Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1058 Survival Guide in the End Times

Brother Hu's smile quickly froze on his face.

The rich emerald color languished for a moment in the blue flame, but stretched out after a while, and the flame was suppressed and weakened. Mu Ke manipulated the vines and rushed towards Brother Hu. He was tied up without struggling.

Brother Hu wanted to mobilize the ability, but the flame that had always been like an arm and finger was quietly lurking in his body at this moment, and he couldn't mobilize it, let alone use anti-kill.

The man's expression changed instantly.

Without Brother Hu's ability, Zhao An was captured only for a moment. The man lay on the ground in a panic, and a pair of sneakers broke into his field of vision. The white soles and the edges of the shoes were slightly peeled. Further up, it was a girl. With a smiling face, because of the hot weather, the long hair is tied up behind the head, and the dark brown hair band is twisted in it. The color is very similar to the hair color, and it is lively and lively in the hair like a butterfly.

Ji Ge mercilessly kicked the man's heart and asked softly, "Where are the survivors?"

The girl was merciless with this kick, Zhao An was about to vomit blood from her kick, it took him a while to recover, and replied tremblingly: "In the room."

Ji Ge said oh, bypassed these people and entered the warehouse.

"Mu Ke, come in." Before going in, she greeted Mu Ke, the young man paused, and quietly followed her.

The light in the room is not bright, but it looks like the picture inside is fine.

Ji Ge squatted down and untied the girl who was huddled in the corner. The girl pursed her lips and suppressed her anger: "Brother Hu and the others did it?"

The girl nodded silently. The first thing she did after she untied her was to look aside and hugged the little girl who looked young and hadn't been tied up in her arms, her voice changed because she hadn't eaten or watered for a long time Hoarse: "They caught these survivors, and then used them as bait to attract those powerful zombies, and finally got something, which was used to upgrade Brother Hu's abilities."

There were other survivors in the warehouse besides Brother Hu. Ji Ge untied them one by one. Not all of them were tied up, and some were so weak that they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Disgust came into her eyes.

"A bunch of scum."

Ji Ge thought she was not a kind person, but she would not do such a heartless thing, so the supplies were piled aside, she found a few bags of bread and water, put them aside, then took out the knife, said nothing Go outside.

Brother Hu and Scarface were still lying in front of the door, feeling hopeless in their hearts. They all knew that they had been killed this time, and they never thought that the boy who looked so young and beautiful would be such a powerful supernatural being.

There was still a ray of blood on the dagger, dripping from the sharp blade, the girl played with the dagger, not worried that it would cut herself, she leaned down, Brother Hu suddenly panicked: "Don't kill me, I am a supernatural power!" Or, my ability is very powerful, and I can help you kill zombies."

"Really?" There was a slight smile on the girl's lips, the curve was soft, she didn't look like a bloodthirsty person at all, the girl's eyes were clear and clean, the slightly rounded arcs were restrained at the corners of the eyes, and the thick eyelashes trembled slightly. It looks bright and pure, like flowers covered with dew in the summer morning, moist and soft.

There was a glimmer of hope in Brother Hu's eyes, and he nodded desperately.

"I'm useful, don't kill me."

"Sounds really good."

Ji Ge tilted his head, as if he was considering Brother Hu's proposal.

Brother Hu breathed a sigh of relief.


The dagger was inserted in and pulled out swiftly, drawing thick blood.

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