Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 215 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 215 You are very sweet to bite (46)

"What?" The smile on the corners of the young man's lips remained unchanged, and he looked at her with raised eyebrows: "Xiao Xuelian, don't you welcome me?"

Wen Yao felt a bit of a headache, obviously she was no longer a blood hunter, but Luo Yin still insisted on this title.

She subconsciously looked at Ji Ge, her eyes revealing a hint of distress.

Unexpectedly, the butler suddenly came over in a hurry and said a few words to Ji Ge. They used the secret method of sound transmission unique to the blood race. Wen Yao didn't know what the two talked about, but only saw the girl Shi Shiran Standing up, she said with a smile: "Yaoyao, I have to go out first."

"What's the matter?" Filia leaned out and asked curiously.

Ji Ge didn't intend to hide it, and simply said three words: "Bi Angwei."

Felia was taken aback, sat back down again, and muttered at the same time: "She's not dead yet."

The blood race is naturally ruthless and unlucky, and Filia didn't care about Bi Angwei's death, but it was a little strange that Luo Yin hadn't killed her after so long.

After Ji Ge left, Wen Yao became more and more restless. She avoided Luo Yin's sight, and just about to say something, Philia stood up before her, coughed and said solemnly: "It's getting late , I'll take a step first."

Wen Yao: "..."

Luo Yin gave the witty Filia an appreciative look.

Ji Ge walked through the dark corridor, looked at Bi Angwei who was lying limp on the ground in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Long time no see, Miss Bi Ang Wei."

After Luo Yi put Bi Angwei in the dungeon, he didn't talk to her again, and waited for Ji Ge to come back and deal with her personally.

Bi Angwei opened her eyes. Even though Roy didn't deliberately make things difficult for her, the housekeeper was not a good one. He deliberately explained to the guard that as long as Bi Ang Wei was alive, everything else was free.

Therefore, the once arrogant and domineering eldest lady has suffered a lot during this period.

Biangwei tried her last strength to get up, and wanted to get close to Jige, but because of the chains, she couldn't even do this simple movement. The girl's eyes were filled with fear, and she said in a hoarse voice: "Cheng Jige, Please, let me go."

Biangwei regretted it, sincerely regretted it.

The torture of these days has worn down her arrogance to nothing. Now she doesn't want to be with Roy anymore, as long as she gets out alive.

Ji Ge took a step back and smiled brightly.

It was at this time that Biangwei realized that Ji Ge seemed a little different now.

The young girl's appearance is bright and gorgeous, with silver-gray long hair hanging down to her waist, her crimson eyes are pure and clear, her skin is too white, even in a dungeon with dim light, she still looks ridiculously good-looking.

It's not like an ordinary human being, and it's not like a blood partner who was embraced for the first time.

A bit of fear suddenly arose in her heart.

"No," the girl's tone was soft, without any threat, revealing some genuine doubts, she looked like a well-behaved cat, but also like a wolf cub who chooses people: "According to the laws of the blood clan, Murdering the queen should be a capital crime."

The butler bowed slowly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Bi Angwei's eyes widened, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

Ji Ge blinked: "Then I can rest assured, Miss Biangwei, have a good journey."

Naive and cruel, like a heartless little devil.

Extremely cool.

Before going out, Roy explained that Ji Ge didn't have to do it himself to kill Bianwei, so the housekeeper politely asked Ji Ge to go out, and they were going to do it.

Ji Ge briskly left the dungeon, and when she heard Bi Angwei's screams faintly behind her, the corners of her lips raised slightly.

One more solution.

 Three shifts.

  I went to get new glasses in the afternoon, so I came late.

  ...It's really stupid. Things like sitting and standing can also happen to the author as an adult, and finally walk back.

(End of this chapter)

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