Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 110 Zombie King Raising Rules

Chapter 110 The Zombie Emperor’s Breeding Rules (46)

It wasn't until the third day that Ji Ge saw anyone other than Su Yeche.

Bai Mengmeng rushed over with tears in his eyes: "It's great that you're alright, Chirp. Yingying said you're still sick, so I haven't been allowed to disturb your rest."

Ji Ge subconsciously glanced at Su Yeche, who was standing at the door and looked at them worriedly, and was silent for two seconds: "I'm almost recovered from my illness. If you want to come and see me, just come."

Su Yeche didn't disturb them talking, and disappeared at the door.

Yu Ying on the side quickly patted Bai Mengmeng's shoulder: "Don't be so excited."

Ji Ge smiled, his brows and eyes showed a bit of tiredness: "What's the matter with Mengmeng looking for me so anxiously?"

Bai Mengmeng and Yu Ying looked at each other and shook their heads like a rattle: "It's okay."

"I just wanted to see Sister Lu," Yu Ying said cautiously, "Sister Lu, why didn't you come back to look for us before? You didn't know about you... After that, God Su kept looking for you like crazy, and Mingzhi threw him several times. Even my brother and Mr. Gu Li persuaded him many times, but he didn't listen."

Mingzhi is the name of the zombie boy.

"?" Bai Mengmeng, as a girl who has been single for 18 years, is extremely skeptical about the plot of such an idol drama: "Really?"

Ji Ge hadn't paid attention to the affairs of the Southwest Base since his death, so it was the first time he heard about what Su Yeche did, and he was a little curious.

Yu Ying nodded vigorously: "Really, many people in the base have opinions on this matter, and from time to time they make troubles for Su Shen and Mr. Gu Li, so Su Shen and Mr. Gu Li worked together to change the base to a new owner." .”

Bai Mengmeng was already dumbfounded. He opened his mouth and murmured, "Is there really such an affectionate person in reality? Sue."

Ji Ge's eyelashes trembled, feeling helpless and bewildered in his heart.

I seem to have done something wrong.

Ji Ge wishful thinking that Su Yeche should hate her to the core after being deceived, she deceived his trust on her own initiative, and played with the purest and purest feelings of the young man.

Ji Ge felt that her death was for the good of Su Yeche, she would not stay in the plane for long, so there was no need to get too involved with the boy.

Su Yeche is just a small episode in her life, Ji Ge can't fall in love with him, and won't fall in love with him, so it's the best way to stop the loss in time before it gets out of control.

Ji Ge slowly raised his head, biting his lips tightly.

How can she be worthy of a lover, covered in filth, with such an unbearable past, how can she like others.

Still as clean and pure as a young man like the first snow, he loves her unreservedly with the hottest heart without any defense.

Snowflakes should always be white, instead of falling in the mud and getting dirty.

"Host." The system called weakly, but there was no more to say.

Regarding Ji Ge's deeds, the system actually doesn't know much about it, and God's Domain is also secretive about it.

It only knows that its host has been imprisoned in the hell for thousands of years, has a bad personality, likes to seduce others, and withdraws the moment before they fall completely.

This is the case in the first two planes, not to mention disappointing the original owner, so there were no possible male protagonists Ji Yuanbai and Nie Xuecheng at the beginning. Just talking about Ji Yanran who loved her wholeheartedly, she could choose to leave without hesitation. plane.

Ruthless and unlucky, this is the definition given by the system to Jige.

But now...

The system found that it seemed to be a bit unable to understand Jige.

If Ji Ge was the same as the first plane, leaving without looking back, and not staying to see the follow-up development, then she would not soften her heart.

But unfortunately, Ji Ge stayed.

Ji Ge calmed down, and smiled with her lips bent: "What else, Yingying, can you tell me?"

"Sister Lu, you want to hear it," Yu Ying agreed without thinking too much, "No problem."

 Five more.

  Let me mention Haw's real identity, I won't mention it too much, I will write a long story in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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