightly, and said concisely: "Go."

"That's fine." Ji Ge understood the meaning of Mu Ke's short words without a teacher. The girl parked the car not far from the gas station, opened the door, and got off without a sound.

She saw the unmoving corpse of the zombie, with a normal expression, slowly approaching with a dagger in hand.

The glass door was pushed open, and the zombie opened the door in a daze, and rushed towards the fresh and delicious breath of life. Its pace was not fast, but Lone Song did not relax. It took a step back, took a defensive posture, and then a The vines quickly rushed over, wrapping the zombie around.

The power of the vines is very strong, and they are gathered to the extreme. The zombies are submerged in a wriggling vines, and the green branches and leaves are swaying happily, revealing the satisfaction after eating and drinking.

——There was a flowing wind in the air.

Jige turned his face sharply, dodging the menacing ice cone.

Her eyes were slightly serious.

It wasn't a human being who attacked her.

The ice pick is not powerful, but it is controlled by zombies that should have no intelligence and consciousness.Mu Ke calmly raised his eyes and raised his hand slightly. The young man was bathed in the sunlight, outlining a tall silhouette. His pale, sickly skin exuded warmth. He took a step forward and looked at him calmly. The zombies who attacked them were strangled by vines and turned into nourishment.

The vine that killed another zombie did not disappear as before, and then spread towards Mu Ke, exposing what he found.Ji Ge bowed his head and blinked: "It's the crystal nucleus."

Their luck was really bad. It stands to reason that not long after the apocalypse broke out, most of the zombies were wandering around the streets in a daze, but they actually ran into a second-tier zombie in a gas station.

For ordinary people, first-order zombies are already difficult to deal with, let alone.Higher level zombies.

The crystal nucleus was taken from the zombie's brain, and the clear crystal was stained with stains. Mu Ke broke out in cleanliness and was unwilling to reach out to take it.

Ji Ge suppressed a smile, took out a tissue from his pocket, and kindly handed it to Mu Ke.

"Thank you." The boy said in a low voice. He wrapped the crystal core with a paper towel, wiped off the stains on it, and then handed the crystal core to Ji Ge.

The snow-white palm was spread out in front of her, the fingers were slender and slender, the complexion was delicate, and the lines were light. Ji Ge looked at him suspiciously, and when he realized what Mu Ke meant, he immediately shook his head and refused.

"I don't have supernatural powers, so I can't absorb crystal nuclei."

You must know that if ordinary people absorb the crystal nucleus by mistake, they will easily explode and die.

(End of this chapter)

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