Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 204 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 204 You are very sweet to bite (35)

Only then did the faces of the two become serious.

Ji Ge put down the drink in his hand: "An'an will be fine, I'll go to the bathroom to find her."

Wen Yao disagreed with this opinion: "It's not safe to place orders now, let's go together."

Ji Ge thought for a while, but did not refuse: "Okay."

There were not many people in the bathroom, Ji Ge raised his voice, and tentatively called Zuo An'an's name several times, but there was no response.

Wen Yao gave Ji Ge a look, and the two rummaged through the compartments one by one. When Wen Yao opened the door of the innermost toilet, they saw Zuo An'an lying on the ground unconscious.

The girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and an overly sweet and strong aroma filled the air at some point. She opened her mouth, and before she could speak, she passed out.

Not good, Jige!
At the same time, in the old villa thousands of miles away, the noble young man who was incompatible with the surrounding environment suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned cold inch by inch, and a blizzard set off under his eyes.

His response to Jige was deliberately cut off.

The teleportation of the blood race is not unlimited, and it cannot be teleported such a long distance. When Luo Yi hurried to the place where Ji Ge was finally sensed, only the unconscious Wen Yao and Zuo An'an were left on the scene.

"Xiao Xuehun?" Luo Yin, who followed closely behind, put away the cynicism on her face, checked her current situation, and concluded: "It's a special drug, those people came prepared."

But, why is it a silent song? !

The young man took a slight breath, his face was ugly like never before.

Today, Ji Ge didn't bring the little bat because he was going to go shopping with Zuo An, An Wen Yao, so Luo Yi didn't realize that something was wrong with her in time.

This is the second time the girl has had an accident in front of him.

"Look for it." The young man's voice was extremely cold, his light cherry-colored lips were slowly tightened, and a momentary danger was brewing: "Check the whole, blood race—"

Ji Ge woke up from a coma, and in front of him was a simple and clean room.

Both hands and feet were chained, Ji Ge moved his sore hands and feet slightly, and the thick iron chains collided with a crisp sound.

The effect of the drug has not yet passed, Ji Ge now feels dizzy and uncomfortable.

She tried to sit up straight and asked the system: "Can you find out my current location?"

"Yes," the system quickly replied, and added a thoughtful sentence: "Host, do you need to send your current location information to the target? He will come to rescue you."

"No need." Unexpectedly by the system, the girl refused and quickly closed her eyes to rest.

The current situation was originally brought about by her efforts.

All kinds of signs indicate that the organization that lurks in the dark in the original plot is inextricably linked to the life experience of the original owner.

Since Ji Ge wants to use this body to live on this plane for a lifetime, it is natural to figure out these things.

As soon as I mentioned this Jige, I felt heartbroken. The dog system didn't tell me that if I chose the strategy mode, I couldn't leave the plane in advance. Even if I committed suicide, I had to stay in the plane until the target of the strategy was back to bed before leaving.

What's more, once the strategy mode is selected, it cannot be changed.

This organization has expended so much effort to capture Ji Ge, even at the cost of offending a blood prince, so what they want must not be small.

They won't stand it.

Ji Ge thought firmly.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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