Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1128 The Dragon Decided to Snatch the Princess

To Lida's surprise, the red dragon didn't take her away immediately, it stopped not far from her, its pupils looked irritable and vigilant, looking at Jige.

"Olivia, why are you here?"

Its voice is very thick, and it spews hot air from its nostrils, which can scare people.

Ji Ge appeased and patted the back of Lida's hand, signaling to her that it's okay, and walked out under the girl's dazed eyes. The girl bent her eyes happily, with a strong aura, and looked at the red dragon calmly and calmly, "Change Return to human form and talk to me again."

The red dragon was obviously unwilling, but the girl looked over with the corners of her lips twitching. It recalled the days when it was bullied and beaten by Olivia, and swallowed its humiliation and changed back into a human form.

The ferocious and ferocious red dragon, the scales on its body are shining under the sunlight, like flowing red magma, not to mention how bluffing it is, but its human form is a boy with a baby face. Song, the voice has not changed, but the momentum has plummeted, "Now you are satisfied."

Lida only felt that her brain could not turn.

"Well," Ji Ge nodded in satisfaction, and suggested, "Let's find a place to chat."

The Dryad served the freshly baked cake, sprinkled with chocolate chips and almonds, and the black tea was a bit sweeter. Lida took a sip absently, "So you are also a dragon?"

"Yes," Ji Ge propped his chin, looked at Lida with a smile, and took the initiative to admit his mistake, "Sister, you won't blame me for lying to you."

She bit her lip slightly, looked over pitifully, held the table knife, cut a small piece of cake and put it on the plate in front of Lida, "Sorry, I didn't mean to lie to my sister, I blame her for being too good-looking. "

Lida was so coaxed that she felt dizzy. The girl blushed and whispered, "I'm not angry."

The red dragon Flavio's alarm sounded instantly, "Olivia, don't even try to attack the princess I robbed."

"You're scaring people," Ji Ge blocked Flavio's unconscious coercion in time, with a smile in his eyes, looking forward to Lida, "But I do have something I want to discuss with my sister."

"?" Lida pointed at herself in a daze and hesitated, "Me?"

She's just a human, is there anything she can do to help a legendary creature like the Dragon Clan?
"Yeah," Ji Ge nodded briskly, she took the initiative to explain the reason for snatching her here, Lida was obviously relieved when she heard that she only needed to stay in the Dragon Valley for at most two or three months, Ji Ge proposed her own Asked, Flavio had already started to grind his teeth, "This is the princess I snatched back, didn't you bring someone back?"

"You can't beat me again," Ji Ge lazily replied, and slowly yawned, "Let's bear with it."

The dragon clan has a bad temper, and Flavio couldn't help it when he was provoked by Jige. He is also good at fire magic, and the scorching flames appeared instantly. This is the first time Lida has seen such a powerful magic attack. The fluctuation of the magic element in the middle became stronger in an instant.

Ji Ge's wrist was pressed down, the girl's wrist bones were slender and lonely, and her snow-white skin looked too fragile and fragile under the contrast of the fiery dragon, as if it would soon melt under the flames, but this white and soft palm held the flames firmly. Putting it in her palm, she joined hands together, and the dense and mighty fire dragon was extinguished silently.

"I told you that you can't beat me," Ji Ge sighed regretfully, "Why humiliate yourself."

Flavio's face was livid.

The dragon clan is very possessive, and he doesn't want to share it at all. Ji Ge's idea is very simple, he just wants to take advantage of the curse. The curse says that the dragon clan's coming-of-age ceremony must be completed under the witness of the princess, otherwise it will fail, not a single princess It is not possible to witness the coming-of-age ceremony of two dragons at the same time.

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