Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 199 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 199 You are very sweet to bite (30)

The blood seemed to be frozen, and after the overwhelming panic, there was an uncontrollable murderous aura, as well as anger at his failure to protect her.

The reason why he covered Ji Ge's eyes was because he was afraid that his hostility would scare her.

What happened today will not happen again.

The crystal-clear and beautiful young man sat quietly on the bed, his long silver eyelashes drooping slightly, casting a semi-elliptical shadow on his eyelids, his pupils were clear and crystal-clear, like flawless and translucent precious gems, under his straight bridge of nose, light cherry-colored Her lips are soft and bright red, with a beautiful and fragile texture.

No one is willing to let this beautiful boy who is obviously favored by fate show such a lonely expression.

Silent Song is no exception.

The slender and petite girl climbed onto him and put her arms around the boy's neck. The distance between the two was too close, and the girl's soft cheeks rubbed against her. Her voice seemed to be soaked in honey, and her voice was too sweet: "It's okay."

"I've always believed in Luo Luo," the girl's soft lips fell on the boy's ears, and the warm breath brushed over his broken hair.

The boy's eyelashes trembled slightly.

The girl bent her eyes and said with a smile, "Lolo will definitely not let me get hurt."

[Loy's current favorability value: [-]]

The crimson pupils sparkled, and Roy was about to say something when he was interrupted by a cough.

"Sorry," Wen Yao stood at the door, followed by the embarrassed butler, and said insincerely, "I'm bothering you."

In broad daylight, immoral.

Wen Yao, who witnessed the scene just now, squinted her eyes, snorted lightly, and thought secretly.

The interrupted Roy's face was also very ugly.

There seemed to be a smell of gunpowder in the air.

"Yaoyao," Ji Ge, who was caught between the two, didn't notice anything, jumped off the bed in a hurry, almost fell down because of his haste, but fortunately, Luo Yi helped him up in time, and the boy looked at her happily Running to Wen Yao, she asked with concern, "Is your injury okay now?"

"Well," Wen Yao showed off her wrapped arms, and gave Luo Yi a provocative look: "It's already bandaged."

"That's good." Ji Ge touched the bandage carefully, afraid of hurting Wen Yao, so he didn't dare to use force: "Have you drank the ginger soup?"

"not yet."

Soon, Wen Yao was dragged away by Ji Ge to drink ginger soup to keep out the cold.

Luo Yi, who was left behind, looked even more serious, gritted his teeth and said, "Tell Luo Yin, come and take his people away."

"Yes." The butler, who tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, quickly agreed, not daring to stay any longer.

The wind and rain were violent, and the heavy rain showed no tendency to stop at all, and there were water marks on the glass windows.

When Luo Yin arrived, Ji Ge was already tired from chatting and almost fell asleep, and Luo Yi had carried him back to his room, leaving Wen Yao alone, staring at the scenery outside in a daze.

"Who did it?!" Luo Yin suddenly appeared in front of Wen Yao, with a little anger in his eyes.

Who is so eager to court death that he dares to touch his people? !
"It's okay." Wen Yao was taken aback when she saw Luo Yin, and replied slowly.

Luo Yin frowned, didn't say anything, just took a step forward, and said concisely: "Open your mouth."

"?" Wen Yao was puzzled, but Luo Yin didn't mean to explain to her, and repeated in a cold tone: "Open your mouth."

Mindful of the disparity in strength between the two, and the fact that she is now a sick patient, Wen Yao followed her advice.

 Two more.

  Both Haw and Yaoyao think each other is a tough guy.

  I came back to revise the article during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I will update it now.

(End of this chapter)

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