Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 198 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 198 You are very sweet to bite (29)

The embrace of the blood clan was already icy cold, not to mention Ji Ge's whole body was drenched, and he immediately shivered from the cold.

"Is it cold?" Roy hugged Ji Ge tightly, not knowing how he did it, the rain did not fall on Ji Ge again.

The boy raised his hand, covered the girl's eyes, and comforted in a low voice: "Don't look, it will be fine soon."

Ji Ge blinked, and the long and curly eyelashes lightly brushed over the young man's palm, bringing a gentle touch like feathers.

She responded obediently: "Okay."

The corners of Roy's lips curled up slightly, and he finally raised his eyes, the coolness in his eyes grew stronger.

The sneak attackers were intimidated by his aura and didn't dare to move for a while. Their intuition told them to run quickly, but because they couldn't disobey the orders from above, they gritted their teeth and rushed forward, feeling a little bit of luck in their hearts.

The little boy in front of him looks so good-looking, maybe it's just a fancy embroidered pillow.

Invisible Song of Jill heard a little sound at first, but it disappeared quickly.

When the girl opened her eyes again, the attackers were all dead except for the one that Roy deliberately left alive.

Ji Ge, who failed to watch the whole process, complained secretly in his heart, why did he cover her eyes, why didn't he chop Biangwei's hand before if he was afraid of scaring her.

The survivors had been taken away by Luo Yi's men, Wen Yao breathed a sigh of relief, her face turned pale, and her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

After a fierce battle, Ji Ge was not injured because she was protected by Luo Yi, but Wen Yao was not treated so well. Her arm was cut with a knife, the wound was deep enough to see the bone, and blood dripped on the ground, but After a while, it was diluted by the rain and turned into a light red.

"Yaoyao," Ji Ge's eyes widened when she saw Wen Yao's wound, she broke away from Luo Yi's embrace, and ran to Wen Yao's side: "How do you feel?"

"It's okay," Wen Yao shook her head, her eyes stopped for a moment on Luo Yi who was next to Ji Ge, and a faint trace of envy flashed in her eyes.

The boy's gaze has been focused on the girl without any deviation, anyone can see that he likes her.

It's so enviable--

The skin on the wrist seemed to be slightly hot, and there was a gorgeous rose blooming there, scorching and bright, but the youthful aura had long since faded.

Because of Wen Yao's injury, it was inconvenient for them to go back to the dormitory, so Luo Yi took her and Ji Ge back to the castle.

Seeing the wet girl hugged by Roy, the butler immediately showed his ability as Roy's most valued subordinate, and asked the servant to cook a bowl of ginger soup.

When Ji Ge came out after changing into clean clothes, the boy was sitting by the bed, flipping through some books.

Hearing the movement, Roy looked at her: "Come and drink ginger soup."

"Here we come." Ji Ge obediently walked over.

Brown sugar was put in the ginger soup, and there was a trace of sweetness in the spiciness, and Ji Ge's cold hands and feet quickly warmed up, the girl exhaled slightly, tugged at the corner of the boy's clothes, and asked with her head tilted: "Where is Yaoyao? "

"Treating wounds."

Ji Ge heard that the young man seemed to be in a bad mood. After thinking about it, he asked softly: "Luo Luo, are you angry?"

"Yeah." Roy nodded flatly, and said in a low voice, "I'm angry with myself."

No one knew how terrified Roy was when he saw that the long knife was about to hurt Ji Ge.

 One more.

  Just in time, update a wave

  Thank you little angel Abai for your tip, and the little angels for their recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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