Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 205 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 205 You are very sweet to bite (36)

As Ji Ge expected, after a while, the door was opened, and a group of people entered one by one.

Ji Ge opened his eyes, and unexpectedly discovered that there was an acquaintance among them.

——Bian Wei, the daughter of the elder whom I had offended.

The girl was as arrogant and domineering as ever. The hand that was cut off by Roy had grown back. She raised her chin slightly and said with a sneer, "Now that Roy is not here, let me see how you can save yourself, Cheng Jige."

She bit the last three words hard, showing a bit of irony inexplicably.

The petite girl was paralyzed on the ground, and her slender wrist was lined by a thick iron chain, which gave her a sense of fragility that could be broken at any moment, which made people feel pitiful.

Her brows and eyes were closed and weak, but her aura was no less than Biangwei's, and she said lightly, "Even without me, Roy wouldn't like you."

A simple sentence pierced Biyoung's heart.

The girl's complexion changed all of a sudden, and she raised her hand in anger, wanting to slap Ji Ge without even thinking about it, but was stopped in time by the people beside her.

"Miss Biangwei, calm down." A sentence without emotional fluctuations really calmed the angry Biangwei, she stopped and snorted coldly: "Remember the agreement between us. "

After finishing speaking, the girl turned around and left arrogantly like a peacock.

Biangwei knew that she couldn't have anything to do with Jige's disappearance, at least not on the surface, otherwise, once this matter was exposed, the family would face Roy's revenge.

She can't afford that price.

Ji Ge glanced at the man, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

It is definitely not easy for the impulsive and irritable Bi Angwei to be so obedient.

"Miss Cheng, don't be nervous," the man smiled, and the smile was kind, but whether it was true or not was still open to question: "After all, it's based on blood relationship, you still have to call me grandpa."

What the hell? !
Ji Ge almost couldn't hold back the expression on his face, and his whole body split open.

The person in front of him looked extremely young, his skin was smooth and clean, and there was no trace of wrinkle on his face. Only his snowy white hair showed that he was not too young.

"Don't be so surprised," the old man looked at Ji Ge, as if he was mentioning a kitten and puppy, and said with some regret: "Your father should be my unfilial son, but unfortunately, he doesn't want to join us."

There was finally a hint of coldness and fanaticism in his tone.

Ji Ge pursed her lips. After all, she had seen so many storms, she quickly calmed down, and thought of a more critical question.

Her father was a human being, but the silver ring obviously belonged to a vampire.

So, who is her mother? !
Ji Ge had a hunch in his heart that he would get the answer to this question soon.

"Take her for an examination." Without mentioning the previous incident, the old man gave a middle-aged woman beside him a wink, and led the rest of them away.

"Miss Cheng, I'm sorry." The woman wore a mask and a hat, wrapped herself up tightly, and the eyes that fell on her occasionally flashed a trace of complexity.

Jige was taken to a modern laboratory, where he underwent a series of cumbersome examinations, and two tubes of blood were taken away.

The body was re-injected with a potion of unknown use, his hands and feet trembled slightly, and he had no strength to resist at all.

The blood draw completely stepped on the limit of the human body, and when she was sent back to the room, the girl's face had turned as pale as paper.

She was extremely uncomfortable, and gasped for breath, biting her lip to resist the discomfort in her body.

"What's wrong with that painting?" Ji Ge suddenly asked as the woman was about to leave the room.

 Five more.

  The revision of the pre-received profile next door failed, and the profile will be changed later.

  The same is quick wear.

(End of this chapter)

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