Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1059 Survival Guide in the End Times

The man's pupils widened, frozen in disbelief.

"It's just what does this have to do with me."

Ji Ge finished the second half of the sentence slowly, his eyes shifted slightly, and he met the terrified eyes of the other people.

She curled her lips into a smile, and was not in a hurry to act, she was going to wait for the survivors in the warehouse to recover and leave them the chance of revenge.

The action just now was just in case, afraid that Brother Hu's powers would recover, and it would be bad if he broke free from the shackles of the vines and ran away.

She stretched out her hand to cover the bright sunlight, and the temperature on the back of her hand was scorching. The girl asked slowly, "Do you have any companions? Is Brother Hu the only one with a supernatural ability?"

The girl smiled kindly.

"If you're not honest, I'll send you to see Brother Hu."

Brother Hu's body was next to him, it hadn't cooled down yet, Zhao An's body was shaking violently, he looked at Ji Ge as if he was looking at a demon that suddenly appeared in the world, full of fear, he didn't understand that this seemed to be nothing more than just now How can an adult girl be so ruthless, she didn't waver at all, she killed Brother Hu with a knife.

He didn't dare to lie, and gritted his teeth.

"No more, there are only a few of us here, and Brother Hu is the only one with supernatural powers."

"That's good," Ji Ge put away the knife in satisfaction, and did not forget to add threats: "It's best not to let me find out that you are lying to me."

Her ending was long, leaving enough room for Zhao An and the others to imagine.

The girl turned around, and immediately saw Mu Ke who was following behind her step by step. The young man watched her quietly. The sense of presence was not strong, but it was hard to ignore.

"Why did you come out?" Ji Ge avoided Mu Ke's body contact, hooked the corner of the boy's clothes, shook it slightly, asked as he walked towards the warehouse, and said briskly: "It's so hot outside, why don't you stay in the warehouse?" inside."

"Look at you." Mu Ke was very honest.

His original intention was to worry that Ji Ge didn't have supernatural powers, and he was afraid of being hurt by Brother Hu or others, but the girl deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, and said cheerfully: "So Mu Ke cares about me so much."

There were small dimples on her cheeks, her hair swayed lightly, her crisp voice was lowered, and she said sweetly, "I'm really flattered."

Mu Ke didn't speak.

Ji Ge's words were obviously teasing. The young man who knew nothing about social interaction frowned and thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of suitable words to reply her, so he could only choose to give up.

Mu Ke ignored her, but Ji Ge didn't stop talking. The girl was very happy talking to herself, she bent her eyes and called him with a smile: "Brother, so you care about me so much."

Brother, the soft and lingering words came out of Jige's mouth, and they were endowed with a lingering meaning. The boy's earlobes were inevitably red, and he turned his face away in embarrassment. .

Ji Ge's mischievous heart came up, and moved to the other side of Mu Ke with light steps, and the boy turned his face away from her in the opposite direction, avoiding her sight.

The girl had no choice but to give up after trying a few times, sighed regretfully, and muttered: "Well, I know you don't like me anymore."

The young man paused, bit his slender lips slightly, and suppressed the inexplicable emotions in his heart. He was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "No."

"?" Ji Ge looked at him suspiciously.

The side face of the beautiful young man was quiet and cold, his long eyelashes fell down softly, like dense velvet, with distinct and beautiful roots.

he said lightly.

"I don't like you."

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