Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1053 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1053 Survival Guide in the End Times (10)

Ji Ge silently looked at Mu Ke.

Tsk, the picture of being blown to pieces is too beautiful, she dare not imagine.

Mu Ke, who was rejected, lowered his head in a daze, looking at the crystal nucleus in his hand, the small and delicate crystal slightly pressed against the boy's palm, sending out a trace of cold temperature.

--got rejected.

Mu Ke's slender eyelashes trembled slightly. He could feel the energy contained in the crystal nucleus. This should be a very precious thing. He gave it to Ji Ge originally to make amends.

But she doesn't want to.

The young man's dark pupils showed helplessness.

"The crystal core is useless to me." Ji Ge didn't notice the change in Mu Ke's expression. There were not many zombies at the gas station, so she breathed a sigh of relief and continued walking: "Use it."

Mu Ke hummed in a low voice, Ji Ge found the fuel tank, filled up the vehicle, and found some containers by the way to hold the excess gasoline.

She doesn't guarantee they'll find gas anytime, just an extra layer of insurance.

However, Jige did not take away all of them, but left a part for the latecomers.

In addition to gasoline, the gas station also has a little food, all of which are convenience foods. Ji Ge tiptoed, and contentedly took the self-heating hot pots neatly arranged on the shelves into his arms, and threw them into the back seat.

There are only two of them now, and there is no one in the back seat, which is just used to store supplies.

At night, Ji Ge and Mu Ke did not continue to choose to spend the night in the suburbs. It was still too dangerous outside. They found an empty house. Mu Ke had enough rest during the day, so he kept watch at night and Ji Ge rested.

The roar of zombies could be faintly heard outside. The young man sat quietly, staring out the window, listening to the movement on the street through a thin wall.

On the bed, the girl slept very soundly. She needed to concentrate on driving during the day and was very exhausted, so she slept well at night and her breathing was even and quiet.

The slender vines wrapped around the young man's fingertips and twisted together tremblingly, like some kind of interesting decryption toy, which was tangled up in a mess by him, and then slowly untied.

Light green, soft and soft green, like a fresh and delicate decoration, making the young man's complexion fairer and more translucent.

Mu Ke felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach, and pressed his slender fingers slightly on his stomach.This is the masterpiece of today's girl who wanted to satisfy her badly to see him get red eye circles from spicy food, so she pestered him to provide him with special spicy self-heating food.

The Mu family brought up Mu Ke meticulously. Although the young man didn't like to go out, he grew up pampered and spoiled. He had a picky stomach. Originally, he was not used to eating bread these days. He didn't know how to eat spicy food, so he was forced to eat it several times. After the spicy mouth, the whole person began to feel uncomfortable.

Mu Ke didn't quite understand Ji Ge's familiar behavior, and he didn't quite understand where her trust in him came from. The young man got up quietly, and his actions didn't make any noise. His eyes were especially bright in the dark. It seemed deep and obscure, holding back emotions indifferently, without nostalgia.

He pushed open the door, and the door closed silently.

And the girl on the bed still fell asleep unconsciously, with a relaxed expression, as if she had fallen into a beautiful dream.

Mu Ke walked forward unhurriedly. Facing the eyes looking over from above, the zombies evolved, not only possessing supernatural powers, but all five senses seemed to have been upgraded. The sense of smell was much more sensitive than that of low-level zombies. The fragrance of flesh and blood can be smelled from afar.

There is a faint pain in the stomach.

Mu Ke remembered that after he was too hot to stand, the girl handed him another toffee, and the bad-hearted girl held her chin, stuck in the distance he could accept, and the boy resisted too close contact, so she couldn't pass the line, Looking up, he smiled and dragged out a long ending sound.


(End of this chapter)

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