Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1103 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Ji Ge calculated that there were only three months left before the original owner's adulthood.

She decided to act immediately, and cultivate a good relationship with the princess she snatched before the coming-of-age ceremony.

The wings of the giant dragon covered in pitch-black scales spread out. This is a juvenile dragon that cannot be seen from the outside. Except that it is a little smaller than the adult dragon, it is already completely terrifying. It looks like a giant dragon, with sharp bone spurs growing on its back, sharp claws, and a gust of wind with a wave of its wings.

The cave is very large, enough for the activities of Jige in its original form. When the black dragon flapped its wings, its huge figure almost became an invisible shadow. The bright sunlight of the Dragon Valley fell on the body of the black dragon, and its scales were shining brightly. , shining brightly like jewels, his dark pupils scanned the wide open space in front of him, and the sparse shrubs were crushed to the ground by the blown wind.

The black dragon recalled the distribution of the lower kingdoms, and took the lead in ruling out the kingdom of Skarner, where the heroine haunted. Remembering that the kingdom of Kapacia, which is closest to the Dragon Valley, seems to have a princess, she made a decisive decision and moved towards the capital of the king of Kapacia. direction to fly.

Today is destined to be a nightmare for the capital of the king of Capacia.

The sun was bright and sunny, but the light suddenly dimmed. The residents of the capital looked up, and the figure of the giant dragon covering the sky came into view. Panicked screams, cries, and noisy footsteps all came together. It sounded, Ji Ge didn't pay much attention to it, the evil dragon lowered his head, and saw the gorgeous and magnificent palace at a glance.

At this time, the palace was also in a panic because of the sudden appearance of a dragon. The guards of the palace mustered up their courage and drew out their swords, trying to drive away the dragon. It did not cause any harm to the body of the evil dragon. It trembled and fell down one after another. Ji Ge looked around, looking for the figure of the princess.

When she caught sight of a slender figure in the garden who was guarded by a maid and fled into the palace, the system prompt sounded at the right time.

[Di, Aiweisi's current favorability: [-]]

Raiders target?

Ji Ge didn't have time to think about it, the huge claws of the black dragon fell down, and the maid who screamed to protect His Highness was pushed away. The dragon claws carefully wrapped around the body of the human princess, and then, before the arrival of the court mage, he flapped his wings and left the capital .

It didn't take long for Ji Ge to return to the residence of the Dragon Valley easily, and the claws that had been closed during the flight were loosened lightly and slowly, revealing the figure hidden inside.

Ji Ge blinked his eyes, lowered his head slightly, and looked at the attack target in front of him.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom of Capacia has a beautiful appearance, her long light golden hair is scattered and curled down her waist, her blue eyes are like the sparkling sea, sparkling and pure, her complexion is white and tender, her lips are Thin and bright red like rose petals, she stared at the evil dragon in front of her, pursed her lips slightly, with a calm expression.

No loss is the target of the raid, even if he is taken away, he is so calm.

The dragon's tail shook happily, and it was the first to say hello.

The scary-looking Black Dragon Exit had a crisp girlish voice, greeting her lively and briskly.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness, I am Olivia the Black Dragon."

The girl lifted the skirt with her slender fingers. Even though she was taken captive by the evil dragon to a strange place, she still maintained the elegant demeanor of a royal family and aristocrats, with a gentle and clear voice.

"Dear Miss Dragon," she said after a pause, "Hello, I'm Princess Aivis of the Kingdom of Capacia." (End of this chapter)

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