Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1195 Holographic Game

"Really?" the Pope said regretfully, "My lovely Son, you wasted your last chance."

He stood up and said an unclear sentence, "But this is by no means a bad thing. Light always needs darkness to set off. If there was no darkness, how could the king trust us so much?"

He smiled slightly.

"Bad boys who make mistakes must be punished. Werner will punish you to stay in the solitary room for half a month to reflect on your mistakes."

Because of the Pope's words, the Holy Son Werner was imprisoned in a solitary room.

He did not resist, knowing that the Pope might know that he had secretly provided help to Helena. This was indeed the case. Before he escorted Helena to the Holy See, he secretly gave her a magic item that was powerful enough to temporarily A powerful prop that breaks the seal and space, a one-time prop. If Yin Song and Xu Leyan's plan does not succeed, Ji Ge will escape in full view before being burned at the stake.

Therefore, Ji Ge is still a little regretful that she can no longer see the changing faces of the king and the mastermind behind the scenes, which makes her lose a lot of fun.

Not only that, even the place where Helena was imprisoned was deliberately revealed to Yin Song by Werner.

The Holy Son was speechless. He leaned against the wall quietly, listening to the whispers of the clergy who were sent to guard him outside. They said that the king was nervous because of the unusual movements in the abyss. Recently, the number of times the pope was summoned to the palace was increasing. The Holy See The power becomes more and more prominent.

He bowed his head.

In Werner's heart, the Holy See believed in the goddess, and they were the agents of the gods walking in the human world, and they should not be greedy for power in the world.

However, the Pope acquiesced in letting Helena go because of his own selfishness. Not only him, but also many nobles in the imperial capital, because of the interests involved, contributed to the situation, making Helena's escape so easy.

Werner was released after being imprisoned for half a month. In order to punish him, the Pope deliberately expelled the Holy Son and asked him to leave the imperial capital, the center of power, and go to teach the glory of God elsewhere.

The sudden loss of power of the Holy Son Werner caused a wave of restlessness in the Holy See. He had never cared much about external things, so he did not complain much about it and accepted it silently.

This attitude made the Pope a little more satisfied.

It was during this period that the second closed beta test of FAP began. This time, more player qualifications were issued than in the first closed test, setting off a wave of enthusiasm, and the discussion lasted for a full half month.

News of the witch continued to spread to the imperial capital. It was said that she built a palace in the center of the abyss, recruited many great demons, and unified the power of the abyss, becoming more and more powerful.

After receiving the news, the king did not sleep well and was not energetic the next day, so he simply asked the princess to handle government affairs on his behalf.

The princess has been involved in government affairs for a long time, so there is no difficulty in taking over the government affairs.

And the Holy Son Werner was sent out by the Pope to deal with a plague that broke out in the North.

At night, the Holy Son led the people to the town where the plague broke out.

Wearing holy robes, he calmly stepped into the town.

The residents of the town expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the Son.

The mayor came out and arranged a room for the Holy Son and his entourage to rest.

Werner didn't take much rest. He simply cleaned up the room and went to the mayor's house to learn about the situation.

"The plague has been breaking out for a long time," the mayor's old face was full of despair and despair. He looked at Werner with hope in his eyes, "Lord Holy Son, can you save us?"

(End of this chapter)

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