Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1194 Holographic Game

The surroundings were unfamiliar, and this was clearly not the place he'd been before being kicked off the line.

Yin Song slowly sat up, "Where is this?"

"Abyss," Ji Ge replied neatly and said slowly, "Stataya can't stay here anymore, and I don't really want to be a fugitive. It's no fun to be cowering all day long."

"So I ran to the abyss to grab the territory." The witch said lightly, "I'm going to see the little sweetheart. You can walk around when you wake up."

A red dot kept jumping in the system mailbox. Yin Song responded and then clicked on the mailbox.

[System: Dear player, the camp interface has been opened. You can check your camp at any time. 】

This is obviously new content added after the update.

Yin Song clicked to check and found that the camp he belonged to was displayed as Abyss.

He logged into the FAP game forum, and many people were already discussing the topic of camp. The camp could be changed, and one could choose to stay in the human camp or defect to join the abyss.

This part of the abyss is a newly opened map. Although Yin Song and Jige were accidentally teleported to the abyss before, the exploration was not clear. There is not much information about the abyss on the Internet. It is only said that it is a place abandoned by God. Players start randomly. , but will not randomly go to the abyss area.

The new PV has attracted a large number of players, who are clamoring to join the abyss and move bricks for the Queen.

Then they actually came to move the bricks.

Player: "..."

The witch has just descended into the abyss. The power of the abyss supports the newly born witch. All the big demons were taken down by her and forced to become the witch's subordinates. She built a palace in the center of the abyss as her residence.

Players who choose to join the Abyss are struggling to move bricks.

It's not quite accurate to say moving bricks. After all, this is a magical world, and many jobs can be replaced by magic. The magic of the abyss is far more violent and violent than the human world, and the environment is also worse than the human world.

Disorder and chaos are the unique style of the abyss, and only violence can protect them from surviving in the abyss.

The Stataya Empire also caused a storm because of Helena's escape. The king strictly ordered to trace the mastermind behind the prison robbery, but no clues could be found. The entire imperial capital began to panic, and a small stone would set off a catastrophe. Huge waves.

——The Holy Son Werner was imprisoned because of poor guarding.

The clergy all fell silent and watched the Pope walk out of the basement where Werner was imprisoned. The tall figure walked out for a long time before daring to speak, discussing something in a low voice.

Werner sat in the room. There was a damp and moldy feeling in the corner of the room. He exhaled slightly and remembered the conversation the Pope had with him before.

The other party stared at him with a gentle expression, but his eyesight was as sharp as an eagle.

"Werner, my dear boy, do you have any thoughts about Helena's escape?"

The Holy Son clasped his hands together and sat quietly, his silver hair falling like moonlight, spreading out a beautiful and bright color.

"Your Majesty, I am very sad about Helena's unexpected escape."

He lowered his head and touched his fingertips lightly.

The Holy Son murmured like a whisper.

"God would have forgiven her, but she rebelled against God."

"What about you," the Pope tore off the fig leaf and asked with a smile, "Dear Werner, tell me, what role did you play in it?"

He looked directly at the Pope and spoke firmly.

"I never betrayed God, and I never helped Helena escape."

(End of this chapter)

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