Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1108 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

The life of the royal family is exquisite, and as a princess, Aiweisi has received various etiquette training since childhood, and even the most demanding royal etiquette teachers will praise His Highness Aiweisi's intelligence and elegance, and Aiweisi's habits from childhood to adulthood make Aiweisi Weiss has developed a serious obsession with cleanliness, and she is extremely strict about her own tidiness.

It has been two days since I took a bath... The soft and gorgeous skirt was spread out and neatly tidied up. The girl sat on the bed dignifiedly and made a request to Ji Ge.

The black dragon recalled, "You can bathe in the lake behind, but it's too late now, let's take you there tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, my lord." Ai Weisi breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a bit unbearable for one night, at least he got the promise.

Today's dinner is no longer berries, perhaps considering the human taste, a stone bench covered with a white tablecloth is set up beside the bed, the honey cake on it exudes a sweet and rich aroma, while the warm Black tea, with a little milk, the reddish-brown color slowly blends with the milky white, and is shaken into a mild and light beautiful reddish-brown.

For the sweet taste, Ivis subconsciously glanced at Jige, and pondered for a while, did the dragon consider the taste of human girls, or did it prefer sweets?

Temporarily unable to draw a conclusion, she didn't continue to think, and took a bite of the honey cake.

I don't know where the dragons plundered these foods, or if someone in the Dragon Valley would make human food.

The honey cake is soft and sweet, and the taste of black tea is just right, diluting the excessive sweetness.

Just like last night, Aiweisi snuggled up to the dragon's claws. The girl slept soundly, with half of her face resting on her flowing long hair, looking very trustworthy. The dragon lifted her eyelids and glanced at her, falling asleep sleepily.

Thinking about bathing, Ai Weisi got up very early the next day, urging Ji Ge to take her there.

The place where the original owner bathed was a clean lake. Ai Weisi squatted down and tried the water temperature.

A little cold, but tolerable.

She lowered her eyes, and the slightly cool lake water slipped through her fingers. The water here is very clean, and there are no fish or other creatures wandering around.

Ai Weisi turned around, "My lord, please avoid it for a while."

"?" The dragon clan lowered its head in a daze. It has a pair of beautiful eyes, like the extinguished moon being swallowed up in it. "Aren't we going to wash together?"

Ivy paused, "No."

Unexpectedly, the target of the raid had such a big reaction. Ji Ge stared at her in bewilderment, fearing that she might misunderstand, and quickly explained, "I'm also a woman, so it's okay to take a bath with you."

The ferocious and terrifying Dragon Clan opened its mouth with a crisp girlish voice, no one would mistake its gender, but... the beautiful and dignified princess' snow-white earlobes turned red, and the color behind her blond hair was too light, inconspicuous.

"No," the human princess strongly resisted, "My lord, please stay away."

"Okay." Seeing the resolute attitude of the attack target, Ji Ge could only back away.

She made a random guess, maybe because she was not familiar with it, the target of the raid was embarrassed to take a bath with her.

The dragon's tail drooped dejectedly.

"A little further back." The girl's earlobes were so red that they were about to bleed, she emphasized.

The giant dragon's eyes widened in disbelief. It was obviously so far away from the target of the attack, but it ended up going back.

But I remember that the elders taught the underage dragon cubs that human beings are stubborn. If they want the princess to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony willingly, it is usually best to follow the princess's wishes.

The dragon backed away again until it disappeared from the princess's view, and the broken branches returned to their original positions, and the green branches and leaves were tilted to this side, blocking the dragon's view.

The white palm scooped up a pool of clear water, and it fell clear. (end of this chapter)

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