Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 216 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 216 You are very sweet to bite (47)

A few days before Ji Ge's succession ceremony, she welcomed distinguished guests.

——Several blood races from abroad.

The blood race originally lived abroad, but because the blood hunting was too powerful at that time, many blood races were hunted down. The queen had to make the decision to leave her homeland for the continuation of the population.

Of course, some blood clans left with the queen, but there were also blood clans that were unwilling to leave their homes, and these blood clans that remained were headed by a powerful prince.

Since the queen and those blood races came to China, the blood races have been split into two factions.

Although foreign blood races do not have such a powerful weapon as the holy ring, with the gradual decline of foreign blood hunting, they are no longer restrained in dealing with blood hunting.

Ji Ge personally received these distinguished and special guests.

"Your Majesty looks really good-looking." The girl bent her eyes to look at her, and said with a smile.

The blood clan who came next to her coughed to remind them that this little princess should at least be more solemn on such a serious occasion.

"What's the matter?" Secia glanced over, smiled softly and said, "Is Tia feeling unwell?"

Facing Secia's gaze, the girl immediately turned her face away, and said in a stiff voice, "Your Highness, there is not."

Secia snorted softly, smiled again, and continued chatting with Jige.

The girl's appearance is exquisite, her appearance is a little cute, and her cheeks are still a little baby fat. She smiles before she speaks, giving people an illusion of being very close.

But Ji Ge knew that this was the leader of this group of messengers, the only heir of foreign princes, and he would not be as harmless as he seemed.

After a bit of wrangling, the few people finally got to the point. Secia dragged her cheeks and pouted, "Father wants to bring us here together, so I specially asked Cecia to find out about Ji Ge's sister."

"I was worrying in vain before," Secia nodded her forehead with her fingertips, and said in a coquettish tone, "How could someone as beautiful as Sister Jige cheat us?"

Ji Ge knew that this sentence was the key point. The migration of blood races from abroad was a major event, which would have a great impact on the current situation of blood races, so she didn't agree with it and just muddled through.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Secia ended the meeting with the excuse of exhaustion.

The place where they live now is the queen's bedroom that has been renovated. Before their arrival, Lone Song specially asked the servants to prepare several high-quality guest rooms for them.

"It's a little different from what I imagined." Secia said to himself.

The others didn't dare to disturb her, and followed the little princess step by step, and walked towards the guest room under the leadership of the servant.

Suddenly, the servant bowed and saluted: "His Royal Highness."

A slender young man walked towards him, with a beautiful and exquisite appearance, silver-haired blood eyes, and a cold expression. He was as beautiful as the sculpture of a god that Secia had seen before. He was tall, elegant and dignified.

Even when he saw them, the boy didn't intend to stop to greet them, he just nodded slightly to them, and then continued to walk forward without looking sideways.

Secia gasped, and after returning to the guest room, she grabbed the hand of the blood race next to her and asked, "Tia, do you know who that blood race is?"

Tia flipped through the information in his mind, and replied: "I heard the servant call him Your Highness Roy, so he should be the rumored Prince Roy."

"But your highness, why are you asking this?" Tia was a little dazed.

Secia smiled, the smile was sweet and tired: "Because I felt like falling in love with him at first sight."

Hearing this, Tia's expression suddenly became frightened.

 Four more.

  In fact, I was too lazy to choose a name at the beginning, so I took a bunch of foreign names, but the male lead and male supporting role are both Chinese names, so there are problems no matter how you look at it, so I still tried to round it up.

(End of this chapter)

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