Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 111 Zombie King Raising Rules

Chapter 111 The Zombie Emperor's Breeding Rules (End)
Su Yeche didn't come back until noon, when Yu Ying and Bai Mengmeng had already left.

In the past few days, he has been by Ji Ge's side and has accumulated a lot of affairs.

Gu Li was one of the few who knew that Su Yeche had locked Jige up. He was worried that his friend would become more and more paranoid if it continued like this, so he specifically persuaded Su Yeche.

Su Yeche hadn't planned to adopt Gu Li's opinion, but Gu Li was right in one sentence.

"Yeche, do you think little sister Xiaolu will be happy if you do this?"

will not.

Su Yeche answered in his heart, but he didn't know what to do so that Ji Ge would stay.

When he returned to the room, the boy saw the girl sitting on the bed blankly, her long hair half covering her face, but even so, Su Yeche could feel the gloom almost overflowing from Jige.

She seemed very unhappy.

Su Yeche sighed silently, still unwilling to see her in such a sluggish state, so she found the key she was carrying with her, and pulled the chain.

The boy's bending down awakened Ji Ge, and the girl's eyelashes moved. When Su Yeche opened the chain and was about to get up, Ji Ge hugged him.

This was the first time Ji Ge embraced actively after Su Yeche brought her back.

Su Yeche froze.

"Sorry," the girl said in a low voice, lying in his arms, "I shouldn't have left you, brother."

"From now on, I will always be with you." The delicate girl like a doll said with a smile on her face.

Most of the fear in Su Yeche's heart suddenly dissipated.

It turned out that what he had been obsessed with all along was just a promise made by Ji Ge.

Even if it's not from the heart.

Whether perfunctory or false.

As long as the girl personally admits to accompany her, he is willing to believe it.

"Well," the boy replied softly from his throat, with a soft expression: "Speaking of it, we must do it."

When Su Yeche went to the kitchen to cook, Ji Ge followed him step by step, but the kitchen was heavy with oily smoke, Su Yeche was afraid of choking Ji Ge, so he asked her to sit in the living room.

Ji Ge obeyed obediently, and casually picked up a novel on the coffee table to read.

"Host," the system said suddenly: "The task completion rate has improved."

Ji Ge paused slightly, and called up the task page to check it out.

Sure enough, the task completion rate has risen to 96.

Ji Ge had already given up on this plane, but now there is a sudden turn for the better. Apart from being happy, he is also a little puzzled.

Why did the task completion rate suddenly increase? !
After thinking hard for a while to no avail, Ji Ge happened to catch a glimpse of Su Yeche who was busy in the kitchen, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart.

"Could it be that mission?"

Ji Ge has two missions in this plane, one is to get revenge on the heroine, and the other is to fall in love. She originally thought that both missions have been completed, but now it seems that she may be stuck on the mission of falling in love.

In the original plot, Lu Jige, as the daughter of a wealthy family, was sought after and grew up.

However, her father is a business tycoon, and her mother is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences. Others envy her for having a good pair of parents, but the family gathers less and leaves more. She has hardly felt the love of father and mother.

The love she wants is not a short talk, but a lifetime of warmth.

So, from now on, as long as you spend this life with Su Yeche, you will complete the task.

Ji Ge is thoughtful.

At this moment, Su Yeche came out with the dishes. The young man put the plates on the dining table one by one, turned his head and called Ji Ge to eat, and tapped the table lightly with his slender fingers: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing," Ji Ge said in a soft voice, "I'm just thinking that my brother and I should never be separated for the rest of our lives."

Su Yeche paused slightly, then glanced at Ji Ge lightly: "Otherwise, where else do you want to go?"

The corners of Ji Ge's lips rose, and he said crisply: "Of course I've been staying by my brother's side."

--like you
- hug you
Those loves going around and around finally have a home.

 Six more.

  There is another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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