Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 219 You Are Sweet To Bites

Chapter 219 You are very sweet to bite (part [-])

*Loy extra
Dark clouds covered the moon, and a bloody and intense fight was going on in the palace.

The knight commander guarding the palace looked at the fallen companions beside him, and couldn't help showing a look of despair in his eyes.

The comer has been conspiring for a long time and is powerful. It seems that this struggle is doomed.

After the blood race died, even the corpse would not be left behind, it would only be scattered into light dust in the air.

This kind of race has the longest life span, but it also happens to be the one most afraid of death.

The rebellious prince cut off the enemy's head with a long sword, and his eyes couldn't help showing a bit of joy.

Surrounded by the blood clan, she walked into the meeting hall.

The woman sitting on the main seat had a complex expression, moved her lips, and said in a somewhat dejected way: "I really never thought that you would harbor such evil intentions."

She muttered to herself: "Sister."

"Does Your Majesty still want to resist?" The prince sneered, with deep jealousy and unwillingness hidden in his eyes.

Obviously she is a twin sister, obviously she was born earlier than her younger sister, obviously her talent is far better than her younger sister, but it is because the holy ring chose her younger sister, so she has to live in the shadow of this younger sister who is inferior to her everywhere.

Seeing her approaching step by step, the Queen suddenly sighed, turned her head to the side and said, "I'm sorry for your trouble, Your Highness Roy."

Hearing this, the prince's movements suddenly stopped, his eyes showed a bit of panic and astonishment.

The side door of the conference hall was pushed open, and a slender and tall young man walked out from it. His appearance was beautiful and immature, and there was still a bit of greenness that had not yet grown up, but his eyes were surprisingly cold.

He raised his hand without saying a word, and a sharp dagger was held, and the blade reflected a cold and bright light.

With just one knife, the prince who was born with the queen died under Roy's dagger.

The Queen looked at the sky, her eyes vaguely filled with melancholy and sadness, but she was somewhat relieved, and said to Roy in a warm voice, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your help."

The young man glanced at her, his expression calm, and he said concisely: "I'm not helping you."

"It's the queen's death. It will be very troublesome if the holy ring has no owner."

Before the words fell, the boy's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

At this time, Roy didn't know Jige yet. The boy's personality was cold and alienated, and because of anemia, he often fell into a dormant state, or intentionally or unintentionally cut off all contact with the outside world.

The young man was too cold and dazzling, no blood race thought that he would fall in love with a human in the end.

Until, many, many years later, the embarrassing human girl Yin Yue broke into his territory by accident, and the sweet breath of blood awakened the prince who had been sleeping for a long time.

His blood-colored pupils clearly reflected the vigilant figure of the girl, and he asked lazily, "Human?"

And this glance is the beginning of the fall.


Many years later, Ji Ge attended Wen Yao's wedding, and she finally chose the first embrace, and they got together smoothly with Luo Yin.

After returning to the castle, the girl suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously, "Lolo, why do you like me?"

The girl lay on the boy's lap, her long silver-gray hair poured down like quicksilver, revealing a small porcelain-white face no bigger than a palm.

This is also a problem that has always troubled Ji Ge. Logically speaking, she has never met this main god. When she came to God's Domain, he had already entered the small plane to experience.

But the strange thing is that every incarnation of the main god in the small planes actually fell in love with her.

Roy reached out and rubbed Ji Ge's long hair, his bright red lips pursed slightly: "I don't know either."

"Probably, I felt the heartbeat at the first sight."

There is no reason to love someone.

When she appeared, everything was reduced to a foil, and only this touch of color that cannot be ignored was unforgettable.

Like you, may be engraved in my blood, the established destiny.

— Lowy

 seven more.

  When writing the extra episode, I sometimes feel that the hero’s relationship progresses too fast, and some content is not suitable for writing in the main text, so I write it in the extra episode.

(End of this chapter)

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