Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1127 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

Chapter 1127 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess (26)

Dragon Valley is no different from the way Ji Song left before.

The branches and leaves of the trees planted not far from the palace swayed. The dryads living inside sensed the familiar aura, and poked their heads out of fear and curiosity. They did not dare to show their faces, and only dared to sneak a glance at the owner of the palace.

Jige turned into a prototype, and lay down on the stone bed listlessly.

There were two people before going out, and only one person was left when they came back.

The dome is open, and the warm and bright sunlight pours down from above, shining on the black dragon's body, its scales reflect fine and brilliant brilliance, its eyelids are lazily closed, and it falls into a sleep state with no interest.

After resting for a whole day and recovering her vitality, Ji Ge was ready to dig into the wall. Concerned that the other party was a human being, and her prototype was too fierce and terrifying, she cautiously transformed into a human girl. The girl with black hair and black eyes was the top With a pair of slippery and slender beautiful dragon horns, he walked unhurriedly towards the territory of the red dragon.

Before reaching the destination, she ran into a human.

There are no human beings in the Dragon Valley. Considering that the coming-of-age ceremony of the Dragon Clan will be in a few months, the girl in front of her is obviously one of the captive princesses.

Thinking of this, she raised a kind and kind smile, ready to abduct someone with a smile.

"Hey..." Before she finished speaking, the other party covered her mouth nervously. Lida took a cautious breath and waited for a while when there was no movement around her before she happily said, "You are also the princess who was snatched by the dragon." ?"

When she saw the pair of dragon horns on Ji Ge's head, she was a little hesitant. The dragon horns were too young and childish, and the horns were smooth and round, like some kind of strange and beautiful decorations. The dragon girl blinked her eyes and realized that she might be Misunderstood something, did not explain it clearly, but made the mistake, "Yes."

When the girl smiles, her small snow-white fangs are partly visible, pressing the moist lip line, showing a bit of sharpness and viciousness, but she has a cute demeanor, her appearance is very deceptive, innocent and innocent, her cheeks are small and fair, and she can easily Can deceive others' trust, "Sister, are you also the princess who was robbed?"

As a juvenile dragon who has lived for hundreds of years, Ji Ge shamelessly called out Lida's sister.

Lida's heart was about to melt when she was called out. The girl's voice was low and soft, and she called out with confidence. She coughed, held Ji Ge's hand, and said firmly, "Don't be afraid, I will will take you out."

Ji Ge smiled and agreed.

I don't know what the heroine's expression will be when she knows the truth.

The dragon race is not a race with a bottom line, and Jige itself is not gentle and obedient, so it doesn't have any psychological burden to deceive people.

Lida took a deep breath, and walked forward cautiously with light steps.

Ji Ge guessed that she had just been abducted, and she probably didn't know where the exit was, let alone that there was a magic restriction on the exit of the Dragon Clan. Without the permission and guidance of the Dragon Clan, she couldn't get out at all. She walked like Lida, and the two tiptoed , searching for the exit of the Dragon Valley without thinking.

Ji Ge intended to help her correct the route, but Lida didn't realize that she was taken away by Ji Ge, and looked at the exit not far from her in surprise.

She lifted the hem of her skirt and was about to take a step when she suddenly felt the wind blowing from her side.

The huge figure of the red dragon appeared in sight, and Lida looked desperate, but she didn't think much about blocking Jige, and quietly clenched Jige's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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