Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1109 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Jige could vaguely see a slender figure among the swaying branches and leaves.

Thinking of the target's rejection of sharing the bath, she guessed that the other party should be shy. After all, they are not of the same species, and it is normal for Aivis to resist.

The black dragon backed away quietly again until the opponent's figure disappeared, and at the same time blocked its hearing, waiting patiently for Aivis to come to her after bathing.

Ji Ge lay quietly among the open woods, closed her eyes and rested, until the sun was blazing and the temperature at noon poured down, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The dragon came to the lake in the blink of an eye, only seeing the scattered gorgeous dresses.

Elvis has disappeared.

The black dragon's wings fluttered rapidly, and the arrogant dragon's anger gave him a headache.

It's a pity that she trusted the target of the attack so much, but the other party took advantage of her trust and ran away.

The black dragon gritted its teeth eeriely, and the dragon's anger leaked out without any concealment, causing the small animals nearby to tremble.

She didn't let out a cold snort until she was angry, and flew up in a circle with her wings, looking for the escaped princess.

Ji Ge knew very well that Ai Weisi couldn't escape.

Because the exit of the Dragon Valley was sealed with magic, only the dragons could travel smoothly, so she was so relieved that Aiweisi was alone.

As a result, he was deceived by the other party.

The figure of the black dragon was no longer visible in the field of vision, Aiweisi got up and quickly changed the dress on his body.

The previous clothes were too bulky and bloated, not suitable for her to run around.

The girl calmly planned to escape. A random vine was used as a headband to bind her soft golden hair. The soft golden color was mixed with bright and fresh green. The incarnation of the goddess of beauty who sings praises, ethereal and beautiful.

She moved quietly and did not attract the attention of the black dragon.

Ai Weiss still remembered yesterday's route, and when she saw the familiar scenery that she deliberately wrote down as a mark, the girl's eyes shone slightly, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly. Her steps were light and did not cause any trembling vegetation.

The Dragon Valley is still the same as she saw yesterday, quiet and fresh, like a solidified oil painting, with bright and vivid colors, the human princess has changed into a skirt that is easy to move, and stepped on the fluffy grass.

However, she didn't know where she was going, and suddenly there was nothing under her feet, and Ai Weisi's pupils were slightly condensed, and she almost had no time to react, and fell into the bottom of the pit.

The girl's fair cheeks brushed against the sand, leaving fine scars.

The girl swallowed a pained low cry, looked up, and saw short tree spirits appearing at the entrance of the cave. They were curiously observing the human who appeared in the Dragon Valley, eager to try, but hesitated when they smelled the girl's breath live.

Dryads are stubborn magical creatures who like to play tricks on people. They are innocent and ignorant by nature, and they are best at wood magic.

The dryads living in the Dragon Valley reached an agreement with the dragons to take care of the flowers and plants for the dragons, and these dryads lived in Olivia's territory, so they were very familiar with its aura.

They chattered and chatted for a while. Ai Weiss couldn't understand what the dryad said, bit her lips a little annoyed, and sighed for her negligence.

It's a pity, such a good opportunity, but there is no way to escape.

The dryads dispersed quickly. They were afraid of the breath of the black dragon that remained on Aiweisi. The possessiveness of the dragons had always been amazing. Livia was furious.

The consequences would be unpredictable. (end of this chapter)

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