Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 112 Zombie King Raising Rules

Chapter 112 The Zombie Emperor's Breeding Rules (Extra)

The time has entered March, the rainy season of the last days has passed, and summer is ushered in again.

Such unpredictable weather makes people feel extremely uncomfortable.

The sky was as blue as a clear crystal, without a single cloud on it, the scorching sun was shining down, the air was filled with heat waves, and the hot people could barely breathe.

"Sister Lu," Yu Ying thumped into the room, looked at Ji Ge lying on the bed, and showed her the things in her arms like a treasure: "I found some milk, and I will give it to you at night." Let's make a fruit smoothie."

Ji Ge got up lazily, and yawned softly: "Okay."

Last year, Bai Mengmeng stayed in the southwest base for half a month and didn't want to stay any longer, just as Jige didn't want to stay in the base forever.

The two hit it off immediately, took Su Yeche with them, and the brothers and sisters of the Yu family left the base together, wandering around, and finally settled down in one place.

Before Yu Ying left the base, she had accidentally awakened the wood-type ability. The level was not high, but it was enough to produce the vegetables and fruits they ate every day.

"Tsk," Mingzhi stood beside the door, "Lu Jige, you were still a zombie king before, why did you become like this when it was hot?"

Ji Ge looked up at him slowly, without saying a word.

The ghost knows why this guy Mingzhi followed, but seeing that this guy can drive away the zombies, Ji Ge reluctantly took her with him.

"Don't say chirping like that." Bai Mengmeng grabbed Mingzhi's ear and taught him with righteous words.

"Oh, I see." Ming Zhi felt the pain, paused, and said, "Meng Meng, can you let me go?"

Bai Mengmeng snorted and let go of his hand.

Ming Zhi turned his head again and met Ji Ge's playful eyes, feeling guilty for no reason: "What are you looking at?"

Ji Ge said quietly: "Looking at you as a zombie king, you end up being bullied by a powerless girl. Is it really true love?"

Bai Mengmeng's face turned red all of a sudden, Mingzhi calmed down, he was thick-skinned, and he knew the knack of chasing girls without shame: "So what."

Now not only Ji Ge, but also Yu Ying's envious eyes on Bai Mengmeng.

Bai Mengmeng ran away, and Mingzhi quickly chased after her, leaving Yu Ying standing still and yelling: "When will it be my turn to be in sweet love?"

Gu Li just came back from the outside, and when he heard this sentence, he smiled and said: "Yingying wants to fall in love, how about thinking about me?"

Yu Ying's brother Yu Wenjin silently turned his head and glanced at him.

Gu Li: "...just kidding."

The operation of the base is thriving day by day, attracting many powerful supernatural beings to settle in, and there is no longer any need for veteran supernatural beings like them to guard it.

Su Yeche walked at the back, looking at the people in the room, he couldn't help frowning: "Why are you still here?"

Gu Li laughed angrily at the person who crossed the river and demolished the bridge: "Ye Che, you are really in love, and you don't recognize your relatives, so you despise me."

Su Yeche glanced at him, but didn't speak again, but his eyes were cold.

"Okay, I'll go." Gu Li raised his hand, and retreated with the brothers and sisters of the Yu family.

Without the light bulb aside, Su Yeche breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Jige.

Ji Ge hugged him consciously, and said softly, "Hot."

It was okay to be the Zombie King at the beginning. The body temperature of zombies is naturally low, and they don’t feel uncomfortable in such a hot day. But now that their physique has recovered, Jige has become extremely afraid of heat.

Fortunately, Su Yeche is an ice-type supernatural being, so it feels cool and comfortable to hug.

Su Yeche slowly brushed back the loose strands of hair around her ears, and asked softly, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Ji Ge's body was slightly stiff, and he buried his head in the boy's arms, not wanting to speak, but the tips of his ears were red.

My waist is still sore, it's all because of Su Yeche's mischief last night.

"Yingying asked me to eat fruit smoothie just now," Ji Ge hurriedly got up: "I'm leaving first."

It wasn't until he got away from Su Yeche that Ji Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

The task completion rate has risen to 99, and the remaining one point is still refusing to move. Ji Ge guesses that it will wait for her body to return to bed.

Ji Ge fulfilled her wish and ate the fruit smoothie, but she was a little greedy for cold, which made her toss and turn at night and couldn't sleep.

"Don't eat so much next time." Su Yeche comforted her, and helped Ji Ge rub her belly gently to make her feel better.

"En." Ji Ge nodded repeatedly.

It wasn't until midnight that Ji Ge's condition completely recovered.

The girl was about to fall asleep, but she heard the young boy speak slowly behind her.

"Chirp," the young man's tone was soft, tinged with lust, and he asked friendlyly, "Stay up late?"

Ji Ge's eyes widened, not allowing her to refuse, and Su Yeche slowly started the process of "staying up late".

Jige's heart was a little broken.


After a long while, the girl with glistening eyes was moaning and complaining about something, her slightly curly long hair was spread fluffy on the bed, like a large piece of seaweed scattered in the water.

Her fair cheeks were astonishingly red, as delicate as peach petals in early spring.

The boy said something in a low voice.

The moonlight streamed down, and it was quiet and peaceful.

 seven more.

(End of this chapter)

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