Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1102 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

The warm sunlight shines in from the top of the head, mottled and scattered golden and bright colors.

Jige shook his paw.

It's a long story about why she has claws.

This is a western fantasy plane, where there are all kinds of magical creatures, such as werewolves, elves, vampires, goblins... Naturally, the most famous dragons are also indispensable.

The original owner was a dragon, the most evil and violent black dragon among the dragon clan.

The heroine of this plane is called Lida, a beautiful and kind princess of the Kingdom of Skana. Unfortunately, on the day of the princess's coming-of-age ceremony, she was taken away by a dragon that fell from the sky. In order to save Lida, the king asked A collection order was issued across the country, promising titles and wealth to find a warrior who could rescue the princess from the evil dragon.

And the male protagonist Alger is one of the warriors called. He loves adventures. When he was young, he accidentally strayed into a secret place and was rewarded by the tree spirit. It was a sharp sword. , After beheading a lone dragon, the sword was forged a second time with the flesh and blood of the dragon, so that it could deal with the dragon.

The ending is not unexpected, that is, the warrior rescued the princess, and the two fell in love with each other, and they got together smoothly.

The original owner was the unlucky dragon whose sword was sacrificed by him.

The original owner is called Olivia, and lives in the Dragon Valley. The dragon clan has a long lifespan that is almost immortal, and the growth period is also extremely slow. The original owner is not yet an adult, and is still a cub among the dragon clan.

However, her bloodline is outstanding, and she possesses terrifying power even at a young age. She was killed by Alger purely because of bad luck. Those days were her weak period, and she ran into the male lead by bad luck.

The Dragon Clan must take revenge, Ji Ge silently looked at the task bar, the column of the original owner's wish, the first item gleaming with gold is revenge to Alger.

The original owner had never done anything bad, but in the end, he was chopped off by Alger because of his identity as a dragon, which is really a bit wronged.

So the task is reasonable.

She moved her gaze down to the second row.

"Find a princess and complete the coming-of-age ceremony."

Dragons are greedy, arrogant, self-respecting, arrogant, and full of shortcomings, but because they are too powerful, they are not easy to deal with. No one can kill an adult dragon, even an elf who is favored by the plane, and standing on the plane. The great magicians at the top of the power chain can't hurt the dragons. Their sharp claws, invulnerable scales, and unattainable magical talents are all the dragons rely on to stand proudly on top of the world.

But the dragon clan is not without suffering.

A long time ago, the Dragon Clan angered a powerful Lich, who could be said to be the most powerful existence in the world at that time. He put a curse on the Dragon Clan. Every dragon's coming-of-age ceremony must get a princess The testimony can pass smoothly.

That's why dragons love to snatch princesses.

After all, they have no shortage of wealth. Dragons love shiny gems. Every giant dragon has an unimaginable treasure house, which is not easy to show to outsiders, even cubs. During this period, he had to go to the kingdom to snatch a princess without any complaints.

Silent song supporting the forehead, this setting is really wonderful.

It's not that the dragons have never thought about breaking the curse, but the lich is born good at curses and other dark magic, but the giant dragon is not good at this, so they can only survive under the curse. (end of this chapter)

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